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  1. cstar

    musical mission~

    it's the month so I get the double crowns and also i have counterpoint auto-equipped for these missions so my rewards are:
    3 crowns, 200 Munny
    Post by: cstar, Mar 30, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. cstar
    Kaida continued on with her barrage of aerial attacks at the darkballs. Stopping time in midair to knock a few out before they could float out of her range. Or slamming them into the ground so the impact was what got them. When she finally charged up red slash again she let loose with that as well. She jumped down and landed on her leg the wrong way and needed to keep herself low. She decided to move to a safer spot to rest up at least for the rest of this wave. Next wave she would do far better.

    Word Count: 100
    EXP Earned: 10
    EXP Total: 930
    Blessed Thief: 10 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 8 crowns

    Heartless Defeated:
    30 Darkballs
    (6bp unused)

    Enemies Remaining:
    101 Neoshadows
    79 Darkballs
    Post by: cstar, Mar 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. cstar

    Takehiko was having a bit of trouble getting used to his outfit when he put it on. He wasn't used to things being so.. tight. He always had a slightly loose fit on his outfits and this was the opposite of that. Everything fit well though, it was built with a stretch to put normal clothes underneath them. The mask reminded him of the one he had ready for smoke protection, he wondered if she got the inspiration because of that... somehow.

    When Aria mentioned it being their cue, he looked to the letters and sighed,
    "I guess it is. Is everyone alright though, before we go. Is there anyone who's not up to snuff?"
    Post by: cstar, Mar 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. cstar
    When handling the last of the heartless in the previous wave, Ananta had run up to her at some point, having been grateful that Kaida helped out. With her mind focused on other things, she was not paying too much attention. That was until the green haired girl asked if she liked Aux and Hikaru... in some "other" manner. The question threw off Kaida a minute and she paused combat to think about it.

    She certainly did not think so. She'd never thought about the two in that manner, but it made her wonder if she did. But it did not take her long before she settled on the idea that no, she didn't. She looked to Aux and Hikaru more like they were brothers. She had spent so much time with both of them sparring and going off on random adventures when they were in Central Haven that she never had the time to process anything other than that. Once she was in the Order she did not exactly have time to even ponder that kind of a relationship with either of them anyway.

    When that wave had finally cleared, she barely got time to breathe, then the second one began. But not before reinforcements seemingly arrived. She looked to see Karina had come back, with her new allies and there was at the very least a relief to see that she was still in one piece. Then Mizu showed up, and another relief was felt knowing that some other Order members were around. Especially since she had not seen Mizu since... when was the last time she had seen Mizu? It was not that important to her, she was still alive and that was the extent of how much she cared.

    Kaida was a little slow with this first wave, trying to catch a breather while the others started off strong and she got a good look at what these new reinforcements abilities were. Karina was using fire powers and had a boy following her around that was using gravity based abilities, which was unique enough. There was a girl fighting mainly with her fists and Kaida could not get a good grasp on what exactly her power was. Luna was having a reunion of some type with a boy, she did not want to pry too much into that. There was a man rushing through having waaaay too much fun destroying heartless in his wake. And then finally there was another boy, who clearly had a strong handle on time magic. If she had the time to only stare at someone fighting, she would probably watch how they were handling it. Since the flow of combat was something she was enjoying studying from a distance.

    After far too much time stalling, Kaida immediately went in after some darkballs. The invisibles were done by the time she got herself onto the battlefield. Having experience already with there balloon-like heartless, Kaida kept up an aerial combo going and trying to bring the heartless lower to the ground. After knocking quite a few to the floor, Kaida dropped down to take a breath and realized she may have taken too many into her aggro for her to handle. So she took a deep breath and was prepared to deal with that mess. She backed away a bit to get a good distance range for her spells, and shot blizzara and firaga at the same time with a flurry and finished off more of them. She placed down her keyblade and turned to see an ice colossus close enough to possibly step on her. Kaida blinked and said, "Wow. Sprinkles. You've grown..." then she turned her attention to the rest of the fight, her keyblades beginning to sizzle with the ability to use red slash once more. But she paused for a moment to breathe.

    Word Count: 644
    EXP Earned: 60
    EXP Total: 920
    Blessed Thief: 80 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 7 crowns

    Heartless Defeated:
    30 Darkballs
    (6bp left over)

    Enemies Remaining:
    816 Neoshadows
    800 Darkballs
    Post by: cstar, Mar 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. cstar

    Take was a bit thrown off by the idea of costumes. He didn't know that she was even making them and followed purely out of a curiosity. He heard Torrin and Boreas speaking to each other and tried to listen in, but gave up when he could barely get every fourth word. When Edna brought them into the room to showcase the costumes, Take looked at it in a bit of amusement before finally saying, "They... look... interesting?" he wasn't sure how to comment otherwise, he didn't think they looked bad it just wasn't something he'd normally wear. He wasn't sure why Edna picked black and white with a hint of green. He did like the hint of green though. But perhaps that was just because he was so used to wearing it. He whispered under his breath, "Looks a little small though... I think the size is wrong... Thank you... Edna." he was pretty sure her name was Edna and that someone said that name once or twice but he was pretty sure he never actually introduced himself formally to her which made this whole thing weirder.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. cstar

    The monitor flicked briefly before the password was accepted, and the very first thing presented was a selection menu. The problem was it wasn't exactly programmed with a how to or anything of the sort. It was only showing what was needed on the monitor.

    [o] Test [x]Full
    [o] Unlimited [x]Timed
    [5 min] Auto-Closure
    [x] Pre-Generate
    [1 min] generation time
    [x] allow interruption [o] no interruption


    A memory begins to pierce through.

    "This will work, we have so much power at our disposal, how could we reject it? Isn't it great to lose that darkness anyway? You're just giving it to me... think of it like giving me a disease."

    "Give back what is mine!"

    The scene was through Aevum's eyes, looking down at Cerdic as he screamed those words at him, trying to reach out and grab him before exhaustion took over and he was out. Others began to follow and with confidence the boy began to turn towards the swirling darkness accumulating in the room. Aevum touched the portal and gasped out as his left arm reached to hold his right to keep it stable. His vision kept fading and then clearing up in random spikes, before a blur showed up out of the corner of his eye and Marley could be seen running full force at him and pushing him out of the way.

    As Aevum was separated from the darkness, something still was reaching towards it. Like the darkness was it's own human hand reaching towards it. Aevum couldn't fall down, like he was frozen in his spot. He turned to look towards Marley who was backing away a bit in fear over what was going on. The boy turned towards the computer and quickly began trying to keep the machine going. He pressed a few buttons saying, "Come on. Come on!" the boy looked at the core and summoned his keyblade and moved to smash it.

    "Marley don't-!"

    The smash of the core going flying caused the machine to let out a squealing noise. Marley took a step back to look at Aevum before the machine itself exploded. Marley felt the full force of the machine explode and flew back away from it and into the wall. They hit their head and were knocked out before they had the chance to react to anything going on. While Aevum began to scream and fell down, but it felt like something was torn from him.

    As he lay on the ground, a dark form began to take shape. The creature began to whisper, "MORe... I neED more..." it turned and quickly shot out of the cave. Aevum couldn't stay conscious anymore and his vision faded.


    "Pointless! POInTLESS!"

    The creature was finally beginning to show features, including a face as it grinned, "WhAT EXACtly is the point in every one oF THESE memORIEs. I wanTED To become what Aevum failed to be. But I can be stronger if I'm lESS of HIm. I just need more darkness. More. Less of you. I want to consume it all, the darkness can't DESTROY WHAT We love if I am all darkness is. Make thiS world the beginning... no..."

    There was a bit of a laugh as the creature continued, "Even that thought is too much like Aevum. Those motivations. I just hunger for darkness. I'll take what's left of it here and go." the creature's voice distorted more as it's eyes peered to look straight towards Daeni as it tried moving forward, "And there's one heart with darkness in it. Still hiding here. The one who messed all this up. Marley..."

    When mentioned, Daeni should have felt a sudden uneasiness in her heart, and that should have made her connect the dots there.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 26, 2018 in forum: Hall of Fame
  7. cstar

    Perhaps it was all the talk of nightmares that made it so Take experienced one. The boy was tied to a chair in a dark room and he tried pulling away before his left arm was grabbed firmly and a scorpion was placed on it. Take tried to pull away his arm shouting, "No, stop! I'll control my emotions better. Good soldiers put their- aaah!" he felt the sharp sting a burning that hurt more than any dragon burn he'd ever experienced and looked down to see his arm fading into a black dust. He grabbed his arm as it was disappearing, the kid felt tears pouring down as he screamed, "What's going on?!"
    "Well, she did warn you..."

    Takehiko looked concerned as he tried to look up at the face, but more than his arm was fading away at this point. The scorpion turned into a ball of light, the hand was gloved, in black, and through the dark, red eyes peered through, "If I took your light, it'd kill you."

    Take reached out to try and grab the figure only for everything to go black, but not before he felt like his entire body was on fire.

    And an echoing laugh.

    Take sat upright very quickly, clutching his chest and breathing heavily. He reached into his pocket fairly quickly to grab his stone and just feel around it to make sure he was grounded, he was in reality. And there was an immeasurable feeling of relief as he did.

    Then the details of his nightmare began to disappear. He didn't find that odd, he never found it necessary to remember a dream in such details, it was better for him to move forward without thinking too much about it. He couldn't remember any words said anymore, just visuals. Just... a numb sensation that to his mind at some point was pain. Though he did remember the laugh.

    Takehiko got up from his bed and zipped up his jacket as his ears reached the loud conversation going on outside. He was fine with being a little slow, he needed time to wake up and didn't want to talk out there drowsy or anything of the sort. When the boy had everything ready, he placed on his bag and walked outside just for Tinarah to finish what she was saying.

    He blinked and processed what she last said and added,
    "Think of it more like... community service. Not looking for the recognition just going in for the relief of it... maybe the thrill."
    Post by: cstar, Mar 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. cstar

    "Takehiko." the boy repeated again, with more force. But he finally just waved and said, "Yeah, we should. Have a good night." and the green eyed boy headed back towards the rooms, and into his room before kicking off his shoes and finally getting to sleep.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. cstar

    When Qamar brought up him attempting to say foundation, he looked away embarrassed, and when she mentioned him being a little too young to adventure with them, Take did not like that in the slightest. He crossed his arms and didn't reply as he looked at her trying to figure out where she was trying to go with what she said. When she mentioned his name, he corrected her, "Takehiko. My name is Takehiko." he'd gotten used to this group calling him Take, but with the way she talked down at him, he didn't appreciate it. So she got the fun of having to say his whole name. When she brought up getting worked up, he almost wanted to comment about how that seemed like a regular thing, but he didn't, he simply said, "Well, stress does that. Did you actually eat? I know it's not healthy to eat straight before bed but starving doesn't help stress or anything."
    Post by: cstar, Mar 22, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. cstar

    Takehiko certainly was not expecting this conversation to go this route, but he listened anyway. When the pillow went flying and he could hear glass breaking, he raised an eyebrow and looked towards her just in time for her mentioning wanting to punch something. When she looked at him, he wondered for a moment if she meant she wanted to punch him. Maybe that raised his questioning whether in fact she was trustworthy. Then she apologized right away, and the switch in emotion was odd, but not unexpected. Then she was crying.

    Take was also worried about Aria's well being, but not to the point of being this upset about it. At least he didn't think. He could tell she was good at taking care of herself, he had no reason to doubt that she would make the right decisions, and even if she didn't... well, who made perfect decisions all the time? He tried to figure out what to address first and finally found a point he was comfortable with. He placed a hand on Qamar's shoulder and said,
    "You have a right to be concerned, but Aria's made it this far and is still alright. I trust her to make the right decisions, you should to. As for Torrin, well, I think he's so used to handling stuff on his own, he doesn't know how to have others help. But sometimes people don't want help, and even if you want to, you need to respect that people want to be able to make their own decisions."

    Take let go of her shoulder and shrugged a bit, "I also wouldn't take it to heart too much. Some of us have been in the same group since the beginning of this and still don't trust each other." he looked over in the direction of where Illiana had been, "Completely..." he looked back to Qamar and scratched his face, "But if I'm completely honest here, which I'd rather be. The first time I met you, you were freaking Tinarah out by having just walked into the bedroom. And every time I've seen you talking with people you've been trying to cram your way into friendship or bringing them into personal convos. I wouldn't... do that. You gotta make a fou... found... baseline... foundation! Foundation for the house first before you build it, ya know? Most people don't like to talk to... no offense, strangers, before talking about personal stuff. I know I'm not completely comfortable talking my homeworld without at least getting to know someone beyond their name and what they look like."
    Post by: cstar, Mar 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. cstar

    Take was grateful this was eased so quickly but when Qamar was trying to seperate themselves from their conversation, he was a bit confused why Qamar was leading him away from his room, but figured she must have just wanted an excuse to get away so he just walked with her and said, "I mean, I explained the stone earlier, there's not much else to tell. I don't think he made it on a particular day or anything, I think he just made it at a picnic or something and gave it to us. I don't remember it being anything big it's just more the association is all..." he continued to mumble on about it as they walked, just basic stuff nothing to spectacular. He was just explaining what he thought was a relatively normal day. Heck he even managed to mention smaller dragons flying about in a casual manner as if it was nothing. But he just used it as an excuse to help her get out of there.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. cstar

    Take heard the conversation escalating, and Illiana only contributing to the toxicity of the situation and he was starting to get a bit worried, and since he had taken off his jacket he was clearly in ready for bed mode, but with what was going on, he wasn't liking where this was going. He walked out in between the two holding his arms up and saying, "Woah okay, I was kidding. Can we not fight right now? Please? Especially over something involving Aria? I'm sure she wouldn't like it. And if it's more than just that we need to... well, we don't have to be friends but we should at the very least be in a cooperative mindset. And fighting when should all be trying to get some rest isn't going to help us. In fact, I'd say it'd do the opposite." Take wasn't looking at either in particular, he kept trying to look between them, "Maybe there's a reason he isn't telling you what this... particular skill is. Maybe it's better for less people to know about it than more. I don't know. But people keep things on the down low for a reason. Hopefully good reasons. Just... just trust each other. On a base level at least." he looked back at Torrin and said to him specifically, "Don't feel you need to ask help, but know that you can... cause you're not alone here."

    Post by: cstar, Mar 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. cstar

    Take heard some sort of conversation going on outside of the room and tried to listen in on it, but only really heard Torrin's part of the conversation clearly. He peaked out when he heard things starting to get a little more heated and he poked his head out and looked at the two, "Are you two having a moment out here? There are fourteen rooms and you could share it along with your side agendas in there instead of in the middle of the hallway."
    Post by: cstar, Mar 21, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. cstar

    Take heard Edna's voice break through everything and nearly jumped but held onto his cocoa easily enough. When she finished explaining the rooms Take looked over at Torrin again, he almost wanted to call him out on keeping secrets again, but he didn't know if that would go well for any of them. Takehiko finished up his cocoa and before anyone could say anything he replied, almost contradicting the last sentence he said to the three there, "Well, I'm too tired to keep worrying about this stuff." he faked a yawn poorly and continued, "I'm gonna hit the night, good hay." and his headed out of there, leaving the cup in the sink. Once he got down towards the bedrooms he closed the door and locked it. He never usually locked the door, but he knew he did poorly at composing himself there. The black haired boy sighed and put his bag down for the night and took off his jacket.

    He looked down at the wrappings on his left hand and unwrapped it, he flexed his fingers and was surprised it was healing so quickly. He decided it would be best to keep it on for another day.

    Post by: cstar, Mar 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. cstar
    The end of this shadow cluster was here. And there was (probably) no one more excited about it than Kaida. Considering she had started off nearly killed by the horde, kicked off this island by the crowd, and been expending most of her energy on them. So seeing them dwindle to nothing was satisfying. She was not a fool enough to think this was the end, but this was the end of this group. Slashing one more time with red slash, the shadows began affected by a mixture of time and light, and were frozen in this spots until they disappeared in a spectacular burst of light.

    Kaida saw a couple darkballs floating her way once she had offed the last of the shadows, and she turned to looked up at them. Her time aura still flowing from her due to her last attacks, the girl simultaneously stood still, was in mid jump, and jumped into the air. When she began hitting the darkballs, she went into an aerial combo, flying around and knocking out three darkballs in the air, and throwing one of her keyblades far away at a fourth darkball. Stabbing straight through it. Kaida landed on the ground safely and recalled her keyblade to have it.

    Word Count: 209
    EXP Earned: 20
    EXP Total: 860
    Blessed Thief: 50 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 7 crowns

    Heartless Defeated:
    44 shadows
    4 darkballs

    Enemies Remaining:
    42 Darkballs
    41 Neoshadows
    Post by: cstar, Mar 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. cstar

    Melus had been reacting pretty negatively to when Lea had lost and disappeared, and when Luther ended up challenging the man to a final fantasy, she thought this was a hopeless case. This man got stronger the more others attacked, which may have been the reason why he decided to one on one, but Lea just fought this man and lost. She considered the old man the most competent of this team... not because he'd shown it but because he was a well seasoned keyblade master and just lost to this guy.

    As she watched the fight, taking a back seat, she kept herself pretty far back with her arms crossed to analyze the fight, and she began to notice a standard attack pattern. Luther would go hardcore on some illusion magic and Tango would focus in and react to his stuff accordingly. She had little faith Luther could win this. But she knew he could, if she dirtied her hands a bit.

    Melus summoned out her harp and walked along the edge while they were distracted and intensely in the fight, and Melus got herself up on a table in their hideout, if only to have a bit of high ground. She watched as Luther made a loud, busy, and focus claiming attack, and that was what she needed. Luther probably thought he could handle it himself. She didn't care.

    The brunette pushed her ponytail back, shifted her harp to the side and pulled back the string and three arrows of air formed. With a quick and strong pullback, the three arrows flew out quickly. One aiming straight for the back of Tango's neck, one for his back straight through his chest, and the other was aimed to hit his ankle, but accidentally went for the left knee.

    When the arrows flew, Melus lowered her bow and stared blankly at the two, if there was a look of anger from either of them, she'd just shrug.

    Post by: cstar, Mar 20, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. cstar

    Take was grateful that Aria helped him out but he kind of wished he could have handled it himself, it was a tricky thing. Some day he'd master it. But when she asked him if he needed to talk. He did need to talk, he just knew he shouldn't. He sipped his cocoa and looked around and saw Chrono. He felt comfortable explaining the situations to Chrono. But then Boreas was here. How would Boreas feel if Take admitted to eavesdropping on Torrin's private conversation. He felt like it would just end badly if he tried talking. It only helped stopped the situation when Torrin was about to walk into the conversation and Take shook his head, "No. I'm fine. I think this magitek stuff is just wearing me down and the fact it's still out there is keeping me on my toes..."
    Post by: cstar, Mar 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. cstar

    Take had only managed to listen to a brief part, and Torrin's revelation over why they wanted him involved, in order to get the realm of darkness to fight the Light Chaser. That seemed a legitimate reason in his eyes for Torrin to be annoyed, not liking the idea of being used. Heck, maybe even being cannon fodder. But what ended up really getting his attention was Torrin's sudden annoyance over a second... pure light?

    There was another princess of heart with them? That surprised him immensely. He could just look at Aria and tell there was something bright and pure about her heart. But another? Who was it? No. He couldn't take the time to speculate. This wasn't his job. It was clear that Torrin and Thallasa wanted to keep this information on the down low so no one learned about it that shouldn't. Before Torrin got back, he quickly snuck back into the house.

    The boy walked into the kitchen quickly and grabbed himself some more hot chocolate, he dished it out with no problem. But the boy seemed to be struggling with getting the can of whipped cream to go on top of the cocoa and he looked a bit distressed but refused to ask for help.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. cstar

    Takehiko was not expecting to be addressed and blinked a minute before saying,"The stone? There's... nothing particular about the stone itself. But the markings. My brother Iwao made one for all of my brothers, himself, and me. It's the only thing I really carry... around..." Take looked over and saw Torrin speaking quietly with Thalassa before they both seemed to leave the mansion to speak. Take was... curious why they were talking in private. Did they not want to kill the mood with something important? The green eyed boy sipped the rest of his cocoa before he placed the empty cup on the tray that all the cups used to be on and he said, "Excuse me a moment." and the boy walked towards where Torrin and Thallasa had gone. He tried to keep hidden though, cause he did not want to get caught or anything like that. But he felt he should be kept up to speed on what's going on even if they did not want to worry, say, Aria with something while she was focused on her nightmare.
    Post by: cstar, Mar 19, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. cstar
    The blonde was loving the fact there was far less now than there were before. She dared not even call it a horde anymore considering how scattered and confused the rest of the shadows were. If any were left together, they were more in scattered groups with one or two stragglers popping around trying to jump at the rest of her team. Kaida felt a lot better at this point about just diving in. She ducked down to try and get more of a boost from her jump, and leapt off the tree: jumping into a group of around twenty.

    Kaida began swinging around her keyblade, keeping up some of her well-trained footwork and trying to add in a bit of flair to her attacks. Not because she thought anyone was watching, but the brief release of a keyblade twirling upwards allowed her wrist to rest even if it was short. She slashed from all angles, going at a speed where if the shadows tried to count how many hits they were getting... they could probably could guess if they had the brain capacity to do so, but it would at the very least seem like there were more hits than they were. Soon, after a death of a thousand cuts, the first group poofed away slowly, one by one as she stabbed into them getting her last hits on each one.

    She ran towards a second group and immediately went in with firaga blasting towards the center. As she jumped in, Kaida seemed to just radiate the fire she blasted at them, she slashed even more with vigor. This time, she decided to try and end it with her red flash, where fire and ice clashed together at once just to make everything end in a colorful explosion. Kaida was most definitely having a good time now.

    Word Count: 308
    EXP Earned: 30
    EXP Total: 840
    Blessed Thief: 20 Munny
    Sweet Memories: 7 crowns

    Heartless Defeated:
    58 shadows

    Heartless Injured:
    Shadow 1/3
    Invisible (Scarmiglione): 25/50
    Invisible (Cagnazzo): 25/50
    Invisible (Barbariccia): 25/50

    Enemies Remaining:
    322 Shadows
    158 Darkballs
    140 Neoshadows (1 Reserved)
    4 Invisibles (4 Reserved)
    Post by: cstar, Mar 18, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena