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  1. cstar

    Take was surprised once they were out that Torrin complimented his skills. He almost wished he had been a little more under control then cause he considered this one of the worst examples of his skill and control out of combat. Still, the boy felt a bit honored at the compliment and bowed his head slightly, "I appreciate the comment, but I would think I wouldn't do very well with heartless hordes or anything of the sort. You guys seemed nearly noncha... noncha... calm about a darkside and spoke like it was more of a minor inconvenience. That thing was... terrifying."
    Post by: cstar, Mar 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. cstar

    Well, since the urgency of the scenario seemed to call for them to not have him Take the breather there. Take just let go of Torrin's shoulder and said,
    "Guess no break then. Just don't drop on us then. You look like you're going to." and he just quickly moved on ahead lighting up the room with his keyblade, what with what little energy he had left. Hopefully the plot's tunnel end was there soon.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. cstar

    Takehiko watched the way Torrin just seemed to be very worked up and he couldn't really help it as he placed his right hand firmly on Torrin's shoulder and spoke up, "We'll head there but please take a moment to breathe. You look all over the place, and in a way that will only lead to yourself getting hurt if we start rushing. Especially if making that portal took a lot out of you." He stared at him a moment then looked towards Adalric and Boreas, he hoped they wouldn't push for them to move anywhere. Just in case he looked back to Torrin before adding, "Even if it's urgent. No one is helped by someone having... well... for lack of a better word to describe what's going on with you right now, a panic attack."
    Post by: cstar, Mar 12, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. cstar
    Passionately ready to get this wave over with when the only one of the shadows left was her little friend, Kaida ran on over towards the darkballs and jumped up into the sky to begin a flurry of aerial combos. As the pulled two of them down to get them grounded, her shadow friend started slashing at them too until they disappeared. It definitely did not feel as fulfilling as destroying a little more than two dozen shadows a pop, but she managed to knock out four before she took a deep breath and pointed at the sky shooting a fireball at them.

    One of the darkballs almost made a popping noise like a balloon at that, while some of the darkballs seemed to kind of move around quickly as if to put out the fire. The blonde made a point to knock out the ones that were on fire and burning, just to put them out of their misery.

    Word Count: 160
    EXP Earned: 16
    EXP Total: 379
    Blessed Thief: 0 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 3 crowns

    Heartless Defeated:
    8 darkballs

    Heartless Remaining:
    1 Shadow (Reserved)
    11 Neoshadows (1 Reserved)
    8 Darkballs (1 Reserved)

    BP left 4/76
    Post by: cstar, Mar 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar
    New members and employees have been added to the wall!
    This is exciting, having more regulars! The last one's ended up disappearing after that demon tide destroyed half the town. *shivers* you xcouldn't bring me back. Anyway, let us know what drink you'd like today. I'm not sure what there is to really talk about today.


    *snaps fingers* how's the weather been where you hail from? We've been getting a couple of snowstorms. Yeah I know, in the realm of darkness of all places. Who'd think? Well, it happens, and the snow takes FOREVER to leave. But how's it where you've been?
    Post by: cstar, Mar 11, 2018 in forum: Forum Families
  6. cstar

    Take didn't waste any time when it became clear the portal was going to disappear, the boy made a run for it and jumped through, arguably before Boreas even had to encourage it. He waited on the other side with enough space between them making sure everyone made it out.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. cstar
    Kaida was happy to see the horde was finally beginning to dissipate into more of a crowd. That meant they were near the end. Kaida looked towards her shadow helper who got himself a couple more swipes in before jumping up onto her shoulder again. She booped her little friend on the nose and said, "We're doing well. We've almost got em."

    The blonde threw her keyblade in one direction and went the other with the single keyblade in her left hand as he knocked out many shadows in her path, while the other one created a domino effect in the opposite direction of her. She stopped when she'd reached a tree and she jumped up and kicked herself off of it. She raised up her hand to recall her keyblade to her and she swung her keyblade back and forth a bit until thunderbell and blizzara to create another explosion of magic.

    Kaida then took a breath and dropped her keyblades quickly to point towards a group of shadows. She clenched her hand into a fist and felt a bit of fire surge into her. The girl pulled back her arm and a firey punch formed around her fist as she punched into one of the shadows. The small creature flew back into a crowd and another explosion was heard. Not as powerful as her other firaga explosions but what was she to do. She could tell her aura was adding some nice potency to her fire spells and that made her feel pretty damn good. She looked at the small remainder and took a breath, "Just a couple left of you now... We can do this. Yep. Definitely."

    Word Count: 280
    EXP Earned: 28
    EXP Total: 363
    Blessed Thief: 70 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 2 crowns

    Heartless Defeated:
    25 shadows

    Heartless Remaining:
    22 Shadows
    26 Neoshadows
    64 Darkballs
    Post by: cstar, Mar 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. cstar
    I am generally in agreement with most of Ego's points here, especially in regards to the rigitiy of these systems. It depends on the host of the rp though. I'm in one rp where talking with the RP owner makes it very easy to help get the stats in a direction you'd want to go, while another one forces you to just kind of take what you get and deal with it.

    The flexibility is a big deal, and this is specifically light chaser: at the beginning there really weren't any aggro abilities available and I wanted my character to be built as a tank so I went to arch to ask for an ability on it and that essentially gave everyone a "special snowflake" ability. So I was able to build my character as a beginning keyblade wielder with a tank lean (granted now two other people are like that but eh).

    Now over in SOS, I have a character that I want to essentially build as someone who can essentially move so fast and manipulate time at their leisure that she can seemingly defeat her enemies in the blink of an eye. Obviously it's a bit unrealistic an expectation, even though my character has hit the rank of master there. But the point is I wanted to build it so she's really fast and really loves throwing spells. But it's nearly impossible to work this sort of play into the system that we have.

    Now, both of these rps have drastically different systems. SOS has a brawl/bodyguard fight system, and a boss system. In the boss system, we all look like chumps. But once we hit brawl missions we can flavor our fights however we want without it effecting stats. So like, we suddenly have an infinite amount of MP and HP and our gauges basically become full for the purposes of flavor and we can do combo attacks you've never be allowed to pull off in the boss fights.

    LC uses a system that is the same for boss and random encounters. There are abilities that can only be used with bosses, but overall the system is exactly the same. This makes it so characters stick at roughly the same combat level for both encounters, so characters aren't unstoppable badasses in random encounters and barely hanging on in boss fights.

    Now, I think there's benefits and drawbacks to both systems. I think LC's mechanics ground everything in the same level but as a result the creativity and flexibility has to go into character development and backstory rather than boss fights. SOS makes it so all of the creativity of the RP shows itself in brawl missions and then everything else becomes stagnant.

    Now, I have seen an rp that tried to do a "levelling" system that made it so a character became stronger through their own training montages and their abilities as a result became whatever the RPer wanted it to be so long as people tried to not become unbalanced. But the problem with that one is slightly discussed in another thread

    I don't know where the happy medium is. I know some people prefer combat over character moments in these types of rps. I'm the opposite. But I understand the want for flexibility.

    (btw in that fire scenario you described, I also had my character decked out in fireproof stuff. He was trained for firefighting type situations in his homeworld because of his villages constantly being burned down so his stuff is built to not burn. And that didn't factor in either. In this situation it comes down to 'the need for the rp owner to push the story/threats' which I might make another thread for just to discuss in detail there)
    Post by: cstar, Mar 10, 2018 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  9. cstar
    >two hp boosts
    >one ap boost

    Post by: cstar, Mar 10, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. cstar
    Kaida listened to Hikaru's explanation intently, keeping an eye out for more potential heartless. When he finished speaking his mind, Kaida made one of her keyblades disappear as she reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder as she replied, "I don't want you to feel like you have to make promises you can't keep. I understand the need for secrets, and well, now I know why you were so focused on Aux. I wish I had known, but that can't be helped."

    She looked at him and said, "I do not know if you've come to terms with this yet, but regardless. Your bonds are real to me." Kaida shifted into her pocket and held out the bird charm he had made for her and said, "This was your making and your work, of your own volition because you cared enough about our bond. Even if it turned out to not be real at the start, that's your impact." she put the charm back safely in her pocket, "Please don't forget that."

    Kaida resummoned out her keyblade and stood in a stance as she said, "Now if you'll excuse me. I feel recharged enough to jump in with pipsqueak back into the horde. Shall we?" she looked down at the shadow who climbed up into her hood. She looked at Hikaru and nodded at him before she jumped into the horde once more.

    She moved at her top speed through the horde, causing them to separate before she held her hand out and said, "Stopra!" the heartless froze around her and the girl closed her eyes as she quickly flashed through a group of twenty. She flashed between them moving back and forth between them as they stood still, taking whatever damage the blonde managed though they didn't feel it while they were frozen. She flipped around a couple times and the small area seemed to try to flicker back to the normal timespot.

    When she was done, the girl stood still and snapped her fingers for time to unfreeze and for the heartless to explode. She turned her way back to deal with a couple extras that managed to not get destroyed in her cool moment. The shadow also jumped out and helped out with a few extras as well. She looked back at it and said, "Thanks little guy."

    The shadow made a noise back, and Kaida stepped slightly away from it mostly out of concern.

    Word Count: 410
    EXP Earned: 41
    EXP Total: 335
    Blessed Thief: 40 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 2 crowns

    Heartless Defeated:
    25 shadows

    Heartless Remaining:
    204 Shadows
    95 Neoshadows
    149 Darkballs
    Post by: cstar, Mar 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. cstar
    Kaida hit the heartless a couple more times and throwing another fire spell into the crowd before the little shadow came back with another coconut and she chucked it into the crowd, knocking a couple of shadows into each other like a domino effect. She tensed up a bit as a couple more jumped at her and she knocked them down. She had fun flipping her keyblades around and knocking a few more. She waited for Hikaru's response patiently, but a form of dread was beginning to creep in that she couldn't quite shake. She took a deep breath as she waited for his answer.

    Word Count: 105
    EXP Earned: 10
    EXP Total: 294
    Blessed Thief: 10 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 2 crowns

    Heartless Defeated:
    25 shadows

    Heartless Left:
    231 Shadows
    97 Neoshadows
    149 Darkballs
    Post by: cstar, Mar 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. cstar
    Kaida at this rate was not going to be allowed the chance to process this and grab a raincheck on the convo since Hikaru was still yammering away about it even though he was trying to be as indirect as possible. Kaida knocked away the horde to get herself standing again. She got up just as Hikaru's fairth blasted all of the shadows out of a nearby and she quickly stepped back out of worry it might friendly fire, but she turned out alright. She took a deep breath and held her keyblades in a stance as she focused in and felt her keyblades begin to glow a bit.

    The blonde smirked and quickly dashed in and in a flurry of attacks, red slash made her keyblades clash together in a beautiful combination of thunder and fire. As the shadows took the damage, Kaida backed carefully away and without much struggle she jumped her way back onto the dock. She looked down at the heartless and said, "I don't like how you talk about yourself like this is your fault."

    The girl took a knee as she continued looking down at the heartless, watching the shadows jump up as the little friend ran over to grab a couple more coconuts. Kaida focused in to point her keyblade and yell, "Thundara!" the heartless were struck by the lightning bolts in an instant, and the shadows stood paralyzed.

    "The circumstances were clearly not under your control. And you're talking to me as if you... took something from me." Kaida stood up and looked towards Hikaru and said, "I met you first. You. Not Aux. Even if... you had Aux's memories... that wasn't what we based our friendship on." she sighed as a shadow jumped up to attack her and she slashed it away and it disappeared with a poof noise.

    She turned to focus on the group before she asked, "What do you mean... once we cross the portal... the remnant will return to him?"

    Word Count: 333
    EXP Earned: 33
    EXP Total: 284
    Blessed Thief: 80 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 1 crown

    Heartless Defeated:
    25 shadows

    Heartless Left:
    259 Shadows
    97 Neoshadows
    165 Darkballs
    Post by: cstar, Mar 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar
    Kaida was going to take a while processing what Hikaru just told her. Because it simply hit her in a way that she was definitely not fond of and it was only emotionally taxing on a different level. The blonde sent multiple projectiles back into the horde and was going to respond before she was pulled down. In a yell, she was under the horde and keeping up guard as she said, "Get back to me in a bit... you dropped a lot on me and now I'm being chowed on by shadows. Raincheck on the convo please!" and she continued her fight as best as she could, annoyed at the interruption.

    Word Count: 112
    EXP Earned: 11
    EXP Total: 251
    Blessed Thief: 50 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 1 crown

    Heartless Defeated:
    25 shadows

    Heartless Remaining
    345 Shadows
    103 Neoshadows
    178 Darkballs
    Post by: cstar, Mar 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. cstar

    Takehiko wasn't doing particularly well after that last hit, though the boy was trying to keep himself together. He felt like he was on the very last of his energy and he wasn't about it. He knew his reserves weren't spectacular, but he didn't think he had a choice here. The dark room suddenly glowed in a green light as it surrounded Take, giving him a bit more of a leg to stand on. While his keyblade was out he focused on it and began emitting a glowing light for himself and Adalric. He looked towards Torrin and Boreas for a minute before saying, "That eye thing you guys have seems very useful. Kind of wish I had that. Anyway."

    The boy made his way over towards the rocks and stared at it saying, "This will be a bit inconvenient." he looked towards Torrin,
    "You can make portals, right? That isn't affected by magic, is it?"
    Post by: cstar, Mar 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. cstar
    There was a beep before a popup showed up on the screen.

    Password incorrect. You have one more tries before lockout.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 9, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  16. cstar
    There was a beep before a popup showed up on the screen.

    Password incorrect. You have two more tries before lockout.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 9, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  17. cstar

    *jingle jingle*
    When you want coffee, you'll hear many say,
    "I know a must have, let's go!"
    Simple and Bean is where I want to have my coffee tonight.
    It's hot and ready to go~

    Are you tired of fighting hordes of heartless day in and day out without and end in sight? Did Xehanort end up throwing you into one of his schemes and you can't seem to find an out? Is that neighbor being way too loud and blasting the music from King's Tale for the fifth night in a row when you're just trying to get your finals done and-

    *breathes in*

    Well, that stress can go away quick with a trip to the simple and bean. Here we have the finest staff and the most amazing regulars. We also have a wonderful variety of treats just ripe for the taking. So come to the simple and bean today!

    Simple and Bean is where I want to have my coffee tonight.
    It's hot and ready to go~



    Oh, hello there! Did you hear our radio advert? I little dramatic I know but people remember it. Welcome to the simple and bean. Would you be interested today in joining our staff, or joining our membership program with some fun little rewards. Well, right now it's just a free coffee after 5 purchases on a stamp card, but we're hoping to expand once the heartless hordes are settling down.

    You just need to fill out some forms over here for your membership and we'll be sure to add you to our member and employment list. Thank you so much for coming in today.

    We're hoping with enough members we can have a movie night soon. We'll see in time though. We'd love it if you could keep all of the relevant coffee shop posts in here. You are welcome to walk in for a little while without a membership but.. well where's the fun in that?

    Oh! Feel free to let me know what your standard order is. I like getting regular's orders memorized and it'd be fun.

    • Username:
      Preferred Name:
      Representative photo (optional):
      Age/Birthday (optional):
      Position Applied (make it up if ya wanna):
      Favorite Heartless:
      Favorite Color:

    • Username:
      Preferred Name:
      Representative photo (optional):
      Age/Birthday (optional):
      Favorite Heartless:
      Favorite Color:
      Favorite Coffee:

    Employee Wall:

    xxUsername: Cstar
    xxPreferred Name: Cstar
    xxPosition: Manager
    xxAge/Birthday: 21, October 18th
    xxFavorite Heartless: Neoshadows
    xxFavorite Color: Purple
    xxUsername: Aelin
    xxPreferred Name: Gabi
    xxPosition: Barista
    xxAge/Birthday (optional): 22, September 1st
    xxFavorite Heartless: Orcus
    xxFavorite Color: Red

