overall 10
avvy- 5/10
overall- 8/10
overal 10/10
netime bud
will this do http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l294/saikusuyasha/marluxiasig.png ?
i love to edit but i do sigs mostly for example ...so down to buisness size-(default 500X500) Render/Pic: Theme: Text: Font: Effects: Other: if u lik my work rep is kindly welcome
53.... havent been here in a while
avvy- 10/10 sig- 7/10
bcuz during the original fight u never get passed a certain amount of health and since tht happend he can neva die
51cb9870 00000020 01cb97b0 00000000
you jus press qoute, and does anybody know the code fpr ultimate final xemnas?
most of it yes
jus messed with this http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/tyson9121/Zero.jpg
itll work but it wont give u the abilities not in kh2 but prob in fm u can give him the cloak model mixed with the keyblade model
oh well i looked and i couldnt find it....i dont think it was made yet
it might just be for final mix
it lets u fight any boss at that area and view some of the cut scene
E005FDFF 0035B55C 01CC382F 00000001 21CC3834 00303031 01CC3855 00000030 01CC3874 00000001 11CFA3FC 00000323 itll make normal sora lik valor
avy- 10 sig - 9