mhm well ur not telling me anything new lol
this is mine
lol yea i gues u are
i knoe its the blonde cuz i checked it out and u practically spammed it in the photos lol well imma check again neway can u check mine out ''pics...
notin much i jus edited this i did the hair and the background and skin mask...
its UWM and there on the first page
i dunt rll get boss replace codes i tried with sephy and xigbar and i still had sephy
ahh man oh well but in a vid i seen a giant heartles in it???
for fm Boss size mod 21a9bf40 ZZZZZZZZ -ZZZZ Digits- 3E19999A - Extremely little 3F000000 - Little 3F800000 - Normal 40000000 - Big 40800000 - Very big 41200000 - Gigantic
ok well i feel silly anyway thx and do u knoe the boss size mod?
thx but it is for regular kh2 right and i ment to ask b4 but wat bout the boss size and color??
hey janime do u know the keyblade size mod that 00roxas00 uses in his keybladespamming vid?
ok ill add u on it
nothin rlly how bout you
no not rlly its up to u
no but if u put to much itll be like a novel
it was rad but how many chapters it it goin to have???
yes i did.
well didnt they make a code to make roxas darker that isnt shadow roxas ??
either it wasnt enough and u need to delete more or the files corrupt