    Members Wall:
    xxUsername: LadyAzura
    xxPreferred Name: Joce
    xxAge/Birthday (optional): 20, June 4th
    xxFavorite Heartless: The Mushrooms!
    xxFavorite Color: Purple
    xxFavorite Coffee: Caramel Iced Coffee!

    xxUsername: CrownMoksha
    xxPreferred Name: MoK
    xxAge/Birthday (optional): 21, October 7th
    xxFavorite Heartless: ...don't really have one
    xxFavorite Color: Silver
    xxFavorite Coffee: again don't really have one (maybe tea tho)

    xxUsername: Marushi
    xxPreferred Name: Marushi, Any variation of Marushi, any other nickname , Rachel, whatever
    xxAge/Birthday (optional): 25, December 12
    xxFavorite Heartless: Barrier Master
    xxFavorite Color: Currently pink
    xxFavorite Coffee: frozen butterscotch mocha with whipped cream, chocolate syrup, and crushed Butterfinger pieces

    This is just a fun little forum family for people to jump in on and pseudo-rp and have a good time. It would be fun to keep up the "coffee shop" idea and aesthetic but if it gets boring we'll see. It's meant to be a fun destresser.

    Thread by: cstar, Mar 9, 2018, 14 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  18. cstar
    When Hikaru ran over to check on her, she was still in recovery stance staring down at the horde. The little shadow was still sitting near her looking down and bumping the ones crawling up on the head to knock them down. When he asked her how she was, she looked up at him and said, "Well, I think I got a little ahead of myself, but I'm doing just fine. I somehow recruited a little friend... we will see how this ends." she looked down towards the little shadow who looked up towards Hikaru and swiped slightly at him before swiping more at the others.

    Kaida stood up more fully and pointed her keyblade outward and another thunderbell came crashing down on the crowd, together with some firaga. The shadows went flying a little and the little shadow friend jumped down and the girl asked, "Was Aux alright? He wasn't looking so good when I ran in. Did he stick somewhere that there's no heartless?" she looked towards the blue haired kid and shrugged, "Not that I think he can't handle himself. But no one can really handle themselves when they're like... dazzled and discombobulated. That's a word right?"

    Kaida kept her guard up while darkballs seemed to fly over and she yelled, "No! Back off! Go find someone else. I'm not ready to deal with your floaty bloaty hijinks!" the shadow crawled over with another coconut and she grabbed it and chucked it in the direction of the darkballs and they flew off. The girl used her keyblade to keep knocking other ones down, even going so far as to destroy a few more while she had the chance.

    She looked out to see how the others were doing, she saw Beuce and Stratos and their beginnings of teamwork and strategy. Kel seemed to be struggling a bit with an invisible but not at a level that made her completely worried. Others were getting into the thick of battle as well. Particularly, she saw Luna starting to run in and get ready to tank. Kaida cupped her hands and yelled, "Yeah you get 'em princess! Show the dark beings what it means to be a being of pure light! Or... don't! I can't stop you but don't you drop on me. Convert that health to strength somehow!"

    Kaida looked over at Hikaru and said, "I don't think I'm helping. I feel like Kuma when he's far too excited about training newbies and the next thing you know twelve year olds are flying all over the place."

    As soon as Kaida said that, the shadows seemed to finally stack up on each other to form a ladder and the girl panicked and began swatting at them, "Oh no. Oh no they're starting to plan and scheme. Soon they'll be building gummi ships and starting colonies and taking over the world with their might of thousands. Unless that's cause Hue has control over." she knocked the ground successfully down trying to keep the wave down.

    The blonde fixed her hair when the pile was low and said, "You don't have to stick around though, if you think someone might need more help. I'll just be up here. With pipsqueak. And coconuts. And praying my MP keeps regenerating as fast as it has been. Though before you go. I know you didn't just run off without Aux so I'd rather get an answer to that question. If he isn't I'll run down to find him and get him to... well, this spot is as good as any. Can Aux climb trees? He'll learn."

