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  1. Nulix
  2. Nulix
  3. Nulix
    Profile Post

    DIE-NO-MITE (lala)

    DIE-NO-MITE (lala)
    Profile Post by Nulix for DarKnight36, Jun 11, 2009
  4. Nulix
  5. Nulix
  6. Nulix
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Nulix for Pirateguywithapplepie, Jun 11, 2009
  7. Nulix
    Why, hello Cursetail..........
    Profile Post by Nulix for curse_tail, Jun 11, 2009
  8. Nulix
    OOC: Whenever I'm directing the plot we never have any problems............ just sayin'... And Jaxed, the last segment where we were actually building up on a story (like an Rp' should) was just before we started fighting all these people. It was when we were in the ship, fighting Vecked I think.
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Nulix
    OOC: Make them have life's, make them retire, have a nice life. Or have a crazy plot twist where one member kills the rest. Anything but what your doing...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nulix
    OOC: Plus we are really slowing things down with random fights... so...

    And yeah, I try to make things fun. I try to add some sort of mystery to stuff to my characters. Have the UO travel around and have them meet random, funny characters... like Ouegh. I don't just have a random outline saying we have to fight this guy, then this guy, then this guy. I actually try to have the characters travel and have cool interactions... and I'll admit, this rp hasn't been fun since we captured Skinnar, back on that one world. That was our last really fun Rp season, and the more interesting, definitely.

    Not to criticize you too much, Dk. But your doing the exact same thing in this Rp as the guy is in the comic book rp, the one your complaining about. Your just sending our characters on random fights that are impossible to beat, and we're supposed to stay interested? No, thats why I love the Kingdom Hearts saga, because it was literally traveling and meeting characters the whole time. Just a whole lot of classical traveling and Rp'ing, and it had the best story line of all our time here (maybe).
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nulix
    Profile Post

    I love you so much...

    I love you so much...
    Profile Post by Nulix for Finale, Jun 10, 2009
  12. Nulix
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Nulix for Pirateguywithapplepie, Jun 10, 2009
  13. Nulix
  14. Nulix
    Profile Post


    Profile Post by Nulix for Pirateguywithapplepie, Jun 10, 2009
  15. Nulix
  16. Nulix
    Profile Post

    NO w

    NO w
    Profile Post by Nulix for Finale, Jun 10, 2009
  17. Nulix
  18. Nulix
    OOC: Tera Roth should just stay dead...
    Post by: Nulix, Jun 9, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nulix
  20. Nulix