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  1. The Lone Wanderer
    Islamic Laser Armageddon

    Now that sounds fun.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Sep 2, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. The Lone Wanderer
    I got mine about a month ago. It happens a few times then your fine lol.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Sep 1, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. The Lone Wanderer
    To be perfectly honest, System Restore is only going to make it so much worse. All it does is push the virus into the registry and that is basically either a major pain to fix, or impossible. My suggestion is getting the CD repaired and reinstalling Windows. At this point, the viruses are just all over your computer and its probably going to require legitimate expert help to repair.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 31, 2009 in forum: Technology
  4. The Lone Wanderer
    I plan on maining Cloud, Squall, Jecht and Terra.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 28, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. The Lone Wanderer
    Last freaking one.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. The Lone Wanderer
    Gunna roll again....
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. The Lone Wanderer

    EDIT: GAH! I got a man. I hate my life.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. The Lone Wanderer
    I know my favorite character in the Japanese version is Squall. He had his flaws but I worked around them. Right now, I'm working on Terra because I need a mage character. lol
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 26, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  9. The Lone Wanderer
    Okay, So, I got the game. The English menus are far easier to read obviously. Other than that, The equipment system is quite good. Just as a hint to everyone, Equipment means almost everything in high level fights. So, if you keep on losing, Stop the fight, and go get some better equipment.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  10. The Lone Wanderer
    Im just going to sig this because "grabbin' peelz" just sounds so funny.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  11. The Lone Wanderer
    Bill's AI in Left 4 Dead is actually really good. Louis however has a TERRIBLE AI. If everyone else in incapped and he is the only one who can save them, his AI makes him run around in circles. All other characters aid the nearest incapped person.

    Also, the AI of any character is useless on Expert. Expert is essentially impossible to beat without 4 human players.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  12. The Lone Wanderer
    A Lilo and Stitch world sounds pretty interesting. I can't wait for BBS. I'd get it in Japanese, But I really would rather wait for it in English. And Once I get a DS for Christmas I'm getting Days.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. The Lone Wanderer
    I've played VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2 and XII. Out of all of them, I think I liked X the most.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  14. The Lone Wanderer



    brb anus.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 16, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. The Lone Wanderer
    I died on the inside....Thank you.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. The Lone Wanderer
    Just beat the DLC. The equipment is pretty awesome. With the unique version of the Atomizer, A new pistol, I get 8 shots in Vats. Basically every weapon in the DLC has a unique version. The katana is pretty cool too. Got some decent damage for such an old weapon.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 3, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  17. The Lone Wanderer


    To answer the Zanpakuto question of Yoruichi, The Squad 2 Zanpakuto is passed down from Captain to Captain. I remember that being stated in a manga chapter. If that is true, She doesn't actually have one, Soi Fon does. But the filler episode wasn't too bad and nothing really happened in the manga chapter, Still pretty good though.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. The Lone Wanderer
    So guys, how about this DLC for ya? It seems really awesome in my opinion. Then again, I really liked all the DLC except The Pitt, I didn't like that one as much. I really think some of the concepts that this one holds are pretty cool. The new equipment seems pretty awesome. And fighting Aliens, If their weapons are nearly as strong as the Alien Blaster, I think it will be REALLY difficult.
    Thread by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 2, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Gaming
  19. The Lone Wanderer

    Fable 2

    I have the game, And I beat it. Its pretty easy, there are some tough parts though. Honestly, Its really boring to me after I beat it. I have such a ridiculous sum of money and nothing to spend it on. So I need to get the DLC that it has.
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Aug 2, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  20. The Lone Wanderer
    Can you say the contents of the pie? I'm sure I have heard of worse...
    Post by: The Lone Wanderer, Jul 29, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone