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  1. Nulix
    Alyt nodded slowly, before following Dyran...


    Vecked sat back in his hotel bed. The Virus was in a box which he kept in his knapsack. He always wore his knapsack. He had a contact keeping an eye on the Ultimate Organization. He would know when they had a stable portal ready. For now, Vecked was just taking it easy. For the last three days he had stayed at a small inn deep within one of the western WTNW forests. It was in a small village, with a very well kept community. There only had one other customer since Vecked was there, a hiker and his son, stayed for a night and then left. Vecked felt sorry for the old couple who ran the bar, Favro and Alisha. He decided to stay here for the rest of his wait unless the village became unsafe. He spent a lot of money at the inn, and the bar downstairs as well. He had a little bit saved up, close to two-thousand, so he decided to give it to Frank and Alisha, the inn and the bar. They needed the business.

    Vecked raised the heat in the room slightly. The western forests were freezing even though it was about to be summer. Vecked began to shuffle through his knapsack, which was right next to the heater controls on the wall. He pulled out two items. A small portable Net-Radio, and the Virus box. He liked watching the Virus. It made him feel like he had won something great and had a trophy to prove it.

    Veced fell back down onto the bed, letting the radio and the Virus box fall with him. They both landed softly on the bed. Vecked tuned the radio to the right station, 98.9. Three major computer companies were going to be on the Stern Stewart show, Alex Frix representing Globokahn Computers, Jenji Kazuharu representing Blitz Interactive, and Nulix Princeton representing Princeton Computers.

    Once Vecked turned it to the station Nulix's lively voice filled his ears.

    "Well yes, I mean, we started out as a subdivision of our good friend Mr. Frix over there, or actually Mr. Sakura Globokahn himself, but then we branched out... um, obviously we are the cheapest company using the Maxilo tech not to mention the first, so people like, or companies like, uh, like Fava. The Toystation Six, big console, coming out... or planned to come out next year some time, Christmas I think, they come to us, say, we want your tech for our, uh, our gaming platform. So, to say we are reliant on Globokahn still is ridiculous..."

    "But, Mr. Princeton, you still must have some reliance on Globokahn, I mean... you've only been around since late November, you can't have cut all ties, right?"

    "No, no, Stern, your right... I mean, distribution of our first product is all, the Princeton 1, is still going through Globokahn's hands but other than that we are doing good. We are doing good."

    "Alright... now, I wanted to talk to you about this, uh, Ultimate Organization you were involved in-"


    "Can you tell us about that?"

    "Um, it was just a sort of active, um, protest group who had a lot of information about a lot of things involving the uh Sora War. I mean, it started with the war between the colonies and the main star system over resources, right? And then the Dai Jee group led by the notorious Hojan, who is safely behind bars, and later Raijin, who's now dead, came and attacked. And then we won that and we get bombed, so we invade. The Dark World blew Destiny City's town hall up they should expect a war from that, ya know? And we successfully destroyed the threat there. Now, the most dangerous the War got was when the Six Sora System thing was initiated. That was a large lack of faith in the Gran Aigo for a lot of people but the truth was most planets outside the inner rim were targets for nuclear attacks. A lot of people blame the, uh, the guy on the loudspeaker, Lexicon Kluppel, for the Six Sora System mess but really it was just too rushed to be predictable. We needed to move everyone to safety. And now everyones back, we have a great Commander-in-chief, Rentu Skinnar, my heart goes out to him, and the new alliance between the systems, Ulfire especially, I think its great. We really are doing great, we're recovering, and the great thing is even though were weak we are united with the rest of the systems, ya know? I'm glad that finally, in the 23rd century, we've reached a place where, you know, our governments are constantly united and helping each other back up. As long as we have that, nothing can destroy us."


    "Sorry, just my... little political clear up thing there."

    "Not a problem. Ladies and gentlemen, Nulix Princeton. Now Mr. Kazuharu-"

    Vecked switched off the radio. It was about time he head to bed.


    The Gran Aigo bit down on his knuckle hard. On the screen before him was the Prime Minister of Ulfire, saying some very harsh things.

    "We want Destiny Islands. Your weak, you've raged war too many times." The Prime Minister explained. "Your system is dying. Now, you could give us half of Destiny Islands and we could make it the official U.O. capitol or we could storm you. And the other systems would take our side, trust me, my Gran Aigo. They don't want to go against us. So what do you say? We could either end the Sora System in the next five years or you could just give us half of your capitol world, eh?"

