The risks involved in being completely surrounded by shadows was kind of fun, and mostly worthwhile. Kaida had no idea if this meant that she was suicidal or an adrenaline junkie. She kind of hoped it was more the latter, since she would like to think she was pretty happy with her current mental state. Though she kind of wished her hobbies led to her jumping out of airplanes with parachutes instead of these kind of risk activities. Kaida swung her keyblade a bit as a wave jumped over and got a few, but they seemed realize that this tactic was not working out. They were evolving quickly. This would not do. Kaida kept herself in a defensive stance as she paced around carefully in a circle. Then something she didn't expect happened. The group began to jump and try to hit Kaida and the girl dodge rolled just in time. The shadows as a result piled up and missed, and one shadow was a bit disoriented as another one accidentally hit it. The shadow grumbled and a noise was made before the heartless slashed at the other one. This resulted in a brawl that made Kaida stand on edge for a while, but the shadow that seeked blood seemed to successfully defeat the other and let out a war cry. In the distraction, a couple of shadows jumped at Kaida giving her a good scratch on the back and she let out a yelp. The shadow turned towards Kaida's attackers and ran at the two and attacked them back. They backed away quickly and jumped behind Kaida's guard and the girl raised an eyebrow amused and said, "Well, okay pipsqueak. I'll help you out if you help me out a while." The shadow seemed to look at her with a bit of a connection and the girl nodded and began slicing and dicing at more of the heartless while this little shadow seemed to keep up the backend, knocking any heartless that tried to jump at the blonde away from her. It seemed overly excited to be helping out in this manner but Kaida was definitely not going to turn away something helping out. Kaida swung her keyblade a bit to charge up thunderbell and blizzard at the same time and she pointed them in the crowds again. A loud ringing sound seemed to be heard and the little shadow flickered away scared a minute before it rushed back to knock out another attacker. Kaida took a deep breath and looked around at the others, checking up on their progress a bit. Aislinn was having a hell of a time with a neoshadow, and Stratos seemed to have.... be fighting something with wings. Mumbling to herself, "Well, that's new. Go get em, Stratos!" before another heartless jumped at her and she rolled away to dodge. Kaida noticed a bit of an afterimage as she did so and blinked a bit and mumbled to herself, " really new." she quickly got up and stabbed at a couple more heartless and tried to get out of the circle. Her new heartless friend jumped up on her shoulder as she dodged away. The swarm followed her as she tried to run out, but only so she would not be surrounded anymore. As they all ran their way into a straight line. Kaida grinned a bit, thinking about how easy it would be to mall this group down as she shouted out, "Anyone wanna go shadow bowling?!" the girl threw her keyblade, only knocking them back and not being able to give them much damage at this time. At least she'd give people an opening. Word Count: 607 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 120 Blessed Thief: 60 Munny Heartless Defeated: 25 shadows Heartless Remaining: Defeat 815 Shadows Defeat 199 Neoshadows Defeat 200 Darkballs Defeat 5 Invisibles
As they appeared on this island seemingly lost to storm, Kaida looked around with more concern than curiosity. Everything seemed so... broken. But the man with the cybernetic arm ended up catching the most concern anyway. Kaida did not approach, since others seemed to be going for that anyway and she'd rather just listen. The girl played with her new ring that Hikaru gave them just a bit to try and adjust it right, since the girl was not entirely used to the feeling of jewelry. After some strange explanation of the Red Society, the next thing she knew, Aux was remembering everything and keeling over in pain. When the man threatened to have them submit, Kaida immediately held out both of her hands to summon out one of her keyblades in defense and ready for action. The amount of heartless that seemed to begin pouring out made her back away a bit and when the number ten thousand was mentioned she was about ready to faint. Ten thousand heartless? Everyone else had told the story about how they had fought only around a thousand. This was absolutely ludicrous. She wondered if this was where she was going to end up dying after all that effort was placed into becoming a master. But then she shook it off. Not here. This would not be the place she would fall. It would be far too anti-climactic. She was not entirely sure why this man seemed to have this sort of complex about Nequa and this unhealthy want to please her when she had already rejected him. Perhaps at this point he just really wanted to take his anger out on what he considered small potatoes, despite the fact this group had proven to be anything but. There was almost a relief and joy Kaida felt upon hearing Shiro's booming voice come out of nowhere to confront Hughes. She was a little worried why the man did not have a shirt but that was definitely something she was not worried about questioning at this time. When he mentioned being glad to see her safe, and his congrats to her passing the Mark of Mastery, Kaida held a thumbs up towards him when he congratulated her and she said, "Thanks. Now's not the time though." When he told them to leave Hughes to him, that no doubt meant they were going to have to fight the horde. Kaida looked over towards the rest of the group but because people beat me to the punch, I'm not gonna have her do the wink and smile at the crowd anymore, so she just mumbled under her breath, "Let's do this then." and the girl quickly charged in. Kaida had jumped into the horde of shadows, if only because that sounds incredibly badass in writing and also cause I wanna focus everything in one place and so would Kaida. The girl first started by flinging a blast of fire into the crowd. The shadows blew back at the impact and the girl landed in the center and pointed her keyblade at one group of heartless and side eyed to see the crowd aiming for her back and the girl reached her hand backwards and summoned out one more keyblade. The girl smirked and readjusted her posture, one backhand and one front hand at the crowds trying to provoke them to draw near. Then the girl ducked as they jumped in so they flew straight above her head and the girl blasted two projectile spells crossways at the different parts, watching more heartless fall. She took a breath and got back defensively again. Word Count: 606 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 60 Blessed Thief: 30 Munny Heartless Defeated: 25 Shadows Heartless Remaining: Defeat 851 Shadows Defeat 199 Neoshadows Defeat 200 Darkballs Defeat 6 Invisibles Defeat 1 Darkside
As the core was placed, the system lit up in response as the monitor flickered in to show two boxes to be filled, asking for a username and password. A buzzing noise could be heard as everything just seemed to be overheating a bit but it was working. The darkness was beginning to form more of a bestial shape. 8 days until shape takes full form
Takehiko certainly was not expecting an explosion, and when it happened, he went immediately to try and guard in time... only for it to poof out harmless stuffing. A little note seemed to floof out towards Take and the boy, still a bit on edge considering her could have very well just died there, grabbed the note and looked it over. "I bet you can't BEAR to wait for the next part of my plan." There was a long pause of silence before a small squeaky noise started coming out of the boy, and then he started full on laughing. Perhaps to Torrin, Boreas, and Adalric this was nothing, but Take had not laughed in years, and he had no real idea why he found this in particular so amusing. He let his keyblade disappear and the boy tried to contain the laughter, hiding his smile behind his broken hand as he turned towards the three, still letting out bits of laughter as he managed out, "O-Oh.. Oh no. Ya know. I bearly considered it was even a bom-aaahAAAA." Take started laughing again but even harder. His laugh was definitely echoing through the tunnels at this point.
Well, Torrin's reasoning made sense. But something felt off about it. He had no proof to say otherwise, but that trip he wouldn't have classified as a short trip considering between him dropping Aria off and them finally seeing him again, a full day had passed. Even ignoring the time it would have taken from them to bring Tinarah and Gero back, something seemed wrong about it. But he couldn't put a finger on it. He shook it off as paranoia, still wanting to believe this Torrin couldn't possibly be as bad as the other Torrin that Tinarah described. As they walked further into the tunnel and the sound of the gears turning, then music playing... Takehiko was confused nonetheless. When they walked closer only to find a windup bear, Take looked really confused and asked,"Is... the music coming from the stuffed bear? How is it doing that?" he approached cautiously, summoning his keyblade with his bad hand, before he suddenly gasped out and switched over to the other hand and maintained a keyblade's length away from the bear as he kept a careful and light footing, "I don't understand."
Take listened in on Adalric and Torrin's conversation while he kept his eyes looking around for anything suspicious. He noticed how Torrin just... was completely not okay with them having so many secrets. While Adalric seemed to think the best course of action was just to lock Aria away, knowing full well Aria would definitely not be cool with that. Take pondered what they said and spoke up, "Well, I don't think they keep secrets to be harmful about it. I think they do it to keep randoms like us from knowing all their tools of the trade when one of us could very well just end up giving that information over to the enemy. That... said. They clearly know who the Seven are, and aren't telling us even though there shouldn't be a harm in that at this point. I would have thought it'd just be the most effective to port a bunch of us to different worlds at once, and have some places that definitely have the princesses and we just bring them back with us." Takehiko held his hands behind his back and said, "But maybe there's a fatal flaw about that strategy I'm missing." he did turn to Torrin and pointed at him, "But ya know, for all your criticisms of them keeping secrets, you haven't exactly been an open book either. What happened to you after you basically dropped Aria off with us and dashed out of there?"
