Take had not admittedly expected Aria to begin speaking about something urgent so suddenly, nor did he expect her to say he was one of the people she trusted the most here. He appreciated it a bit, but that wasn't his main thought. Instead, he listened to Aria telling about the nightmares and kept nodding throughout the conversation so she knew he was listening. When she finished speaking, he looked very concerned and said,"I know it's having physical effects on you.. but it's dangerous to not sleep. Especially with this magitek business going on. Are you sure there isn't another way?" The boy sipped his cocoa again to give the conversation a natural pause, finally reaching up and wiping off his nose before he continued, "Have you tried taking medicine so you have a dreamless sleep? Or... hm... idol carrying? That.. might be something specific to my homeworld." Take held his cocoa in his hands to feel the warmth for a little while before he explained, "In my homeworld, we need to keep the dragons from sensing us by limiting out emotions. But one of the hardest ways to hide it is when it's in sleep. When you're scared and in your head, you don't have people to help you out. But my older brother taught me idol carrying. Before you go to bed, you pick an item into your bedroom to focus on and say that item is coming with you and is going to protect you..." the black haired boy paused briefly before reaching into his pants pocket. He pulled out a small rock with a swirl carved into it. The swirl was painted red, "I bring this with me. I think of it like a good luck charm. One time I had a dream where a man came at me with a sword and tried to stab into my chest. But the rock made a protective shield around me. Or another dream I had where I fell out of the mountain and I saw the stone and remembered it was a dream and snapped myself out of it... ya know that feeling when you wake up and it feels like you fell a thousand feet? Well, I couldn't avoid that. But it kept me from panicking too long." He put the stone away and sipped the cocoa again, then continued, "It probably sounds odd. And... I don't know if it'd work in your case. But, it couldn't hurt to give something else a shot, right? Anyway, what you do is your choice. But we're here for you. Well, I shouldn't speak for others I'm pretty sure they're here for you. But I'm here for you." he gave her a reassuring smile, but stopped a little after and said, "I think I made that a little more confusing than it had to be."
Kaida rested herself on the tree and peered over as everyone started taking down these heartless very quickly. She was starting to feel like she was not pulling her weight and that only made her a bit angry at herself. Not like, Karina levels of angry at herself but maybe Aux levels. The girl began shooting fireballs and giant bells of thunder at the shadows with no mercy in her eyes as she attempted to off several more of these guys. Pipsqueak was back at it again with the coconut throwing to add to the projectile count, though it only seemed to stun while Kaida did the work. Word Count: 108 EXP Earned: 10 EXP Total: 810 Blessed Thief: 90 Munny Sweet Memories: 6 crowns Heartless Defeated: 58 shadows Heartless Injured: Invisible (Scarmiglione): 25/50 Invisible (Cagnazzo): 25/50 Invisible (Barbariccia): 25/50 Enemies Remaining: 387 Shadows 209 Darkballs 155 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 4 Invisibles (4 Reserved)
"I just wish the council told us sooner. We went out at first to look for you. I don't know why the council didn't tell Master Atmos and Choma before we left..." Take looked particularly distressed by that part, but when Aria mentioned hot chocolate. Take's eyes lit up and he bowed his head towards Thalassa and said, "Excuse me for a second." before he quickly scurried over, containing his excitement as he said, "Thank you thank you thank you." before he took his hot cocoa from the tray and began sipping it slowly. Getting a little bit of whipped cream on his nose when he lifted his face, "It's very good."
Kaida continued on with her extermination of the shadows. Though she was out of magic at this point and needed to recharge for a while. She started using splattercombo and just constantly raking up her shadow death count with random combos and knocking some heartless into the air in order to combo them there too. Soon enough, she felt a familiar shadow jump on on her shoulder and quickly jump off to attack some other shadows and she said, "Pipsqueak, you came back! I'm glad you're alright." The shadow did not really respond to her, but that did not bother her in the slightest. Word Count: 104 EXP Earned: 10 EXP Total: 800 Blessed Thief: 60 Munny Sweet Memories: 6 crowns Heartless Defeated: 58 shadows Heartless Injured: Neoshadow 2/15 Enemies Remaining: 1035 Shadows 297 Darkballs 314 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 12 Invisibles (4 Reserved)
Deciding to blast things into kingdom come this time, Kaida set herself seekermine on the ground around the horde and stood up into the tree. Although concerning where she got them, Kaida had little luna dolls made that sat over each mine. When the heartless began to go after the little dolls, Kaida sent a fireball in their direction, which made all the Luna dolls go into berserk mode and slam into the ground and set off the mines so many heartless went down in the fury of Luna. Kaida hoped Luna would never find out about this. She probably would. Word Count: 101 EXP Earned: 10 EXP Total: 790 Blessed Thief: 30 Munny Sweet Memories: 6 crowns Heartless Defeated: 58 shadows Heartless Remaining: 1205 Shadows 300 Darkballs 335 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 13 Invisibles (4 Reserved) 1 Darkside Heartless Injured: Darkside 2: 681/1500
Kaida was feeling pretty good at this point about the horde and keeping it at bay. The blonde continued to use a bunch of projectile and area of affect spells to try and keep the horde from getting close. A couple times the girl willingly ran up towards her opponents to use abilities that would help to recharge her magic but otherwise she kept a distance. This time, she was moving fairly fast to pick off the edge of the horde. Trying to get the ones jumping at her more so than jumping towards them. It felt very satisfying to her to feel calmer about it. Word Count: 106 EXP Earned: 10 EXP Total: 780 Blessed Thief: 0 Munny Sweet Memories: 6 crowns Heartless Defeated: 58 shadows Heartless Remaining: 1313 Shadows 320 Darkballs 341 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 13 Invisibles (4 Reserved) 1 Darkside Heartless Injured: Darkside 2: 786/1500
Takehiko was pretty excited by the idea of some of that hot chocolate again. But he had taken a minute to at least try to pick up the door and put it back in a space to keep anything from getting inside. Once he was done with that little escapade he went to walk into the kitchen and made it a few steps in before he heard them talking about something that seemed private, so the boy decided to calmly back out of the room to not invade. Take went back towards the living room to hear Tinarah playing the violin. He looked over and took the time to listen to the music with his eyes closed. He didn't know why she was playing it or why it was that song in particular but it just made him sad. Maybe it was because of the way the instrument played but it threw him off a bit and he wanted to get out of earshot sooner rather than later. But before he did, he ended up turning around and seeing Thalassa right nearby. Take was gonna just walk by when suddenly, Atmos' training kicked in and the boy asked, "So... where were you the whole time you disappeared? I'm glad you're alive but I'm curious is all... I know you said the council told you to go into hiding, but I was wondering where?"
Kaida started hitting some of those shadows with a flurry of red mage attacks. They were not as creatively flavored as they could have been because at that point she was just basic comboing. And that's really alright cause somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead. Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming. Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming, fed to the rules and I hit the ground running. It didn't make sense not to live for fun. Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb... So much to do, so much to see. So what's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never know if you don't go, You'll never shine if you don't glow. Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play. Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid. And all that glitters is gold, only shooting stars break the mold. It's a cool place and they say it gets colder. You're bundled up now, wait till you get older. But the meteor men beg to differ: judging by the hole in the satellite picture. The ice we skate is getting pretty thin, the water's getting warm so you might as well swim! My world's on fire, how about yours? That's the way I like it and I never get bored. Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play. Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid all that glitters is gold. Only shooting stars break the mold. Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play. Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show, on get paid. And all that glitters is gold. Only shooting stars, somebody once asked could I spare some change for gas? I need to get myself away from this place. I said yep what a concept, I could use a little fuel myself, and we could all use a little change. Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming, fed to the rules and I hit the ground running. Didn't make sense not to live for fun, your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb. So much to do, so much to see. So what's wrong with taking the back streets? You'll never know if you don't go, you'll never shine if you don't glow. Hey now, you're an all-star, get your game on, go play. Hey now, you're a rock star, get the show on, get paid. And all that glitters is gold. Only shooting stars break the mold. And all that glitters is gold. Only shooting stars break the mold. Kaida finished off her load of heartless and wiped off a bead of sweat and wondered if she set of Symphonia or something. Word Count: 504 EXP Earned: 50 EXP Total: 770 Blessed Thief: 70 Munny Sweet Memories: 5 crowns Heartless Defeated: 25 shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1: 130/1500 Darkside 2: 1232/1500 Invisible: 22/50 Enemies Remaining: 1469Shadows 345 Darkballs 383 Neoshadows (3 Reserved) 20 Invisibles 2 Darkside
Take had followed after Torrin with his keyblade drawn as well, but once Torrin had broken through the door and everything he summoned away the keyblade and looked a bit confused at the scene. When Torrin tried to explain how he thought this could have been an elaborate trap but then Take paused and said, "Sorry. Torrin just has a problem with doors. One attacked him when he was a little and he's never been the same since. Though, in our defense. Stuffed tiny bears were exploding and tunnels were caving in. Anything could have been possible." he looked around the others and said, "Everything is okay though, right?"
