Mora nodded at Cerdic when he offered to carry her again and let him. She kept wincing a bit when they moved and she smiled at them, "Okay. We can do this. I know we can." When they finally got back to the cave, the place seemed untouched. But the core kept sparking with energy slightly as they walked inside. Mora looked at the machine and said weakly, "Is... it's gonna take very long to put back together? Or is the hardest part going to be... going to be the..." Mora felt her body grow so weak there was no strength left for her to be able to move. The girl fell back off of Cerdic and onto the floor. Mora's eyes were open as she looked at all the others around her and managed out, "W-what's...." Upon falling to the ground, because she wasn't able to hide it anymore, it looked like darkness was seeping out of her wound and up towards the sky, there was a moment to ponder before she managed, "I-It's gotta be Ria... I-I guess my wound made him need more darkness... and he already had me marked..." she looked scared as she looked at the others, "J-Just try to get this done..."
When the heartless began popping up, Take made a run for it towards a couple of defenders. He ran down some escape stairs and jumped on back to ground level before running up towards the defenders. The boy held his hand out to summon his keyblade proper and felt almost a floaty feeling in his chest, like he was ready to activate his form Gero had just taught them to use. With a surge, he let it happen. Feeling his body sort of float a moment before a glowing shield formed in his hand and a glowing white aura appeared around him. He bashed the shield a bit to get the defenders attention as he yelled,"Hey, shield-headed freakshows! Come at me!" Take didn't have to wait long for them to steer their attention towards them and the boy used blitz on one before turning his attention towards the other one and stabbing at it to break it as well. Two Icy Cubes decided to make their way towards Take after that and he slashed at the two, taking a deep breath to keep himself from getting "too intense" while there was a crowd around. Take defeated 2 defenders Take defeated 2 icy cubes (blitz was used and he only need 14 ap to destroy defenders cause of paladin) No AP left. 4/6 defenders left 48/50 icy cubes left
Spoiler: i'm very tired I'm putting 30 of my crowns into AP I'll have 7 crowns left. AP- 31 Oh also I wanna equip Sweet Memories and Blessed Thief for Brawl Missions. Thank you for your time.
-claps hands together- This is gonna cause everyone to hate me and I'm bringing this baby back at the most lethal time to do so. Cause mmm this is a hot topic I've never been able to write about and I feel marginally safer with this crowd than my facebook feed. Heh... So I'm pro-gun. I think this isn't... news to anyone who knows me very well? I'm all about the right to protect yourself and the right to bare arms. No, this isn't just "strictly for hunting" like some people specify this is full on "yo i want to have a gun in case, iunno, something happens and I want to protect myself". I'm even for concealed carry, I know a lot of people say it's "dangerous for women" but it's not like concealed carry is a man-only law (if we had any of those oh my god could you imagine the screams?). There are points where I HAVE to draw my line though. I know gun laws are very state-by-state based and I... don't want that to change (I'm not exactly in love with the idea of the federal government having power over certain issues but that's a topic for another day) but it's undeniable at this point that some states it is VERY easy to get guns that are arguably not necessary? I don't think there's a reason for anyone to have a semi-automatic. If anyone has a good argument for it other than "military tho." I'll be very glad to listen but I'm not exactly about that. That said. For some reason people are spreading this common misconception that it's easy to buy a gun? Sure, in some states it's easier. But you can't just walk into a store and say "hey joe how are ya I want 10 of your finest handguns" and handshake it out as you walk out of there. It's a time consuming, money-consuming process that DOES involve a test. I do know that one of the great screams right now on pro-gun side of things is to say "ugh school shooting yet ANOTHER excuse people are going to try and take away our guns" and I'm definitely not on that end of the screams. I think it's an issue that needs to be talked about but unfortunately we are in a day and age where there are just two echo chambers of people screaming at each other and I'm in a weird spot where I can see both of these and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I'll say firsthand that the states I tend to have the most knowledge about gunlaws are massachusetts (cause i live here) and florida (cause um... florida's such an odd case). So if my knowledge is a bit... off compared to your state/country it's because of that.
Takehiko removed the cloth from in front of his mouth, breathing in the fresh air as he looked around. He heard Glyde's comment and looked around. As soon as he saw the plume of smoke from the roof of another building, the boy walked over worried and answered,"Yeah, and I think I know which direction she ran."Take kept his hood up and kept his cloth at the ready as he started running in that direction, jumping as carefully as he could from rooftop to rooftop as he scouted the area looking for them. By the time he'd gotten to a roof across the way, the smoke had cleared and... surprisingly there was minimal damage if soot could even count as damage. He looked around a bit worried before his eyes caught Aria, Qamar, and Torrin down below. The boy yelled from the rooftop, "Are you three alright?! We got everyone out! Looks like your chase went about as well as expected whenever we start these kinds of things!" The boy shifted around on the roof carefully as he gave everything a quick once over to make sure no one was going to jump him when he wasn't paying attention.
A soon as they were out, the boy was already running back in. He took the damage and tried shrugging it off as he ran for it. He made his way back up to the top floor to help the remaining people out. The boy stopped when a pillar was breaking down and the family there screamed. Takehiko pulled out his keyblade and used blizzard to keep it from falling over. Then he ran over and grabbed the rest of them telling them to stick with him and keep their heads low. Once they were down, Take sighed out a bit and said, "Floor 10 is clear!"
All y'all AMV editors comin' back who were curious: the video portal works again. Go nuts. But like, not too nuts. Follow rules and stuff.
Something something check her out: I feel like all of my videos start with...
At a moment where seemingly, Lea was going to end up in trouble, especially since it was clear that this place really truly did not end up being safe to stay at after all, Melus raised her hand up and in a quick gust of wind her harp reformed into her hand. She shifted it violently so it straightened out to be more like a bow and she positioned herself so she was clearly able to fire quickly. Considering how heavy her drawstrings were she wasn't going to pull back to threaten or she might accidentally let loose an arrow anyway. Melus raised an eyebrow at the spanish intruder and spoke up, "And what exactly makes you think we're willing to just sit here and let that happen, SeƱor? We've had enough trouble today and dealt with her fairly quickly. I don't take kindly to this underestimation." x
At a moment where seemingly, Lea was going to end up in trouble, especially since it was clear that this place really truly did not end up being safe to stay at after all, Melus raised her hand up and in a quick gust of wind her harp reformed into her hand. She shifted it violently so it straightened out to be more like a bow and she positioned herself so she was clearly able to fire quickly. Considering how heavy her drawstrings were she wasn't going to pull back to threaten or she might accidentally let loose an arrow anyway. Melus raised an eyebrow at the spanish intruder and spoke up, "And what exactly makes you think we're willing to just sit here and let that happen, SeƱor? We've had enough trouble today and dealt with her fairly quickly. I don't take kindly to this underestimation."
Pretending the training was acknowledged and Take was excited about this ability and whatnot, that feeling was cut short by the next world and the immediate danger. Take pulled a cloth out of his back and wrapped it around his face quickly. He zipped up his jacket and threw up his hood, leaving his bag outside as he quickly made his way in with a sprint. He was grateful at the very least, no matter how much Atmos tried Take was insisting he keep the jacket specifically because he was constantly thinking about "well what if I end up in a situation where a village is burning down" and he was ever so grateful today was the day for his resourcefulness to come into play. As he pulled down his sleeves, he ran towards the top floor to help out those on top. The boy seemed to be distressingly good at figuring out how to make his way and set his footing around the burning building but there wasn't much he could do about the natural smoke inhalation and burning since he was not as equipped as he would ideally like to be. The boy managed to help clear the path to be able to get the first three people out of there, and he was already ready to run for more. Takehiko went to Floor 10. 12/15 people left on floor 10
*teleports behind you teleporting behind me*
Did it work this time, Arch?
here i go again on my own going down the only path i've ever known like a drifter i was born to walk alone and it's still hard to read. but i'm glad to know we can still do the thing download this for maximum effect
Kaida thought about the aura situation a minute but, she heard Ananta's voice come from behind her. Fortunately for Ananta, Kaida was in a hugging mood. She didn't know how often this would happen, so Kaida separated herself from the other two and walked over and hugged Ananta. Though it was more of a side hug than anything. She wasn't very fond of full on hugs anyway. After a bit she separated and looked at those still here, "Well, I think I'm gonna join the others going for new clothes before focusing on this aura thing." Kaida saluted at the ground before she walked over towards Hikaru and pulled him away from Aux, "The hugging's gone on long enough. For now you must part."
When Take had gotten enough away from Gero, he noticed Chrono out of the corner of his eye. He stopped by him and looked at Chrono, "Was that overdramatic?" he asked that flatly, almost detecting the irony in it himself. He looked like he wanted to keep walking further away from Gero though and didn't know how much Chrono would want to talk about. He felt like if Chrono did talk about it, it would be focused more on Take's response. But all the boy could think about was how vague Gero was. He was feeling immediately grateful at this point that he ended up being taught by Atmos versus whoever this guy thought he was.
Mora was glad that this hunch turned out to be worthwhile. She grabbed at her side more and everyone was asking about her being in pain. Mora shook her head, "I'm not... hurting. I feel weaker." Mora held her side tighter and said, "It hurts cause of the spot but... I feel tired. Unnaturally tired." she didn't quite know how to explain it. She stood up a bit, wobbling slightly before saying, "I can lead us back to the cave though... i-if you're ready."
After Gero gave them permission to say goodbye to their masters. Take went to go and walk until Gero suddenly mentioned wanting to speak to Take. The boy was thrown off for a moment, but went in quickly. Getting up the stairs in no time at all to give Atmos a very basic goodbye. Letting her know he was alright considering the last place they'd left. He kind of wished they hadn't run so far. The short run was fine for him, but probably not for anyone else at that point and he hoped they weren't too exhausted. When Take had gotten back from giving Atmos a quick and uneventful goodbye. He finally got to Gero, who had already separated himself from the rest of the group so they could speak privately. When he finally got there, Take just kind of looked at the old man for a long moment before crossing his arms and saying, "Hey." "I am sorry we could not speak sooner but it is good to see that you are doing well, Takehiko." Gero spoke with a small smile. "I'm... glad you're not... dead?" Take wasn't exactly sure how to reply to that. The boy shifted a bit and looked up at Gero, he sighed and let his arms uncross as he asked, "You're the one that gave me the keyblade... aren't you?" "Yes. Yes I am. I knew you would be worthy, child." Take was trying very hard to stay distant. But it didn't really last long. The boy smiled one of his small smiles before saying, meaning it as a joke although it was delivered flatly, "You didn't make a point to see if I would be very long." "I do not need to see rain fall to know that the ground will be wet or a moon rise to know night has come. You were worthy. You just needed to find that out yourself." "I..." Take closed his eyes and gave up on attempting humor at that point and asked, "Why... were you there that day?" "You needed to find a higher calling. You were destined to be more than another soldier on the frontlines, Takehiko." Takehiko stopped for a moment and looked back up at Gero and he didn't realize it, but he started smiling, though it was a sad smile this time, "But I still am another soldier on the frontlines. It's just a different weapon and a different enemy now. That just seems to be the card dealt no matter where you place me." "Are you telling me that is all you have done on this journey? Have you not made bonds so far?" Take was quiet at his response before saying, "I bonded with other soldiers on the battlefield at home. I don't think it changes the endgame here..." he felt himself getting angry, and he didn't know why this was building up again. "Bonds change everything. Perhaps you need more time to explore that." Take tightened his fist and finally the anger bubbled up, "It doesn't change the fact that I'm gonna end up probably dying out there on the field while you and all of your masters sit comfortably here waiting for the point you have to do something. I've played this game before Master Gero and I'm more than willing to just let this be my role if that's all it is but with a different color of paint this time." the boy turned away and said, "I don't need to hear more of your vague lessons. It's not like they're helpful anyway." Takehiko walked away, he paused a minute and looked back, feeling guilt for a moment over snapping like that, before he shook it off and kept walking.
Takehiko had a pretty great time getting that run in. Despite the fact some people by the end were needing a lot more rest. He snacked on something small with the picnic since others seemed to grab at that desperately. The boy enjoyed having the company of everyone around after everything. It felt nice. But when Gero showed up telling them they had a new group leader, Thallasa (who Take was surprised to see was still alive), he just kind of sat there quietly a second to process before sighing and standing up, "Alright. I guess we're moving on then. But would you mind if we gave gave our masters a quick goodbye before we ran off?" Take wasn't even looking at Gero or acknowledging him at this point, "If anything happens I don't want it to be on poor or unresolved terms."
Take scratched the back of his head when Illiana asked what brought about the run, Boreas explained it fairly well but he said to Illiana, "Yeaaah, I guess I might have gotten a little excited and asked everyone else, but most people seem to be interested in this sort of thing." When Qamar asked about leaving a basket somewhere we were meeting up, Take was surprised to see she had packed a picnic lunch. Mainly because he wasn't expecting anyone to put that kind of care into this spur of the moment run (well spur of the moment to everyone but Boreas). "Yeah um, maybe just leaving it here until we get back. It'd still be a picanic outside of the castle. Ya know?" Take didn't need to respond to Glyde's question, but was nonetheless glad he had joined them. When everyone who seemed to be going had arrived, Take clapped his hands together excitedly. Then immediately regretted it as he said, "Cool. I didn't think everyone was gonna wanna do this. This'll be exciting. Well, maybe. Some of you may be lost along the way. I'll carry you to freedom though."