all of the above
oh ok but why do u ask ? and this one
im in twelth why p.s wanna be in my family (rp)?
ill see wat i can do (p.s system wont allow blk cuz of faiure pss thx
thx if u look in my new album ''pics i edited u see some more i have thousands i edited jus didnt upload all yet.....u want one done i can chaange...
yes they have and here 11CFA404 00000323 21CC3874 000A0001 10340b2c 00000061 1033FEC0 0000002B 201C78B8 0000102D 201C77E8 0000102D 21C95308 0A090964 replaces valor its like regular one exept one line so ur not regular roxas p.s with those boss ally codes u CANT drive the game will freeze
wat i knoe: Xigbar: 01ccfcac 00000009 Xaldin: 01cc5ecc 00000009 Saix: 01cd312c 00000009 for both roxas and dw E003FDFF 0035B55C 21CFBDEC 003F00AC 01CB992F 00000001 01CC382F 00000001
most cutscenes ome up anyway like with xemnas first battle
darn well thx neway
E008FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 00000058 21c95698 4647414d 01c956b6 00000003 21c956bc 04000000 21cd5248 58455f57 21cd524c 5f303130 21cd5250 464c5442 21cd5254 00004c5f 01c6c8d0 000000ff 01c6c8d4 000000ff can u port that?
read the description in the vid itll tell u
i found the code but it needs to be ported E008FDFF 0034D45C 11CE0B68 00000058 21c95698 4647414d 01c956b6 00000003 21c956bc 04000000 21cd5248 58455f57 21cd524c 5f303130 21cd5250 464c5442 21cd5254 00004c5f 01c6c8d0 000000ff 01c6c8d4 000000ff
a neo-moveset is jus lik the regular moveset mode just way shorter and for example if u use the long one if u mod sora to final then all his forms are final as well so neo-moveset is better i recomend it
why dount u jus use a uwm 20368920 40000000 itll increase the size of all magic save point etc.
keytotruth made it but ive only seen it in fm+ no cuz u only fight him in fm+ 08D1
try these neo ones on sora first is fegular riku and second is riku from final battle 01CB9736 00000023 or 01CB9736 00000041
i tried that code i get bk dwn by gliding around till i get low enough
iwonder why
mhm well im bored and im intrested in rps
Username-finalsword78 Name-Weiss age-16 Appearence- Male or Female-male Angel's Side Or Cassady's Side- angel Important Info-lost my loved one ._. Other-will only use violence if i have to