"His friendly heartless..." Take found quite a bit of amusement in that sentence. He didn't really ever try looking at any of these heartless like they were "cute" or "friendly" and he would never admit he'd change him mind and look at them that way. They were his new enemy he had to face and so he never tried to seek anything remotely positive on the other side. He didn't want that to give him a weakness. When they were at the mansion finally, he looked up at the window curiously before saying, "There's a lot of destroying being done on that side. I don't see the appeal."
"hello cstar did you do anything exciting today" well strawman i've created... no. But I did make a playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSxc9BBtQzOiOZcGmcycEjTi3SvPhNvBB This is basically... well, the intent was to include every single song in this thread but i kind of gave up barely any of the way through it. If one exists, I don't know about it. I was going back and forth from the most current to the first in the thread. If you would like to contribute to it, pm me and I'll give you the link to the playlist to add videos! Meanwhile, I've been jamming to:
Boreas explaining their difficulty compared to the dragons made Take feel a little better, but when Torrin mentioned darksides weren't even the biggest, Take's heart skipped a beat as he remembered the... hand that seemed to swoop and nearly kill Atmos and Choma had to save her. He wondered if maybe that one was the biggest one. He certainly hoped so. As soon as Torrin mentioned him being able to job and that they shouldn't slack off, Take crossed his arms and said, "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should... but I'll never be a slacker on any day." And he began to jog with them as soon as the others began to. As they ran towards their destination Take asked, "Though... Darksides are still one of the bigger ones, right?"
Kaida was fully prepared to run back up the tree, but suddenly a wild Ananta appeared and touched her shoulder. She felt the cure which was definitely helpful what with the horde that just recently nearly killed her. But before she could even thank her, Ananta had passed out. Then Kaida was really panicking. This girl had managed to get through the horde to help her, only to collapse. And the only protection she had found so far was in a tree. And she certainly did not have the strength to carry Ananta and climb a tree. She was ****ed. For lack of a better word. Cause she was not about to leave Ananta to die. But she could not figure out how to get the girl out of there. Kaida took a deep breath and grabbed the green haired girl and made her keyblades disappear. Then she began having Ananta pigggyback her. She looked up the tree at her shadow friend and she said, "I'll be back, pipsqueak." and she ran as fast as she could towards the others. The horde attempted to chase her for a while but she made a maneuver closer towards the darksides and that made it so the others let her go. For how long, she could not say. They probably had a taste of her blood by now and they would likely come back for more. Kaida reached the dock she had been on before and it remained relatively untouched. Kaida placed Ananta on it laying down before she cast cure. Then Kaida took a breath and quickly placed a protective bubble around her that basically worked the way guard did. But cstar, that ability doesn't exist. Well for the purposes of this moment it does cause I am not babysitting right now sorry Tay I ain't about that life. Once the bubble was cast Kaida went to run back to join in on the fight. Unfortunately for her, there was now a darkside in the way of her destination and it was not going to let her run by it a second time. The darkside looked towards her, looming, as it went to sway it's hand. Kaida quickly cut through it with a slash, contributing a bit to the fight, before she set onto the ground on the other side. She turned to see Aux confused and Aislinn...singing. Kaida shook her head and just kept on running so her contributions were literally just one hit to the darkside. She felt kind of bad, but her battle was most definitely elsewhere. As the blonde returned towards her spot the horde was beginning to split up more into larger groups. Which was way better, she had a feeling maybe the way she was fighting was contributing to the horde problem but it felt very good to take a bit of a break. Even if it was running. As she got back towards the palm tree, she noticed her heartless friend was not there anymore and the blonde looked around worried. Pipsqueak must have decided to either follow her or start its own fights somewhere else. She could respect that. Though it did not mean she liked the idea of losing a support network. The random coconuts from time to time were some nice ranged ammo. The blonde resummoned her keyblade and decided to go after a neoshadow. Whether or not it was the one that knocked her into the horde last time, she could not say. All she knew was she wanted to take out this one in particular. So she combo'd it. And she combo'd it so hard the neoshadow barely had any flavor text. Word Count: 409 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 720 Blessed Thief: 40 Munny Sweet Memories: 5 crowns Heartless Defeated: 1 Neoshadow Heartless Injured: Darkside 1: 521/1500 Darkside 2: 1469/1500 Enemies Remaining: 1582 Shadows 381 Darkballs 399 Neoshadows (3 Reserved) 20 Invisibles 2 Darksides
The blonde was planning for a distance round this time. Figuring she was doing a lot better in the previous wave anyway once she found a spot to stick to and keep shooting spells from. She waited a bit and scouted the area to make sure she only had to worry about shadows and neoshadows while she restored magic. She wished there was a more stable position to hang, she was not convinced the dock she was on previously would be enough to keep her elevated from the crowd so she would just need to find a larger tree. But for now, this point was fine. Pipsqueak began throwing a few coconuts from the tree at a few of the shadows below, comical "bonk" noises could be heard as they hit the shadows. One at the bottom spun out upon being hit and laid down on the ground in defeat. Kaida giggled a bit at the sight, finding a bit of humor in it before realizing now was probably the best time to get these attacks started. The blonde began by beginning April showers, then crossing her blades together a bit in order to point them down and yell, "Thundara!" The area lit up quickly as shadows began being electrocuted by the spell, sparking a lot more as the rain in her space (which kind of looked like random clouds just floated up above her little dome of range) continued pouring down. She knew she was more equipped with fire, so it was best to keep that off until April Showers ended. As the rain continued to pour, she crossed her blades together and shot Thunderbell and Blizzara at the same time. Usually the bell made a bong noise as it hit it's target, this time it made more of a flat noise. Like the bell was already broken. But it also made a crackling noise similar to thunder. She thought that was pretty fitting, having what looked like a thunderstorm aesthetic going on. Some of the shadows began backing out of the area to try and get away from the rain and lightning, which gave her a temporarily bubble. Which was good, because she needed to wait for thunderbell to charge again and that was her only thunder projectile in her arsenal. Kaida hopped down to the ground and on a couple of the escaping shadows made a quick use of powerline before moving back to her perch. Word Count: 409 EXP Earned: 40 EXP Total: 660 Blessed Thief: 10 Munny Sweet Memories: 5 crowns Heartless Defeated: 25 Shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,191/1,500 Enemies Remaining: 1742 Shadows 420 Neoshadows 391 Darkballs 24 Invisibles 2 Darksides
There was a point where Kaida knew she had messed up. And it came at an instant when she thought everything was under control. The blonde reached a piece of drift wood and footed herself on it go get a little bit of elevation when a neoshadow ran by and got in a good swipe on her leg. The blonde winced and fell over and the next thing she knew all she could see was black. Not because she was unconscious, but because she most definitely being trampled by several of these heartless. She quickly tried to bring up her arm to swipe the creatures off of her, but while she managed to knock off one of them, a bunch of them went to attack her at once. Kaida felt all of her energy was gone and was certain she was about to fall unconscious, but with an incredible stroke of luck, second chance kicked in and she let out a huge sigh of relief before she realized she still needed to get out of there. The girl reached up her keyblade and used stopga once more. While the time was stopped, the blonde used splattercombo and quickly got herself out of there while also knocking out a few more shadows along the way. Stopga's effects began to fade and she made her way as fast as she could to a high ground. This is when she decided to climb up a palm tree. Although weak, she successfully made it up to the top and started panting heavily as she looked down at the creatures. She hoped they could not sense how fearful she was, because that last swarming took away more health than she would have liked. She raised up her keyblade to cure herself, and then looked down at the shadows wondering her next approach. Word Count: 307 EXP Earned: 30 EXP Total: 620 Blessed Thief: 80 Munny Sweet Memories: 4 crowns Heartless Defeated: 25 Shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,194/1,500 Enemies Remaining: 1767 Shadows 420 Neoshadows 399 Darkballs 24 Invisibles 2 Darksides
Kaida began a strategy where she ran along the edge of the horde and did her best to knock back the shadows so they were not able to break through and swarm the rest of the party. It was definitely not a perfect strategy since the horde could have easily overwhelmed her at any point if they tried, but so far they seemed to jump move mindlessly to random spots and not together in a hive mind of anything of the sort. Kaida kept slicing and dicing at the shadows and as some attempted to jump at her from behind, her shadow companion knocked them back into the pile. Word Count: 109 EXP Earned: 10 EXP Total: 590 Blessed Thief: 50 Munny Sweet Memories: 4 crowns Heartless Defeated: 25 Shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,194/1,500 Enemies Remaining: 1795 Shadows 426 Neoshadows 408 Darkballs 25 Invisibles 2 Darksides
Kaida could feel the gravity in the area feel stronger and it made her look in the direction of Stratos just as he was finishing up. When he asked about the aura she said, "Yeah, I got... time I think. It seemed flashy. I liked it. Though I wasn't expecting a cosmetic effect." Kaida admitted, scratching the back of her head. The girl looked around and some of the shadows heading back in their direction and she said, "I'm gonna get a few more of the littles. I might be back later. Keep it up." and she saluted a bit before she took off. Kaida was only a little bit away but she just decided to get it over with fairly quickly and she began using Red Slash to do a colorful combination of... gravity and fire. It was a bit strange but it looked cool as the heartless began to float up into the air while on fire before disappearing with a poof. Kaida knocked out several more around the general area but made a point to not jump into the swarm again. She was not planning on it unless she had a team of people with her so she knew she would not be overtaken. Or at least healed. Word Count: 211 EXP Earned: 21 EXP Total: 580 Blessed Thief: 20 Munny Sweet Memories: 4 crowns Heartless Defeated: 25 Shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,197/1,500 Heartless Remaining: Defeat 1903 Shadows Defeat 441 Neoshadows Defeat 432 Darkballs Defeat 25 Invisibles Defeat 2 Darksides
Kaida had not noticed Stratos' drain escapade. If she had, she probably would have reacted with a lot more vigor and quite a bit of awkward distrust. Since she had not, since she had been in a long air combo dealing with darkballs, she only had seem him in brief glimpses. Though she darkness aura was definitely a new one. She clicked her tongue a bit as she processed it, but having a bit of darkness around someone at this rate was not enough for her to freak out or anything. When he mentioned the heartless with swords, and how she would be as surprised as him with that, she turned to look around at other heartless and asked, "So what you're saying is, you aren't surprised then? Cause a heartless with a sword? That doesn't surprise me. Now, a heartless with a keyblade, THAT would surprise me." she paused and looked at him straight away saying, "Oh no they can't use keyblades can then?" Kaida asked this just in time for an invisible to begin running her way and swinging her sword at her. She moved to go and block it but the force was a lot stronger than she anticipated and the blonde went upward into the air a bit and fell back to the ground and said, "Ooooh. It's a mean one. But it's better than a bunch of munchkins. Alright. Let's dance." The blonde waited for the invisible to make it's swing again and she quickly maneuvered into a dodge roll. While off balance from it's swing the blonde began to hack and slash as much as she could before she was forced to back away. She kept her keyblades outward as she paced around waiting for another opening and as it went to lunge in again, she went for a second time. But this time the invisible phoned a friend and a neoshadow came