A sequel? What? it's just a spin-off of the main series that is before the main story takes place
well there're only two episodes out right now (I've only seen the first) so it's up to you. But it was following the manga for the most part. They added a little about Tsugumi's life before she went to the DWMA at the start but that's about it. Worth a watch if you like the manga I guess.
whats in that FUCKS folder
what the heck kind of horse manure is -0
by lying to yourself
but where else could i make a text post??
embrace it
i wish I could understand this
he under cover gettin tugg like pow pow rn tbh so stfu
Attack on Yaoi Fangirls Reunite! Season 2 - Eren Boners for Levi, 11:30 p.m. only on Toonami.
yea she's right.
way to show everyone up i'll have you know I had a whopping 1 alert when i got on a few hours ago
does saying I'm a redhead justify anythi-*shot*
I don't think it made me cry at all though. :c then again only a select few anime have
I guess that makes sense then, doesn't it?