    The Aigo gritted his teeth. "Fine."

    The Prime Minister smiled, "See... everything is better when we get along. We will move the troops into the Gold Coasts after the Virus is caught and the Brotherhood is exterminated."

    "We're doing the Brotherhood extermination after the Virus, right?" The Aigo asked.

    The Prime Minister nodded, "Can't have two problems at once, can we? I'll see you on tuesday, alright? See ya."

    "See ya," The Aigo muttered as the screen dimmed down. "He's gonna move troops towards our capitol," An advisor said, "He's gonna invade us. And the way its going, we won't be able to stop him."

    "Our economy is suffering," Another advisor added, "Our major export, space flight and weapons, has all been taken over by Ulfire. Ya know who the small planet's are buying from now? Not Sora, not anymore, now its Ulfire. We have no major exports, no money coming in. We won't be able to pay for weapons or weapon projects. I don't see how we can pay the U.P.A. any longer, and without military we have nothing to stop an invasion."

    "We don't have a major export now," The first advisor replied, "But I think, in a year or so, we might. We are the first System to create the Maxilo computer system, and the first to distribute it. A young company, came out late last year, Princeton Computers, they are the first ever to sell the Maxilo computer."

    The Aigo looked up, "And you think, through this, we can make computers our biggest export and thus make us be able to pay our soldiers to fend Ulfire back? You understand that world leaders aren't looking for video games, right? They are looking for guns and cars! A computer won't help them get either of those!"

    "It helps them get both of those, actually," The advisor explained. "Weapons need computers. A weapon that can launch itself in an emergency, a weapon that can repair itself, a weapon that can drive itself is something the rest of the world will want. And to do that, they need a Maxilo computer. A Princeton computer. We can save Sora with this..."

    The Gran Aigo sighed, "Call this Princeton kid up. A want him to have funding, I want him to have a lot of funding. I want this computer to get us money, understand? Go... do it."


    Ecko heard footsteps coming from down the hall, "Looks like Ulfire soldiers are a comin', Mr. Titan," He said to Pharell...
    Post by: Nulix, May 26, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Nulix
    Alyt paused for a second, before running after Dyran. "Enigma didn't tell me, actually..." Alyt said as she approached...
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Nulix
    Alyt looked at Dyran wide eyed, "Tera Roth? Or... who are you?"

    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Nulix
    Skinnar nodded, before grabbing the body and stuffing it into a bag...


    Alyt looked up to find the source of the voice...
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Nulix
    "But your a friend of Tera's as well!" Alyt said, skipping over the blades and jumping to the side. "I though you would be like A friend of Tera's a friend of mine but I guess not..."

    Alyt suddenly raced forward, slashing her broadsword as she did. Falcon dodged this and readied for Alyt to attack again from the other side. Alyt did just that, doing the same basic attack only coming from the left instead of the right...


    Skinnar glanced up, "Its a secret..."
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Nulix
    Skinnar glanced at Highwind, "So... can I keep the corpse?"


    "So why did you attack me?" Alyt asked...
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Nulix
    Skinnar began to rapidly fire. Some shots fly by the head, by most of them hit. "Captain Geech, I'm not sure if this is working!" Skinnar yelled to Highwind...


    Alyt pulled her broadsword up, in a defensive stance. She wasn't quite sure what this Brotherhood member was playing at, first attacking, then running, and then trying to engage in conversation. "You knew Tera?" Alyt asked, her guard still up...


    Ecko stretched, "So, Cap'n, what's the escape plan from this red base, eh?"
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Nulix
    Skinnar pulled his pistol out and aimed. "Goodbye rusky," He muttered, before pulling down the trigger. He had aimed perfectly for Wirdikov's forehead...


    "Wait! Who are you!" Alyt yelled, trying to run after her attacker...

    OOC: I'm just keeping the Alyt/Falcon thing up because I think a conversation between the two would be awesome...
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Nulix
    Ecko nodded, "Can walk but I can't fight..."


    Skinnar nodded in understanding...


    Alyt threw her blade down towards Falcon...
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Nulix
    "What now, Highwinged?" Skinnar asked...


    "So, what's goin' on here?" Ulian Ecko asked from behind Pharell...
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Nulix
    OOC: Cap'n Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters, Dk....

    BIC: Skinnar charged at the enemy and slashed his sword device...


    Alyt pushed her body to the side, barely avoiding Falcon's blade. "I cared for Tera deeply, so, please, you don't have to be all mental, alright?"


    "Crap," Alpa muttered...
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Nulix
    "Beat the crap out of him! Now!" Alpa yelled, as the two men lunged at Pharell...


    "By Captain Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters it will be done," Skinnar replied, pulling a small blade out. The blade extended into a small Katana "Gonzai!" Skinnar yelled, running towards the distracted Wirdikov...


    Alyt jumped backward, flying through the air until she reached the nearby ground. "You seriously need to calm down..." She muttered, before running back towards her opponent, her broadsword twirling rapidly...
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Nulix
    Alpa nodded, "Sure thing."


    "I've been waiting to get my hands on you," Skinnar smiled, stretching his neck. "Ever since you knocked me out back at the Scourge interview... and nows my chance."


    "I didn't let Tera die," Alyt replied, "You got it wrong, I think..."
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Nulix
    Skinnar nodded, "I'm not fat... but I'm fatter than I was. Cotaxus gets the work out now a days. He gets the armor, I get the suit... I liked being Supreme Captain better... though the three-hundred thousand dollar Hairis paycheck ain't bad..." Skinnar sighed, "So, what do you want?"


    Alyt turned, pulling her broadsword out as she did. "Who's there!?"


    "Its only temporary," Alpa muttered, escorting Pharell into a metal room. "Alright, interrogation time." Alpa muttered, as two rough looking gentlemen came in behind him...
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Nulix
    OOC: Alright Dk...

    BIC: Skinnar was with Highwind...


    The Ulfire ship reached its nearby base...

    OOC: This was the best post ever
    Post by: Nulix, May 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Nulix
    OOC: Can I have that picture as well, Dk? I want it.
    Post by: Nulix, May 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Nulix
    OOC: I actually got to go as well. See ya'll... some other time.
    Post by: Nulix, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Nulix
    OOC: The pieces are all adding up now, Dk...

    BIC: Commander Alpa escorted Pharell and the unconscious Ecko onto the ship...
    Post by: Nulix, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Nulix
    OOC: ... (Is waiting for Pirate to reply with Pharell)
    Post by: Nulix, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Nulix
    Niles Skinnar walked with the UO's light army. Saak stood beside him. They had entered Kingdom Hearts successfully. It was completely black now. There was no air, nothing breathable, and no heat. The Light users power was able to provide life in the world around them. The Light users were able to light up the dark path to the Skypit. The destination was still days away. Now Niles understood why the Virus could not be directly brought here. It could be lost too easily. Somethings should never be lost.

    The Light users stood at the front and side of each grouping. The teleporter was with Niles and Saak. They always kept a close eye on it. Niles sighed. The only real direction they had was a red light coming up from the Skypit. It was the only light there was. It was faint but visible. Thats where they needed to go. Towards the red light.

    "Commander," A soldier said, approaching Niles. "Whats up?" Niles asked. "We lost squad D. Off a cliff. Two light users dead. And also Squad B-"

    "Squad B? We had half our weapons in that thing!" Niles yelled. "How did we let it happen? We stayed in the safe route!"

    "The Light users power amplifiers broke, most of the squad except those near the users instantly died from the cold..." The soldier explained. "God damn it," Niles muttered. "A lot of big weapons. Gone."

    "And sir, the back lot has reported a light behind us." The soldier said, "A blue glow."

    "Thats impossible, theres no one here but us, and all our squads are accounted for," Niles muttered. "Or maybe the Universal Peace Alliance has found a way into our plans. Maybe they have advanced enough to find us here, and follow us," Saak added.

    Niles sighed. It was the probable answer. "I guess we will have deystroy the Virus before they get there then. They can't go much faster than us, right? Soldier, order all the squads to loose dead wait. Unnecessary weapons, be more concerned about food."

    "We need our weapons, sir," The soldier replied.

    Niles shook his head, "Were not looking for a battle. Weapons were just a precaution. loose the guns, hurry the pace..."

    The soldier nodded before running off. "It will be many days before we reach the Skypit," Saak commented. "This will be a slow race."

    Niles nodded. "Hey, old man... you think Skinnar's in the army back there?"

    "No," Saak replied. "He's too important for for a life or death mission like this. He's the Hairis, Niles.."

    "Yeah..." Niles muttered, "I suppose your rite."
    Post by: Nulix, May 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home