swooping in from the side and staggered her a minute. But it moved her just out of the way from the invisible where it's slash did not affect her. She took a deep breath, now focusing on the opponents as a darkball seemed to also be floating down towards the other side of her, ready to jump in when she was off balance. This was going to be a matter of timing now. She watched the invisible lunge again, the neoshadow moving in ready to strike slightly before the invisible moved. And the darkball moving towards the place Kaida would stagger into so it could push her back. Kaida decided to deal with the adds first, slamming one keyblade into the ground and the other one up as she said in a calm voice, "Stopga." The opponents froze and her aura began to activate as she seemed to have small after effects show up in her place. She kept the one keyblade in the ground and ran towards the others as she slashed the neoshadow once, then the invisible twice, and the darkball once. She landed towards the center she tapped her keyblade gently. Seeker mine placed around her keyblade and she rolled out of the way and pointed her keyblade towards the group and snapped her fingers. As time unfroze, mine seeker activated and the heartless exploded in a large kaboom. Without even knowing it, she got herself another shadow in the mixup. The only one remaining at this point was the invisible. Who was definitely barely hanging onto whatever it had left and was ready to strike at her again. Kaida walked over to pick up her keyblade and provoked for it to attack her. The invisible charged itself and she dodged and hit it with the butt of one of her keyblades as it disappeared. Word Count: 627 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 559 Blessed Thief: 90 Munny Sweet Memories: 3 crowns Heartless Defeated: 1 Invisible 1 Neoshadow 1 Darkball 1 Shadow Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,197/1,500 Heartless Remaining: Defeat 1929 Shadows Defeat 441 Neoshadows Defeat 435 Darkballs Defeat 26 Invisibles Defeat 2 Darksides
As the blonde settled down a bit more, she began to consider possibilities to get further out of the jam she had placed herself in. She knew full well that the best way to go about this was to get more inland. But with the way these heartless were, she was genuinely concerned she would fall into the group and be knocked out before she could say "oops". So as her eyes scanned the area for potential escapes, her eyes fell onto a group of darkballs floating away towards other potential victims and she raised an eyebrow as an idea came to her. Kaida looked down as she grabbed pipsqueak and held it up and it got angry at the way it grabbed her. She held it a good length away from her while it tried to slash and grab her. Perhaps she was so used to pipsqueak jumping up without a problem but she did not truly realize just how large these shadows were until she was trying to hold one and keep it at arms length away so it would not hurt her. The girl took aim and backed slightly further into the rock so she could drop the shadow and she launched the shadow in the distance towards the darkball. The shadow panicked, covering its eyes before it realized it was moving at a surprising pace, and the shadow tried flapping its arms as if it could fly. It almost seemed happy, heartwarming a moment, before it slammed into the darkball. The darkball panicked and tried to figure out the source while pipsqueak held onto the antennae for dear life. The darkball turned to look at Kaida who began taunting at it, and a group began to float on towards her, one after the other. Kaida held her fist towards her chest, giving a soft confirmation to herself this would work before she leaped as high as she could into the air. She began an aerial combo like no other. She slashed the first darkball and pipsqueak quickly jumped onto her hood and clung onto her while she destroyed each darkball along the way. It was almost fun, like a good practice to keep up her aerial combos as smoothly as possible. The blonde soon realized she was high off the ground. A little too high off the ground for her to feel as though she would land safely. Not that she necessarily accounted for fall damage before but she still did not want to feel the sting on her ankles. Below her, she saw Stratos managing to keep up the good fight, getting himself hit far back before charging in with the hunter limit. It was cool, she kind of wished she used it more often. But a tiny shadow was trying to sneak in behind him after the attack from the creature. Kaida didn't exactly have aerial slam, which would have been pretty cool right now, so she was gonna have to improvise a little more than she expected. With the final darkball in her path she used an aerial finisher and used the last of her energy from it to fall from the sky and straight into the tiny shadow behind Stratos. A lot of sand suddenly wooshed up into the air and Kaida began coughing. When it cleared she smiled and said, "Hey, sorry for dropping in so suddenly without notice... I had a bit of a complication with... a thousand shadows and the edge of the... world... or island." Pipsqueak fell out of her hood a little shaken as well as Kaida stood up to reorient herself. Word Count: 605 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 499 Blessed Thief: 60 Munny Sweet Memories: 3 crowns Heartless Defeated: 8 Darkballs 1 Shadow Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,197/1,500 Heartless Remaining: Defeat 1930 Shadows Defeat 442 Neoshadows Defeat 439 Darkballs Defeat 28 Invisibles Defeat 2 Darksides
Kaida got herself far too excited when she was done with the first wave. But once Hikaru cheered about it she looked over at him and mumbled, "No don't jinx it don't jinx it don't-" But by that point it was far too late. And the next horde began. Unfortunately for Kaida, she seemed to stand perfectly in the middle of the spawning point of two thousand shadows and she gulped. Her shadow friend held up their hands in a scratching motion and the girl took a deep breath in and out trying to calm herself as she tried not to curse Hikaru's name for this under her breath. Kaida ran through the horde, dodging as much as she could possibly muster before getting to a large sandbar and running across it as she was chased by the horde. Her shadow friend followed her with no problems, though it absorbed itself into the ground and kept reappearing at intervals in order to keep up. Some of the horde began adapting this tactic as well but because of the head start the other one was leaps and bounds ahead. Kaida eventually ran to a point that was the edge of the island and she lost balance a minute as she tried to grab herself back on the ledge. She slipped a bit but forced herself to put all of her weight upwards so she landed with her face and torso in the sand and her legs dangling off the edge. She grunted and looked up to see the shadows rushing at her. She looked up just in time to see Hikaru go flying and she could not help but let out a laugh in this situation before she focused on the problem. Kaida summoned out one keyblade and pointed it straight towards a line of shadows as they approached her. Closing her right eye to take aim before getting a perfect line. She stretched to get her foot flat against the surface of the rock, and with incredible speed and electricity, the girl charged forward with powerline. As the first shadows dissolved she was back in the horde and she spun around her keyblade and summoned her second one. The shadows swayed to come at her again and she closed her eyes to take another calming breath before Kaida let out a scream. It probably seemed unnecessary but it was just what she needed to let loose a lot of energy. It even made the shadows back up a bit in confusion. She held her keyblades out to provoke them, before one shadow attempted to jump out at her from behind. She turned to hit it back, and two more leaped towards her as she turned. She flipped her hands around and slashed them without looking at them. The blonde kept her eyes closed as more heartless attempted a turn at her. Jumping into her not at once, but like each individual shadow was up for its own challenge. When she'd defeated 12 of them. Some of them began to try and push her back towards the cliff, like being able to knock her out. Kaida tried to find herself a more suitable hiding space and her eyes caught a rock a little ways north of her path. Kaida pointed at them shouting, "Firaga!" and burning a pathway towards the rock. When she was up there, happy to have a high ground again. She was sweating and scared as a thousand heartless were trying to climb up towards her. She looked around the sea to see how others were dealing, but she was more than a little tilted. Word Count: 607 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 439 Blessed Thief: 30 Munny Sweet Memories: 3 crowns Heartless Defeated: 25 Shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,197/1,500 Heartless Remaining: Defeat 1933 Shadows Defeat 444 Neoshadows Defeat 449 Darkballs Defeat 30 Invisibles Defeat 2 Darksides