    Word Count: 602
    EXP Earned: 60
    EXP Total: 240
    Blessed Thief: 20 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 1 crown

    Heartless Defeated:
    25 shadows

    Heartless Remaining
    Defeat 638 Shadows
    Defeat 183 Neoshadows
    Defeat 196 Darkballs
    Defeat 1 Invisibles
    Post by: cstar, Mar 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar

    Takehiko pulled himself together a little bit slowly, but was completely pulled together by the time the voice echo'd. The attempts at escaping the tunnel was a bomb and that only made Take a bit more nervous, but he took a deep breath to calm himself down. To focus inward and keep himself calm. Once he was... the darkside appeared. The boy stared up at this thing and backed away. For a moment, the boy pictured this thing with large wings. And with the ones in front of him, there was a part of him where the boy way genuinely worried this thing was about to roast them all alive. Without even a second more's thought, Take ran right past the group and charged at the thing, putting his all into three large combo attacks. One slashing him to the left, one slashing upwards, and the last slashing down with blitz. When the boy hit the ground, he took a deep breath to keep himself calm.

    It's not the dragon. It's not the dragon. It's not the dragon. You can do this. We can do this. Stay calm.

    Stay calm.

    AP: 0/50
    HP: 29/75
    BP: 0/3
    Post by: cstar, Mar 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. cstar
    Kaida was more than amused when Stratos came charging on in with a hunter limit and she said, "Well, it's not quite a strike, but you knocked 'em down alright." the girl spun her keyblade as she too went to charge on in. She kept her keyblades outstretched as she sprinted as fast as she could into the crowd. After knocking back a good amount, the girl went in for killing blows. The little shadow kept itself pinned to her back as she quickly spun around. The shadows flew upwards and disappeared into puffs of black and purple smoke.

    The blonde stood herself up to keep good balance. Thinking she was doing alright. Though one thing she had not necessarily anticipated though she should was how the environment was going to play an impact. The storm swished a piece of wood past her and the girl had no focus in that direction as it slammed into her face, knocking the girl back onto the ground. She turned to focus more on the debris since the wind was more in focus on that direction, while she was not in focus, a group of darkballs suddenly went in with an attack. The blonde went flying into a palm tree and she gasped out winded and she slid down. The shadow had jumped out of the way in time and clung to a branch. Kaida took in a couple breaths as she watched the horde crawl towards her. She temporarily took a knee and waited for the horde to come towards her a bit.

    The girl was genuinely curious how she was going to manage to keep going with this at this pace. She watched the darkballs fly off for other victims as other heartless began to join in with the shadow swarm. She was not going to focus on them yet. She had fully decided she would be the one to take out all the littles. Someone had to after all, and she felt like she was cutting into this lot like butter.

    When they were just close enough. Kaida hit backwards into the palm tree with force and felt a coconut fall kindly into her hand. She then swung the coconut at them and ran forward once more. Trying to hack and slash a couple more as she avoided the palm. She managed to get herself upwards onto some sort of dock above the rest of the heartless and tried to dig at a few more from the high ground.

    She rolled back slightly and suddenly stopped herself, keeping on leg planted firmly behind her as the rest of her.

    She pulled her keyblades back and pushed all of her body weight forwards as firaga and blizzara came out of her keyblades. The two spells started out in a straight line before the two swirled around into each other. Kind of like a dance. Then the two bounced into each other perfectly and knocked each other in separate directions into the shadows. The firaga's power was a lot stronger than Kaida anticipated since the little heartless seemed to fly up in the air on fire. The blizzara stuck those in the impact zone onto the ground.

    The heartless began trying to find their way up to her and the girl took a couple of moments to recharge herself. She was just grateful at this point to be above the horde. She thought she had gotten a bit too excited jumping into the horde her first time. She looked up to check on the others, making sure nothing horrible was happening to the others.

    Word Count: 602
    EXP Earned: 60
    EXP Total: 180
    Blessed Thief: 90 Munny

    Heartless Defeated:
    25 shadows

    Heartless Remaining
    Defeat 689 Shadows
    Defeat 183 Neoshadows
    Defeat 196 Darkballs
    Defeat 1 Invisibles
    Post by: cstar, Mar 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena