I do apologize if there's already a thread about this title; I searched the forums and went through the last ten pages in this subforum but didn't see anything. So...Anyone else play this game? I just got it today with some money from Christmas and my birthday, and I must say, I'm completely addicted. I just put it down for the first time since starting not very long ago. It's not very difficult and the gameplay isn't amazing, but it's right down my alley (I always have enjoyed games that focus more on the story than on the gameplay; I've even played a few Japanese visual novels...Higurashi no Naku Koro ni anyone?). Story's a little out there but it sets up to make for a lot of intriguing mysteries. I'm really enjoying it so far. I was on some page in the anime section I believe, I can't even remember which one because this happened as soon as I opened it, when suddenly all of these Internet Explorer windows randomly started popping up one by one. Whenever I tried closing one, anywhere from two to five more would pop up and replace it. Whenever I tried control + alt + delete, all my computer did was make an error jingle/beep/etc. and sit there. So I minimized them all, and at the bottom of the pile was a dialog box that said, "This page contains a potential security flaw. Continue?" or something along those lines. I hit no and it just popped up again, and I hit no again and all of the windows disappeared, save for one of the boxes on the homepage and a YouTube page I'd been viewing beforehand. ...Has this ever happened to any of you? Because it was wierd. As a side note, I just stubbed my toe on my PS2 a few minutes ago and now it's bleeding ;__;.
...This November. It's been licensed by Yen Press and they've had the release date set for quite a while now (for all the books, actually), however the cover has only been put up just recently. In addition, they have been publishing previews in their monthly magazine, Yen Plus, which I have been DYING to get my hands on, but haven't D:... Official Page I've already read Onikakushi-hen and loved it, but haven't tried any of the other arcs. I'm extremely excited for this. My only issue is that they called it the "Abducted by Demons Chapter" instead of "Spirited Away by Demons Chapter," seeing as the chapter is called Onikakushi-hen, Oni meaning "demon" and Kaku[shi] meaning "hide", which would translate directly to "hidden by demons"...If you ask me, "Spirited Away by Demons" sounds cooler than "Abducted" and is closer to the actual translation, but meh, it all depends on who is translating. It's not a big deal and they can't please everyone. Maybe I'm just picky. o.o; Anyway. Can't wait until November, this is a very good manga and I would love to own it <3. Thoughts on this? Btw, I strongly recommend it (the series in general, not just the manga) to anyone who likes horror and can take a little blood...And perverted humor. =P EDIT: Just noticed, the official page has a heck of a lot of typos. Lazy manga publishing people. DX...
Before I get started, let me just go over something about translating Japanese writing. Japanese has three (main) scripts: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji. Hiragana and Katakana can be used to make any sound in the Japanese language; each one stands for a syllable. Kanji represent whole ideas, not just a syllable (there are usually several different readings), but depending on which katakana and hiragana they are placed with, the overall meaning of the sentence/Kanji is different. Therefore, even if I can read the katakana and hiragana in a Japanese sentence, if I can't read the kanji I am totally in the dark. In addition, the translation comes out as a romaji form of the Japanese, not the English, so after the first translation, you still have to translate the romaji back to English. Therefore, if I say I can 'read something,' it's usually not that I know the translation, it's that I know the romaji and could translate that to English later. I'm just learning Japanese, so translating, for me, is a very slow process. --- Note: I am assuming discussion of import games is okay because there are plenty of people who have imported Final Mix. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna: Dai-Ichi-Kan - Tatari First Impressions I managed to look out the window today JUST in time to see both the UPS truck drive by my house and some other postage truck that I can't remember the company name for stuff mail into my mailbox. After waiting until he was down the street far enough so that he was barely out of sight, I zipped down my driveway to my mailbox and lo: My package had arrived! About a week and a half ago, I placed an order on Play-Asia for the special edition of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kizuna. I had hoped that it would show up on Friday so I could spend the whole weekend playing (As it was guaranteed I wouldn't get too far; I would have to translate everything, and it can take hours on one screen depending on how much kanji is there), but no such luck. It didn't show up Saturday either, and Sunday and Monday were non-postal days, so I ended up doing nothing all weekend long. Finally though, it came today, albeit unceremoniously in a tattered orange bubble-wrap envelope (I hadn't thought about how big of a box it was when I ordered it and clicked 'economy bubble' instead of 'economy box'). Despite the beaten-up bubble wrap, the game itself was in perfect condition, brand new and still in the shrink wrap. I spent about ten minutes squealing and jumping around the house (and scaring my dog in the process) before finally settling with a pair of scissors to get the plastic wrap off of it and take a look. The game comes in a collector's box presumeably designed to hold all four Kizuna games once they come out (the second one comes out in November and this one came out in June). It has a thin cardboard covering with the adorable box art on it and a description of the game on the back. I found it kind of ironic that the 'D' rating was printed on two of the four sides of said box covering ('D' is the Japanese equivalent of the North American 'M' rating), but Higurashi has always had a way of making itself look a lot more innocent than it is, so it shouldn't come as much of a surprise to anyone who has insomuch as watched even a little bit of the anime series. Once you take that covering off, you get the same, but obviously bigger, special edition box art on three sides of the box (one is open-ended and holds the game and another box...Oh joy?), lacking the 'D' on it as well. I guess I'll just describe the box now, it consists of Mion, Rena, Keiichi, Satoko, and Rika, all looking extremely...Happy. Yep. The top is white with the Higurashi Kizuna logo on it; the bottom is blank except for a funny picture of Rika in the bottom-right corner. The game box art is considerably less inviting -- on it are Rena, Mion, and Satoko; Rena and Mion both look pretty pissed off, and Satoko looks flat-out depressed and is clutching herself like it's cold outside. The whole scene takes on a red hue and there is an ENORMOUS moon behind the three of them (the logo is in front of them, of course). The back of the game box is the same as the back of the thin cardboard slip covering. The other box within the box within the box is white and has grey silhouettes of the kids on the sides underneath the -- you guessed it! -- Kizuna logo. The front and back have a bunch of gray and black printing on them in Japanese, a lot of which I can read but none of which I'm willing to translate. From the looks of it, all it goes over is what's inside anyway. The box within the box within the box was surprisingly hard to get open, but once I did, out popped a cute metal can (at least the whole thing with boxes is over) with Mion and some Japanese printed on the top. Around the metal can is a purple covering with a bunch more Japanese on it. Hooray? Inside of the can is a bunch of...Really random stuff. And when I say random, I mean really, REALLY random. I don't know if I have to be Japanese to understand this stuff or something, but it's just really out of the blue. Inside is a mini-calendar, which is made of a cardboard slip that has a calendar holder printed on it (supposedly the one inside Rika and Satoko's house, as around it are some dishes and theirs is located in the kitchen?). Inside of it are a bunch of cards that have the different months on them and a different piece of art from the game on each of them; I think the best part about this is that the first card, June 2008, actually says June 1983, when Higurashi takes place. Along with the calendar is a notepad in the shape of a person (don't ask me what that's got to do with anything, it's got some Kanji printed on it but I don't know what it says and I'm not keen on looking it up right now) and an eraser in the shape of...A bowl of curry and rice. Yes. It comes with its own CURRY ERASER. I have yet to take it out of its packaging but it would be even more amusing if it smelled like curry, too. Perhaps somebody poisons someone's curry in the extra story arc included in this game? There is also a bracelet-looking thing with a plastic-and-felt square tied to the bottom (plastic on one side and felt on the other; it kind of resembles a couch pillow). The plastic has a picture printed on it, but I can't for the life of me make out what it is. It looks like a white piece of paper with a brown design in the middle and a white blob in the middle of that. Perhaps more curry? I suppose we'll never know, but other than that, there's just a black elastic band to put it around things. Inside, too, is a white bag with black 'blood stains' and, once again, the Higurashi Kizuna logo on it (they really like to advertise). It came in a bubble-shrink wrap that was so tight I had to cut it off with scissors, and once I got it open I couldn't make it fit back into the can. It's got black drawstrings on the top to close it, so whatever the hell you decide to put in your complimentary Higurashi bag won't fall out. Then there's what's probably the best part about the whole package: A set of Higurashi playing cards. At first I was excited to see this because I thought that perhaps they would be replicas of the tattered cards the kids use to play games, but what I got was better: Higurashi art is printed on the cards. There's a set of Japanese instructions inside, and each character stands for one suite (Rena is spades, Mion is hearts, Satoko is diamonds, and Rika is clubs), and the remaining characters are Aces, Jokers, Kings, Queens, etc. (i.e., Keiichi is the Ace of Spades and Oiishi is -- hilariously enough -- the QUEEN of Spades). Once again, I was not spared of an advertising oppertunity: They printed the Higurashi Kizuna logo on the side tabs of the box for the cards (Box within a can within a box within a box?). Last but not least are a pair of amusing Rena 'warning stickers'. One of them has a silhouette of a giant Rena chasing a much smaller Keiichi with an enormous cleaver, a la Onikakushi-hen. The other sticker has a picture of when she tried to get in through his door before he crushed her fingers by slamming it on them, also from Onikakushi-hen, with a big red no-sign around it. Both of them have some Japanese print on the bottom; I can't read any of it off the top of my head except for the 'Rena' on the first one. As for the game itself -- the menu is extremely creative, it opens up by displaying "07th Expansion," and then the logo and a 'touch screen' (in English!) on the touchscreen. When you touch the screen, a fingerprint appears where you touched it (it's bigger than my fingers so obviously it was pre-made, but still pretty cool that it appears where your finger touched it). You hear some of the series' signature evil laughter before you're brought to a menu with two glass panels; touch one with the stylus and the glass 'breaks' and you're brought to the menu to start. It starts off on the incredibly positive note of Keiichi beating his friends to death with a baseball bat, same as the original visual novels and the anime. What this game basically is is the original Higurashi games with better artwork, so there's not too much to tell about it. The artwork is very nicely done though (the original had backgrounds that were just photos of Shikarawa-Go (sp? DX), the village Hinamizawa is based off of, put through a posterizing filter, and the character art was a very unique style; almost ugly if you weren't used to it). This version has the same art as Higurashi Matsuri, so use that for reference if you want to know what it looks like. Overall it's a pretty random package, even for such a spastic series; I have absolutely no idea why any of this stuff would be of any use to anybody, but hey. So I guess the question now is, was it worth the extra fifty bucks on Play-Asia? Um, no, but if you want Higurashi playing cards then go for it. I doubt I'm ever going to use very much of the stuff included in the special edition, other than the game itself and the playing cards (and possibly the bag?), but I'm still glad I purchased it. Importing videogames is not something I exactly do often so it just makes it that much more exciting for me. I recommend, though, to skip this one unless you're a Higurashi fanatic and/or can read Japanese fluently. I know this game is going to take a hundred gazillion times longer than it should for me, since I'm just learning, and as I said earlier, the stuff that comes with it is as random as things get.
...And this may sound pretty stupid, but --, is it a safe place to buy? I know a number of you have imported KH2FM+ and such, and while that's not what game I'm planning on getting I would just like to know if that's a safe place to get Japanese games. Also, sorry about putting this in the SpamZone but I could not find a place where I thought it would fit DX...
Basically what the title says .___. . I've been working on a LOT of different stuff lately, and this is only a few of the projects. Ehh... Animes/Games: Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (don't worry, nothing bloody), Kingdom Hearts, .hack//G.U. and TRILOGY. In terms of spoilers, they're not present for KH and I'm not thinking for G.U. either, and Higurashi is so non-linear that it's hard to spoil if you ask me...But I don't know. Watch at your own risk I guess? First one has all three of them, and then the rest are just Higurashi. None of them are finished, either... Sorry. Change - Mind in a Box They - Jem Devils Never Cry (From Devil May Cry 3) (If you're worried about Higurashi spoilers, then this is the only one I'd really be careful of). Optimistic - Worm is Green (Ignore the title XD; ).
Source. I originally found this on, but I didn't want to post it until there was an update on the Beez website regarding the film. If this needs to be moved into another section or merged with another thread, go ahead...I searched, but all of the stuff here relating to TRILOGY is pretty old, and it's not exactly the same as the other .hack animes and such. I'm just not sure where this should go. Personally, I'm shocked. None of the G.U. games have ever been released in Europe, and the movie is a bit hard to follow without them (I saw it the day after it came out). I'm not sure if it's going to sell well over there. I'm just hoping for a U.S. release. Normally I'd say this would increase our chances of getting it over here in the States, but then again they could be pulling the same thing like Nomura did with the first Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix -- since we got stuff they didn't, they make up for it by getting something that makes us totally jealous. .___. Even if the movie wasn't as good storyline-wise as the games, I think they did a good job considering they had to squeeze something like twenty-one hours worth of scenes into an eighty-five minute movie. And plus, it looks gorgeous if you ask me. Anyway, enough rambling. Thoughts?
Is YouTube TOTALLY and COMPLETELY messed up for anyone else?! Like, the entire layout and everything? My entire profile is messed up, and it says that I flagged, favorited, shared, commented, and everything on my OWN video, when I did NONE of those things. ._.;... And does anyone know how to FIX it?
SONG: Xepher (Short version...Anyone who insomuch as MENTIONS the long version...D: Will cause me to explode...) ARTIST: Tatsh SPOILERS FOR: Kingdom Hearts. Been working on this for four months (Since November). I can't log into the portal due to some error message (and when I do manage to log in, anything I upload just gives me an error message when it's done uploading, and then it's just...Gone), so I only have this on YouTube. I managed to get it in okay quality (My first upload was horrible!), but it's still not as clear as I'd like it...Something tells me, though, that YouTube won't cooperate any more than this, so I guess I'm stuck with it. XD; MAJOR, MAJOR SIEZURE WARNING. It's not so much as a serious AMV as just...I don't know...A spastic...Fun-ish...One...But, yeah. It's a birthday present for two friends of mine. XD; Nevermind the fact that it's four months late... Kingdom Hearts - Xepher Apologies about the long gap at the end, it supposedly makes quality better. The video actually stops at about 1:40. Tell me what you think? =/ I thought for all that work, it was a little underwhelming, but...Meh...
SONG: So Far Away ARTIST: Staind SPOILERS FOR: Kingdom Hearts Uh. The more I watch this the more I don't know if I like it. At first I sorta did but now...=/ This took around a month 'cause I couldn't keep focus. XD I finally cut off the subs on something. Yay! The version here on KH-Vids is a little 'fixed up', I just fixed a few mistakes before uploading it...So yeah. KH-Vids version: So Far Away - Staind. YouTube Version: So Far Away - Staind. Hope you like it, and please tell me what you think! ^^
SONG: I'm So Sick ARTIST: Flyleaf SPOILERS FOR: Kingdom Hearts: RE: Chain of Memories This only took me a few days. I killed the red effect, I know x.X;. Uhhh...Well, I'm not sure if I like it or not. Thoughts? KH-Vids link. YouTube link.
I'm sick with a cold, and I sneezed really hard and gave myself a HUGE nosebleed, and it won't stop. o.o I have tissues and all, but they don't seem to be helping. ... >.>; Any suggestions?
SONG: Thnks Fr Th Mmrs ARTIST: Fall Out Boy SPOILERS FOR: Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: RE: Chain of Memories. This is a partial video I started back in July; I won't be finishing it so I just decided to upload what I had done. What happened with this was, after a while I picked it back up again, but forgot I used a certain clip and repeated it -- That said, please disregard the repeated clip (it's of Sora summoning in the KH1 Beta Trailer). Also, the end (with the white bars) is messed up -- it looked okay in the preview, and of course when I made it I thought I could go back and fix it later. I didn't want to have to render it all over again just because of a few seconds of video, so I kept it in there. Other than that, I was wondering what you guys thought of it ^^. I really don't like this video at all; a lot of my flashes are off and I used some transitions and effects that, looking back, I really didn't need. Something about it just feels kinda off to me. But, I hope you like it, or at least for the most part =/. Thnks Fr Th Mmrs.
HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!!! ~ XD Yeah, pretty self-explanitory. EDIT: Here's our rules, in the words of Larxel_Lover (she's judging with me -nod-) No other rules except keep it appropriate, okay? And try not to make this HUGECOMPLICATEDOMGICAN'THARDLYTELLWHATTHEHECKTHATIS...Type...Thing =D. Just post the links to your entries and when we decide on a deadline, then, we'll let you know ^^.
Okay, soo, I hadn't actually finished a video since July...Aaannd...o.O This song was stuck in my head, so last weekend I started working on this. SONG: We're All to Blame ARTIST: Sum 41 SPOILERS FOR: Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: RE: Chain of Memories. My goal was to make it about how Sora and Riku's constant fighting over Kairi caused the loss of both of them to her at the end of KH1. I dunno if I reached that goal, but whatever XDD. Anyway, I'm planning to re-upload this with some mistakes fixed (I.e., I forgot white flashes on the drumbeats at the beginning, and it's bothering me...T.T) and also with better quality...But for now, please let me know what you think!! ^^ By the way: Siezure warning. o.O;... We're All to Blame.
UPDATE: We've got a deadline, thank you for your patience! ^^ And I'll get those links up ASAP. Yep, another one!! ^^ Anybody from Adobe Premiere users, to Windows Movie Maker junkies, to Vegas gurus can participate. Just post up the links, and you can PM Larxel_Lover or me with any questions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RULES: ~ MUST be about Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy. ~ Please don't use songs that are just a bunch of cuss words o.O;;...Use common sense on this. Let me put it this way: Mindless Self Indulgence or worse isn't acceptable unless it's been cleaned up, capiche? A little bit is okay, but not...Overkill. =D ~ Have fun or we'll eat your guts out >=D. ~ Don't spam O.O;. Larxel and I are pretty talkative, so we'll get off-subject fast...Lol, just TRY not to converse with us too much XD. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLES: Examples of acceptable videos, straight from your judges =D: "Organization XIII is Meant to Live" - 1 & 1/2 Minute Preview from Larxel_lover =D. "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" - 1 & 1/2 Minute Preview from me ^^. And really sorry about the crappy quality, no matter how I render it, YouTube messes it up ><. I'll try to upload a better version later, but you get the basic idea for now =P. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEADLINE: September 21st. UPDATE: September 24th/25th. Results will be put up within a few days after that. Good luck! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ PAST WINNERS: ZHE ONE ZHE ONLY Axelrific AMV Contest!!! ---> Official Results Video, created by Larxel_Lover! ^^ Contains the results for the first AMV contest. + Honorable Mention. > Kingdom Hearts - Faint {Axel Tribute} Submitted by: RikusHaven. > Kingdom Hearts - One Vision Submitted by: Skellingtondan (AKA dandanrevolutionextreme) + Third Place. > Kingdom Hearts - Ultimate Showdown [LINK COMING SOON T.T] Submitted by: Ienzo + Second Place. > Kingdom Hearts - What I've Done {Axel Tribute} [LINK COMING SOON T.T] Submitted by: Stormwolf101 ~ FIRST PLACE. ---> Kingdom Hearts - I'll Make a Man Out of You Submitted by: Zeftnon the Superior ZHE ONE ZHE ONLY Axelrific AMV Contest II!!! ---> Official Results Video, created by Stardust (me). Contains the results for the second contest. + Honorable Mention. Kingdom Hearts - Bump in the Night Submitted by: Ienzo + Third Place. Kingdom Hearts - Chinese Burn Submitted by: RikusChica118 + Second Place. Kingdom Hearts - One Vision (Revamp) Submitted by: Skellingtondan (AKA dandanrevolutionextreme) ~ FIRST PLACE. Kingdom Hearts - Hit the Floor [LINK COMING SOON ALSO ><] Submitted by: Black Phoenix Mods/Admins: If this is considered advertising, feel free to remove all of it. Congratulations to our past winners ^^. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay people, GET CRACKING while I go find the rest of those links! Sorry if I couldn't find yours, I have a lot of stuff to sort through to get to it x.x;. Also, if I got anything wrong, PLEASE let me know. I've been having internet problems, and it was hard for me to check everything.
...Yeah, I know, "Stardust wants to DRAW?!" D: D: Lololol. I just...I dunno. The only thing I could ever draw was dogs, so I wanted to try something new, so I tried (anime) people (XD Sora to be exact). I'm sorry about the picture quality, but I don't have a better camera, and this is even after I improved the quality with a photo editor =/. Take note, this is only an hour after I started learning...I used a picture on my computer as a reference (for most of you, it's probably obvious which one), but I didn't trace. He's expressionless and nose-less for now because I suck at both .___. . CnC? -Hides-
Er, well, last night my mouse literally DIED on me. So I left it alone for a while, and this morning when I got up, it worked for about five minutes before stopping again. Technically what it does, is while I move the physical mouse around FRANTICALLY, the pointer just sits there. It's really, REALLY frustrating (and believe me when I say it's frustrating, because I can't use the mouse to go up and put anything in italics). The only way I'm navigating my computer and this site is the Start menu button on my keyboard and the tab button, which is a pretty sad and sorry way to use a computer. My mouse is a wireless laser mouse with an invisible laser. The mouse and the keyboard are both wireless and come in a special package together, and both have buttons on them incase this happens. All you're supposed to do is hit the button on the main unit (that either sends a signal to them, recieves a signal from them, or both, I'm not sure exactly), and then hit a small white button on the keyboard/mouse to stop it from malfunctioning. This works like a charm with the keyboard, but does nothing with the mouse. I also don't think it's my mouse's batteries, because I just replaced them recently, and if it is I'm screwed for now because I don't have an extra mouse, nor do I have extra batteries. So if anyone knows what's wrong (er...Lol...But...Can't hurt to try, right?), and if there's a way to fix this, please let me know! And sorry if this is in the wrong section, I don't know where to put it and it would take forever to go through every single forum using the Tab button looking for the right place, so I took an educated guess. ((And if it helps any, I've already tried unplugging the main unit, taking the mouse's batteries out and putting them back, and restarting the computer...They don't do much, if anything at all, but sometimes that works for a few minutes.))
...One minute it said 83 members had visited the forum today, and another minute it said seven hundred something had O.o;;. Is this...Normal? >.>;;