OOC: I was just making a crude reference to that Transformers Rp you had sent me a link to earlier. Anyway, send me the link, now. I'm board...
OOC: God, Pirate. And what other site? I've been meaning to join other Rp's that don't require much effort...
OOC: Your clearly becoming sickly obsessed with that pokemon RPG I can't join, Pirate. Your forgetting who Pharell Titan even is!
OOC: I have the original quoted in my response, and it says you edited it...
OOC: A moment ago it said Clancy, Pirate...
A sniper bullet flew past Pharell's head...
Alpa and Skinnar walked down the hall. "My Hairis, I think your gonna like your ship," Alpa commented as they reached the right dock. There was only one ship parked, a small four person flyer. "That thing can barely go beyond the planets surface," Skinnar commented. "How the hell do you expect me to reach Destiny Islands in that thing?" "I don't sir, the ship we are look for is docked in the skies," Alpa explained, getting in the ship. The two took off from the dock and flew into the skies. Skinnar looked hard out the window of the ships as they got higher and higher. The cloud around them slowly flew apart to reveal the A.S. Juggerknot, the massive Gummi Ship that the U.P.A. Captain's would fly. "Why... thats my ship, the part of the ninth series," Skinnar muttered. "I used that when I was in the race for Supreme Captain, those years ago... I thought it was put into retirement, what's it doing here?" "Part of the U.O. alliance was that Ulfire get all retired U.P.A. ships," Alpa explained. "We got yours. I think its only fair you get it back..." *** The troops came to a halt, still a fair amount away from the ships. One troop pulled his sniper rifle out and aimed right for Pharell...
Alpa, Skinnar, and all of the other Ulfire soldiers turned at the sound of the crash. "Check it out," Alpa ordered, sending a few of his men towards the sound. "Take extreme precautions, gentlemen," Skinnar said to them as they passed. "Anyway, my Hairis, your ships this way," Alpa said, escorting Skinnar down a hall...
Skinnar jumped out of the ship and walked towards the nearby Commander. "What madness is this?" Skinnar asked the Commander roughly. "My Gran Hairis Skinnar," Commander Alpa said, giving a slight bow. "A Pharell Titan and a Ulian Ecko have, uh, caused a ruckus here at the base, sir." "I really don't care," Skinnar replied. "Prepare a ship for... long distance space travel?" "How long a distance, sir?" Alpa asked. "Try Destiny Islands," Skinnar replied.
Skinnar arrived in the panicked docking bay of the Ulfire base...
OOC: Now might not be the best time to introduce him, just cause' its almost gonna be the end of the thread soon. The end of the seasons, all of them.
Skinnar... took off towards the Ulfire base...
Skinnar quickly jumped back in the ship and started taking off...
The bullet flew backward because of Skinnar's body armor. Skinnar grabbed the side of the ship in pain and slowly turned to Pharell. "Mr. Titan, you don't want to piss me off," Skinnar muttered, letting his trenchcoat drop. On his armored U.P.A. vest Skinnar had hundreds of pistols, rifles, and grenades attached. Skinnar pulled his RPG out and launched it at Pharell...
"Huh," Skinnar muttered. "Now thats a damn shame." Skinnar suddenly head-kicked Pharell to the side, before entering the cockpit of the Ulfire fighter ship...
Skinnar glanced to the side, "I need to do my duty. You see, there's a U.P.A. army following your friends Niles and Saak and the Light users at the Skypit. Its actually the U.O.'s army, sorry, and the leading commanders are Crapo and Cotaxus. They will destroy your friends and take the Virus from Wing once he arrives at the Skypit, thinking that its a friendly army waiting for him." Skinnar looked down at Pharell. "I need to make sure it goes as planned. And to do that I have to make way for Destiny Islands with all haste. Now, if you even have an ounce of loyalty left in you, even a tidbit of care for the great Sora System then you will let me do my duty, Mr. Titan."
Skinnar sighed, "I'm afraid, Mr. Titan, I need your ship."
"You insane, man." Skinnar replied, "I'm Trencoaty McGee, the noble Jahootian hitchhiker."
"IM TRENCHCOATY MCGEE!!!" The man in the trenchcoat yelled, even though was obviously Skinnar with a fake mustache...