Search Results

  1. Stardust
    Credit to Larxel_lover for the name XDD. We couldn't come up with anything...

    Anyway! Larxel_lover and I are holding an AMV contest! ^^ It's for everyone, from Vegas-ers to WMM junkies =P.


    ~ MUST be about Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy.
    ~ Please don't use songs that are just a bunch of cuss words o.O;;...Use common sense on this. Let me put it this way: Mindless Self Indulgence or worse isn't acceptable unless it's been cleaned up, capiche? A little bit is okay, but not...Overkill. =D
    ~ Have fun or we'll eat your guts out >=D.

    Examples of acceptable videos, straight from your judges =D:

    "Organization XIII is Meant to Live" - 1 & 1/2 Minute Preview from Larxel_lover =D.

    "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" - 1 & 1/2 Minute Preview from me ^^. And really sorry about the crappy quality, no matter how I render it, YouTube messes it up ><. I'll try to upload a better version later, but you get the basic idea for now =P.


    DEADLINE: August 1st, 2007

    Results will be put up within a few days afterwards. Good luck! ^^

    UPDATE - 8/3/07: Due to the site being down for a few days, the results are going to be late...We may extend the deadline or something, but right now we can't accept any more entries! Sorry!!
    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 20, 2007, 356 replies, in forum: The Playground
  2. Stardust
    o.O Okay, I know nothing about picture editing, soo...Yeah. I don't know exactly what to call it. Also, sorry if this is in the wrong place >.>;;. It looked right, but...>< I really wouldn't know...

    It was SUPPOSED to be Sora's Oathkeeper Keyblade, but it turned out looking more like...A...Thing. XD Yep, a thing. And I think it really sucks. Sucky thing.


    And if that doesn't work...

    ...D: -hides and waits for critique-
    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 9, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Stardust
    Mm, well, I put up a preview for this a long time ago...And I've finally finished it! =D Tell me if it's okay...

    Oh, and, I would have cropped out the subtitles but I didn't like the widescreen effect it gave the clips, so I kept them the way they were. Sorry.

    For those of you who saw the original preview: I changed EVERYTHING, save for the first twelve seconds. Enjoy!

    Kingdom Hearts/Kingdom Hearts: RE:Chain of Memories - The Bird and The Worm by The Used [Sora]
    Thread by: Stardust, Jul 4, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  4. Stardust
    Okay, welll...I have four torn pages in my inventory, and I can't figure out how to get them attached to the book O.o;;...I know it sounds kinda stupid, but I just plain can't get them attached! Can anybody tell me how (I bet the answer's really obvious but...Yeah)? This is in KH1, btw.

    EDIT: Oooops...I posted this in the wrong section by accident O.O;; I'm really sorry!!
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 18, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Stardust

    Okay, well, in (the virtual?) Twilight Town, after Roxas defeats Axel in the mansion, we hear this:

    Axel: Let's meet again, in the next life.
    Roxas: Yeah. I'll be waiting.
    Axel: Silly. Just because you have a next life...

    Then, Axel disappears. But what I don't get is, I thought he was dead then...But he dies later in the game. How does that work? Forgive me for being stupid if the answer is really obvious...
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 7, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Stardust
    I'm really sorry if this is in the wrong forum; I was gonna put it in the 'Help' forum but it looked like it was for help on KH2 only...

    ..Anyway, well, I can't seem to get past Riku II on Expert Mode. I'm level 46, and I'm using the Olympia Keychain...What am I doing wrong/is there anything else I need to do to beat him? O.o;;...

    Thank you in advance.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 7, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. Stardust
    Mm, I made this back in February for my good friends and fellow KH fans. One of them just got into videomaking, too! ^^ The song is Liberi Fatali by Nobuo Uematsu. Comments and constructive criticism appreciated!

    It has KH1 spoilers, but nothing past the KH2 intro.
    Thread by: Stardust, Jun 1, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  8. Stardust


    My first (and probably only) fanfiction...Uh, it's about Namine, and it's rather short. Beware, I use a super strange writing style -- A heck of a lot of italics, too. I suppose you could consider it a onsided Namiora, if you...Squint. Okay, not really. I'll quit babbling so you can read. Oh, and one more thing, I avoid her name for most of the story on purpose o.o;;.


    [G I F T E D ~]


    Written by Stardust

    -Count down to begin -

    Two. . .

    She was gifted.

    Not that she cared; she wanted to care, and she was so close to grasping the feeling of caring…

    But there was always that last inch…

    She hated him for it – No, she thought she hated him for it, she fooled herself. That last inch, that last gap between her and emotion. That last fragment between existence and Nobody, nothing. It tore her apart from the inside out, slowly eating away at her nonexistence. She couldn’t stand it. She couldn’t, but she had to.

    And the only thing that could save her…The only person that could save her…

    [It’s time for you to remember now.]

    Slowly, she picked up the black pastel with a pale, shaking hand. This was her gift – making things come to life on paper, as they shouldn’t be. As an illusion.

    Its color bled onto the white paper, smooth and dark, almost hypnotizing. She felt herself smiling slightly as an N began to form on the paper, in his memory, in his consciousness. Slowly, she began to embed herself into his mind, into his heart, the first move in this brutal game of chess. He was just a pawn, a sacrifice.

    The pastel came to a stop, screeching slightly against the paper, as she finished the letter. She inspected her work slowly, making sure that all her lines were straight, that all of her work was perfect. One slip up, one mistake, and she would destroy his heart completely. Not that she wasn’t going to do that later, anyway.

    She began on the A, the links in his memories – his heart -- falling apart to create room for a new one – A new lie, she thought, another game with him.

    The M began to form, and then the I, perfectly symmetrical and parallel. She could almost hear him, speaking, murmuring…

    ”Nam – Nami…”

    The next N. She pressed the pastel harder against the paper, biting back several tears. She wasn’t sad, no, she was just…

    E, the last letter. But it wasn’t the last lie, it wasn’t the last game. It was just the beginning.

    [Don’t you remember me…?



    ”Yes, yes, that’s right! Free the memory from your heart!”


    As his name formed on her lips, her name did on his, and the tears fell – clear, crystalline, nothing. The pastel snapped under the pressure, leaving a long, jagged smear trailing down from her E. And she cried, because she messed up, because she lied.

    She heard the door swing open, quiet footsteps echoing on the white marble floor. She drew in a sharp breath, and then --

    ”Well done, Namine. He’s remembered.”

    Namine looked at her name, a teardrop falling and splattering on the white paper, narrowly missing her A. And with that, she lied again.

    ”I’m glad.”

    Because she’s a liar – a witch, because she’s Namine, because she’s G i f t e d.

    But a gift is a heavy burden.

    Fin. ~

    Welll...I'd love to hear what you think of it. It's my first time, so go easy on me D:.
    Thread by: Stardust, May 31, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Stardust
    EDIT: It's a KH/KH2 AMV so it -HAS SPOILERS-, beware!!

    About the first minute and a half of an AMV I'm making.

    Okay, well...Don't hurt me if it sucks. Let me know if it was okay and if I should finish it, 'cos nobody on YouTube will D:

    Oh, and, BTW, I had my mum upload it for me (as always) and I wrote the description. I don't have an account on the 'Tube. XO

    By the way, the song is The Bird and the Worm by The Used.

    ...*runs away* Let me know if it was all right! ^^;;.
    Thread by: Stardust, May 21, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  10. Stardust

    Hello there!

    (Okay, firstly, I suck at this kind of stuff, and have a way with thinking I'm always in the wrong forum. Just to warn you.)

    Oo-kay! Hi, I'm Stardust. I just joined yesterday...and uhh...I suppose I'm supposed to tell you a bit about myself now, huh?

    All right. Well, I love Kingdom Hearts (Obviously)...Actually, I love it to the point where I drive all my friends crazy with my obsessive-ness. I also love Final Fantasy, and some other random games, but mostly KH :D.

    I own one dog, her name is Scooter (Scooie or 'Pooh Bear' are her other names), and she's a keeshond. I used to own another keeshond and a Shetland Sheepdog, but both died of sickness/old age (they got so old they got sick), and are therefore inside little silver boxes with their names on them now.

    A friend very recently got me into Pullips, a (very expensive) kind of doll people collect and customize. I don't have one, of course, since I just got into them, but someday...

    My favorite color is blue, my favorite animal is the wolf, and my favorite food is sushi. I love stores like The Sharper Image, The Discovery Store, and of course all game stores, among other random things. Oh, and I love to make AMVs ^^.

    So, that's me. Nice to meet you all ^^.
    Thread by: Stardust, Apr 18, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures