Cookie Jar is a great song. I've liked them ever since Cupid's Chokehold
She's hot.
Hilary Duff. There's no competition.
I got bored of this game Google can help.
I'm guessing your favorite rapper is Lupe? or Weezy?
I hope your friend does get better and she has a long, happy healthy life. be there for her, she needs it. love, support, everything. hang in there
people get horny, and if a guy sees a girl wearing a spaghetti strap top, he might try to pull off the straps or something. come on, be logical? //endthread
I would kill myself ughh
1. advent_of_apocalypse 2. gintasthebest+ 3. Kairi~Sora 4. Lily Lilac 5. Mariam 6. Renegade+ 7. Repliku 8. Roxas-Chick 9. Roxas Sora51 10. Zeonark
I turned around.. lolwut :B
How about orange? It'll make ORANGE happy
likes someone on this site..
You're black!??! I'm just playin lol I'm gonna check it outt
That's great now post some pics pl0x
Swift pl0x Cyrus is just already in hell
We're having a snow storm...lmao
I didn't even fight him yet.. hmmm
Reflect helped me in the Sephiroth fight. and I like Cure because I'm kool
Prolly Terra, Aqua or Sora