DAMN that must be some ****** durability on your sword!
*teleports the **** out of there*
Take wouldn't consider himself someone with a crazy imagination or anything but Torrin's comment seemed to imply it. The boy shrugged and watched as Torrin entered the tunnels by unlocking the door with his keyblade. It made the boy question a bit what point would opening a door just be considered rude? Could they just break into people's houses? That didn't seem nice. When they were in the tunnels, Take was a bit worried he was gonna have to figure his way through the dark, hoping maybe his eyes would adjust to the dark, but Torrin ended up lighting up his keyblade and Take commented,"Thanks." the boy stayed behind Torrin to not risk trip in the dark or something and the boy kept on the lookout. The tunnels were pretty dirty and grafitti'd and everything. The place was in disrepair. He was admittedly surprised how out of shape this seemed to be since the way Mr. Incredible described it sounded like it was a recent switch to new rails. Seeing a line of rail, Take couldn't help but be that kid who walked on the rail, balancing himself as he followed them, if only to feel a bit taller. He thought about Torrin's question and felt breath escape him almost like a chuckle as he asked, "I don't know, Torrin. Do you think the magical inhibitor had any say in where it would hide? Now if I were a sadistic clown, I'd hide it on the ceiling. Hard to reach if you're trying to take it down, and amusing to watch those taking it down struggle. Maybe make it so there are mines on the ground so if you fell you'd go kaboom."
At the moment they had to fight keyblades, Melus flipped her bow to play a chord and she backed up while two clones appeared in front of her and the girl began to guard against them. The girl walked several feet away before aiming at the keyblade, trying to knock em away. She shifted her bow towards Luther and yelled, "Here!" before she shot at him, giving a bit of an Aero buff to Luther. Though when she tried to aim at Lea and fire, the keyblades shifted to block it and Melus frowned slightly and said, "Well, that's unfortunate." she just had to hope at this point Lea was able to fight the man, cause no matter what direction Melus seemed to aim at, the keyblade deflected it. Melus took a deep breath and tried to shift in a direction behind Lea, despite the keyblades, and she played her song, trying to kick up the wind so Tango had to fight against the wind while Lea would have an easier shot. The keyblades kept aiming for her though and hse kept forcing the clones to protect. x
At the moment they had to fight keyblades, Melus flipped her bow to play a chord and she backed up while two clones appeared in front of her and the girl began to guard against them. The girl walked several feet away before aiming at the keyblade, trying to knock em away. She shifted her bow towards Luther and yelled, "Here!" before she shot at him, giving a bit of an Aero buff to Luther. Though when she tried to aim at Lea and fire, the keyblades shifted to block it and Melus frowned slightly and said, "Well, that's unfortunate." she just had to hope at this point Lea was able to fight the man, cause no matter what direction Melus seemed to aim at, the keyblade deflected it. Melus took a deep breath and tried to shift in a direction behind Lea, despite the keyblades, and she played her song, trying to kick up the wind so Tango had to fight against the wind while Lea would have an easier shot. The keyblades kept aiming for her though and hse kept forcing the clones to protect.
Mora was struggling as it was to stay awake, when Daeni left she mumbled out, "Wait... don't leave me." but she was gone before she really could finish it. As the two began working on the machine and getting it together, the night began to officially set in, and the cave was dark except for the glowing of the orb. Mora looked around scared and mumbled out at one point, barely, "Where did you all go..." she looked up towards the ceiling only because of the way her body was positioned, but she couldn't see it. The girl struggled to keep her eyes open for a little while. Then they shut. It was at that exact moment the world shook, and darkness began pouring straight out of Mora rapidly, like she herself was a beacon for it and a voice echo'd, "Wow, the darkness in her is so strong. I didn't expect it, like a pureblood heartless almost. It only makes me want more." Mora began to start levitating although at this rate she was completely unresponsive to anything. The voice echoed out again, "For all the damage she gave me, this'll more than make up for it." and in the corner the darkness began to pour into a shape that was growing larger and larger. You probably want to get that extractor fixed and codes in as soon as possible 12 days until the shape takes full form.
