Im not sure about that. Im almost positive it would have come up by now. But he was gay wasn't he? Our grade is all straight, cause of the very "loose" girls.
*cough* Kroupa *cough*
And this is why my school is bad. This is the same logic the girls use.
Ummm...Why did I enter this thread....... I can say, I didn't expect this.
Well I just built me a crazy new burn deck. I just need 4 Demigods of Revenge.... Now, where do I find those for cheap.
Yeah it is. I've seen people build straight counter decks...Oh how I hate them so..... I cant do anything, even with burn....
Didn't think anyone would be able to beat that card huh?
Suddenly, SHOTGUNS!!!
Oh Damnit.....
Oh damnit, Ummmm...... I play Cryptic Command. I counter and Draw. Thats the first time I have seen that. It hurt my ears....freaking weeaboos.
Indeed. Rare it is though.
I'm August 15th.
I'm definitely getting this. I just hope it all works with Rock Band 2 equipment. Its should though, just like World Tour.
That announcer did kick ass. Made the game so much better.
John, I have repelled your statement with "NO U!!!"
That was in fact quite a win. I swear, My goal in life is slowly moving towards annihilating all yaoi. It really is. Now I will never be able to finish this series, all because of that pic.
John, you lost the game.
-Fable 2 -Fallout 3 -Re:COM -8GB Memory Stick for my PSP -$215 Yeah, I'm good.
Hey Guess What? You're fat John!
A magnet could have done it if I remember correctly. Yeah Magnets should stay far from computers. Its just a good thing to follow lol. I doubt it can be fixed though. I would have someone from a professional standpoint look at it though.