Kaida traveled around looking at some outfits, trying to get some yellow out of her color scheme. It wasn't that she hated being decked in one color as much, but she wanted a change and the all yellow reminded her too much of her homeworld for her to feel completely comfortable. Now she wasn't bound to one world, she was free, and while she wasn't thinking that intensely about it in the moment the blonde did eventually settle on an outfit she enjoyed. She kind of wanted to lose the full jacket it only because she found herself rolling up the sleeves uncomfortably more than she kept it fully down. But once everything was sorted she headed on back over to the auras. She stared at them for quite some time, but she found herself drawn towards the time aura and she stared at it for a while. She had no idea why, it didn't seem like something she had been completely interested in up until this point. But she felt naturally drawn that way, and she decided to go with that instinct this time and she touched the aura and absorbed it into her. She looked at the rest and immediately went towards speed if only because she knew she leaned on that strength a lot and she wanted to take advantage of it. The final aura she was thinking more about how much she found herself wanting to spellsling a little more. Not as much as a mage type or anything, but enough to feel like she was useful on tat front. She looked between thunder and fire, if only because she thought those two would be the easiest to manage. After long and careful thought, Kaida grabbed her last aura: thunder. The girl turned away with her hands her her new pockets afterwards, the buzz of becoming a master beginning to fade as the realization of the battle ahead began to take over. The girl began making her way towards the portal, she looked to the rest and said, "I'm all set, so I'm gonna head over now. I'll see you on the other side." Kaida gained Time, Speed, and Thunder auras, level 1
Takehiko looked curiously at the new badges they were given before he clipped it onto his zipper on his shirt. He thought it was interesting how this practical item was given time to take shape and have more of an aesthetic appeal. He figured maybe the stars could be sharped enough to quickly be used as a blade if the time was needd. But then the boy quickly distanced himself as the group began walking towards the tunnels. Take only stuck behind the two because he didn't wanna do that thing where three kids walked side by side down a street or something and blocked the entire sidewalk so he trailed behind them, looking back a couple of times just to make sure nothing was going to attempt to attack them from behind. As he did, the boy spoke up,"Why would they put a perfectly good tunnel subway system to waste? Unless the other one is further below ground, you would think this would be better for the weather. And with all the explosions going about you'd think it'd be better to keep something underground to avoid further infrastructure issues. Am I thinking too much about this?" The boy paused to look at the two older boys concerned before he continued, "Cause I feel like I am. Iunno... maybe they have a habit of cave-ins or something. But doesn't this seem a little..." Take walked trying to think of the word, waving his hands around as if somehow he could beckon the word to come to him with such a simple hand gesture before Take snapped his fingers and said, "Predictable if they were hiding underground? Like, you'd think they'd want somewhere we couldn't find them. Like a random apartment in a complex holding way too many kids. Or a retirement home. Iunno, the last place I'd look would be Tuesday night bingo."
I'm on a phone right now so I can't make a long post but they said school shooting. Not mass shooting. A school shooting is when a firearm is discharged within the range of a school vicinity. You started defining mass shootings which are a different bird. I'll respond later with something larger.
Take was glad that for once, he felt like one of the concerns he jumped in on was heard and was going to be addressed. That said, he was a little confused why she specifically had Torrin, Boreas, and himself going. He was a bit grateful though, cause that meant he'd be able to be actively helping out and not just sitting on the sidelines. Though he felt a bit for Aria, he could tell she really wanted to help out wherever she could and it killed her inside a bit to have to keep tabs on herself because she was a princess of heart. Take looked to Aria and Chrono and said, "Can't speak for these two, but I'll be careful. I look forward to your chocolate beverages." Take gave her a thumbs up and then looked over to Torrin and Boreas, from what he knew Boreas seemed to be a pretty stand up individual, and Torrin had kept an eye on Atmos when she was injured. Sure, the realm of darkness thing was something still on the table but he didn't know if that was necessarily bad. It was more of Tinarah's whole experience with the future that threw him off. He just hoped from the bottom of his heart that it was some kind of trick or trap that the Light Chaser planted and not an actual future. But maybe he'd get a chance to learn more about these two.
hot dogs are sandwiches
Take left his form, having a couple of deep breaths as he did so, only to find himself realizing how weak he felt. He thought maybe he'd gain back magic by this point. Though once the clown mentioned it being a magic inhibiting device, he had a good feeling why. He looked to all the others, not sure of their state at this point. And while Thalassa was already trying to find a place for them to rest he felt like it was a bad time to. And Aria just basically took the words out of his mouth. He walked close to Aria and said "I agree with Aria. Even if we're tired, we don't know the danger this could cause left unchecked. I say we try and take care of it before that can happen. Or at least make leads into finding out where the device is."
i'll take 2 ap boosts >>
What the **** **** ****ity **** is mcdelivery