kaida photo by marushi c: There was an immense feeling of joy and accomplishment as the fight finally came to it's closing moments. With how she had survived, and how much she felt she helped, she knew she had grown and her abilities had gotten stronger. And the fact that she had made it with all of these people again just placed a level of trust in them she wouldn't have said she felt before, even though she wouldn't admit it out loud. Whatever events transpired with Shiro made her nervous he was dead for a moment, but then he sprung up just fine and that alleviated whatever tension was there. Then he asked Kaida to compare notes and she remembered the business end of this whole thing and sighed about it. But not before Aux said something, got his name out there, and ended up pinned down by Sprinkles. Everyone began speaking their mind about Aux. Ananta still held firm to her belief that Aux was trustworthy, Beuce advised caution more so than not trusting Aux, Stratos was in the same boat but seemed to be on the side of resolving this later, Steel mentioned this may have been the time to deal with this situation. Ignis couldn't believe that the argument was still existing and how he'd at the very least proven himself with the trials, Aislinn felt a similar way but was not as abrasive to those who felt otherwise. Kaida soaked in everyone's opinions before she found her eyes looking towards Hikaru. She remembered their conversation about who he was, who Aux was, how this whole situation even came to be. And how he was affected. She closed her eyes a moment to process everything, then opened them and looked back at Hikaru and there was a look on her face of apology as she looked back towards her two fellow members of the order and said, "I trust Aux. But I don't trust the situation." She took a moment to breathe before continuing, "Many of Aux's actions aren't really by his own consent. And while that can't change the face put to what he's done, I feel comfortable saying his actions weren't under his control. Maybe the inciting incidents were... but that's all." she looked at Aux and said, "He has taken a dark remnant, which is helping to fuel his more dark tendencies. I can't trust him not because of him, I can't trust him because of how that could be used." she side-eyed Hikaru very briefly before looking back at the others, "I only just found out this recently myself, don't think I was just holding this information from you guys..."
Take didn't really know how to respond when Torrin mentioned it being convenient that he had that potion. Yeah, he sure hoped it was convenient, he was always prepared for burns just in case of a dragon attack, even if that wasn't an out-of-world worry. He had at least two more of these potions in his bag and he wouldn't dare be caught otherwise without them. But he ignored it as he saw the two struggle to stand. He cast cure quickly on the two of them, and planned to heal himself but he didn't seem to have enough in him for that much. He just went with it otherwise, and once they mentioned leaving, he was pretty much ready to head back to the others to make sure they were alright. But as he was going to walk back towards the gliders, an old question returned to him and he stopped and turned towards Thallasa and Torrin and began, "That keyhole... it was cool to seal it and all but... why did you two need me specifically to do it?" he looked at the two masters curiously, but then a thought occurred to him. It wasn't because he had anything special about him, it was words that they used so Aria wouldn't run off, and he asked, "Is it because it was too dangerous a situation for Aria to go near, and you sent me because you wanted Torrin to stick with Aria while I headed into the fray? I mean, I know this whole crater thing happened but that wasn't expected or planned... so..." He also thought about the possibility of the fact he could have possibly died there. Was it another moment of him being disposable? He didn't want to think that way, but there was a part of him that believed it so. He simply waited, hoping one of them would tell him rather than dance around it.
using sweet memories instead of counterpoint so: rewards: 5 crowns. --- Purchasing Fox Taser for 1,250 munny --- spending 50 crowns for 1 mp spending 30 crowns for 1 speed --- Stat time: MP: 7 (+3)(+1) Speed: 50 Crowns left: 3 Munny left: 600
2 ap, 2 hp reflectra pls also FATAL DEATH
There was a wave of relief felt when they woke up, and once Thallasa healed the two, he was a lot calmer about it. When Torrin asked how he was holding up, he forced a slightly smile as he said, "I'm alright." it was a lie though, but he didn't know if he was bad or good at it. He stared at Torrin's arms again and shifted to look in his bag and he pulled out a potion that was a red color and held it out towards Torrin, "Here. It's a burn healing potion... it's... not going to make it go away immediately, but it'll help with the pain and healing up at least..." he looked at the potion a bit before looking at the two, "So was the explosion from the red eyed thing? Are you both holding up okay? Anything broken?" his worry began to return to his voice, but he caught it in time in order to take a deep breath and revert back towards the monotone.
As soon as the heartless disappeared, Take took only a moment to breathe, looking up out the window towards the sky and seeing the red eyes still there... and seeing smoke in the distance. Take quickly ran outside to look for Thallasa, unsure if all the heartless disappeared and she wasn't still out fighting. Thallasa's keyblade was planted in the ground beside her, the woman hunched over attempting to catch her breath. She was bruised and cut up but showed no signs of any major injury. "Takehiko?" She spoke, her voice now able to be heard normally. "You did it. Good work." She stood upright. "Even something as powerful as that will be forced back." She added, eyeing the beast above the clouds. Take looked up and nodded a bit and looked to try and find Torrin's glider, but at this point it was gone. He remembered Torrin mentioning being able to fight without a keyblade but perhaps towards the end it got worse. But then when he looked out towards where Torrin and Aria were last, he realized that's where some of the really big damage was. The boy's eyes widened as he said, "No..." he looked back towards Thallasa and said, "Aria and Torrin were over that way." there was a shaky nervousness to his voice that he was trying to hide behind the monotone, but was failing. Thallasa's eyes widened when she heard Takehiko's words. She looked back upon the destruction left behind by the beast's last attack, doubting anything could have survived such a blast. "Are you certain?" She spoke with urgency, picking up her keyblade. "Yes." he looked back at her and said, "Cause I came from that direction." There was another violent earthquake that caused Thallasa to stumble. Up above the beast began to fade away and vanish from sight. The woman had no time to feel any sense of relief and immediately turned her keyblade into a glider. "Alright. Let's go!" Take nodded and quickly got onto the glider with her once it was ready and they took off. Thallasa spared not a single second as she sped towards the last location Takehiko had seen Aria and Torrin at. She did not have to look hard as the smoking remains debris and a massive crater surrounded by melted cars and ruined buildings gave their position away immediately. At the epicenter were two bodies huddled together. Aria and Torrin. "Oh no..." She brought them down to land and immediately went to the two. Torrin's costume had completely burnt away at the arms leaving red skin all the way up to his elbows. She didn't check to see if he had other injuries as her attention immediately went to Aria who appeared to be...actively suffocating. "Gero told me of this...we need to wake her!" Take looked between the two, but his eyes stared at Torrin's arms. The way everything was burnt, the damage around them, it was causing Take to remember his last battle with the dragons. He could swear there was a part of him that could imagine them screaming. He moved to try and rub his wrist, but he still couldn't feel it. Frustrated at being unable to calm himself down, he gave up on that and looked to Thallasa when she mentioned waking up Aria, he moved quickly to her and shook Aria saying, "Aria? Aria! You've gotta wake up!"
The hit from the heartless nearly winded him that time, and he quickly realized he was about to reach his limit. And as he went to straighten himself out, a noise rang out. Which surprised him because up to this point he could barely hear anything. The boy took a deep breath and quickly knocked a couple darkballs and some of the nocturnes away and found himself an opening. It was now or never, and he wasn't going to hesitate. Takehiko swung his keyblade a moment before pointing it towards the keyhole and feeling a rush of energy just sweep over him as a beam of light shot out from the keyblade. It penetrated through the darkness around the statue and into the keyhole. It filled with light before it suddenly glowed and the light from the keyblade disappeared as the keyhole was locked. Take lowered his keyblade and was prepared, if the heartless didn't disappear, to be knocked out. HP: 6/100 AP: 0/34 MP: 4/30 Heartless defeated: 2 Darkballs, 5 Red Nocturnes Heartless Remaining: 66 Darkballs (12AP) 51 Neoshadows (16AP) 12 Yellow Operas (4AP) 7 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 12 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
Take listened intently to every word she said, so she wouldn't have to repeat it a second time. Once her thunder spell had cleared him a path, the boy quickly darted towards the entrance. As soon as he got towards where the door was, he noticed it was already on the ground which left a clear opening for him to see his opponents he would have to face. Which was more of the same, but it didn't mean he felt any better about it since this time it was him on his own and he wanted to be careful because if he went down, and Thallasa didn't know, he had no idea what he had in store. The boy kept his keyblade ready for a guard as he ran in looking around for signs of this keyhole. When he got himself to the living room, he saw heartless on the prowl with their attentions now turned towards him, but behind them, the statue in the back of the room was surrounded by darkness and through it, he could see in it's chest: a prominently placed keyhole. He wondered how he hadn't noticed it earlier when they were in the mansion, but he wasn't exactly looking for it. The boy knew he was going to have to clear out a few of these heartless before getting anything done, so he took his keyblade and quickly tapped it towards the ground, as if the noise would attract the rest of them as he shouted, "Alright you good for nothing hot air balloons, you want a piece of me?!" and as they floated towards, Take kept in a defensive stance to lure them in, and unleash his attacks to thin them out. Take used blitz+ HP: 34/100 AP: 0/34 MP: 4/30 Heartless defeated: 3 Darkballs, 5 Red Nocturnes Heartless Remaining: 73 Darkballs (12AP) 57 Neoshadows (16AP) 28 Yellow Operas (4AP) 15 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 27 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
The beast growled as he began swinging at those who fought against him. It's left arm reached down and got a hold of Cerdic, though it was loose and with enough force could be very easy to break out of. But Ria still attempted to suck the life out of him either way as it stepped closer towards the other three. Whilst reaching out to swat the others away from the machine, he wasn't quite quick enough to hit Alder or Daeni, but managed a fast enough attack to throw enough force at Chrono to fly a decent distance away from the machine. With it's right hand it attempted to reach out and destroy the extractor. Leaving it far too open, but the creature had little will enough to care about that detail at this point.
Take noticed the blue flare right away and looked down towards where it was fired from to see Thallasa holding off some of the heartless. He descended downward to find a good spot to stop Torrin's glider before he quickly got off of it and summoned his keyblade. He threw in a couple of hits at the heartless on his way there that were not pushed away by Thallasa's most recent attack. It didn't take the boy very long to finally reach Thallasa. When he did to get to her, he shouted out so she could hear, "Torrin said you needed me? I got here as soon as I could. What do you need?" he still was unaware as to why he was called, but he'd do the best he could. He just hoped they could finish it in time before something else happened. HP: 49/100 AP: 0/34 MP: 4/30 Heartless Defeated: 5 Shadows, 2 Darkballs Heartless Remaining: 5 Shadows (2AP) 88 Darkballs (12AP) 59 Neoshadows (16AP) 44 Yellow Operas (4AP) 44 Red Nocturnes (4AP) 43 Blue Rhapsodies (4AP)
As she regained enough MP to be comfortable enough with attacking again, Kaida looked over towards her three friends and shouted, "If we rush it now, I think we can do this!" she help a thumb up towards them and yelled, "Let's take it down!" and she aimed her keyblades at the head once more to hit it with Firaga. Kaida used Firaga (x2)
Takehiko was glad that Aria listened to him and that Torrin agreed, he looked up towards the big red moon in the sky and he had this sinking pit in his stomach that was as close to fear of these things as he would be willing to admit. But when Torrin said they had to land, at this rate he was hoping he could somehow port them to the rest of them and get them out of there, but instead he seemed to be trying to get into contact with Thallasa again which he almost wanted to yell about how they didn't have time for this, but a part of him didn't want to leave Thallasa behind, he would give him this while they had time. Then Torrin told him to go to Mode Mansion. He thought at first he needed a body, but when he mentioned Thallasa needed him specifically. At least he was pretty sure he did, he was having a lot of trouble hearing him despite him listening intently. Takehiko looked at the two and the glider. Take nodded but before he left, he cast Stonera on Torrin and Aria before getting on the glider and yelling so his voice could be heard,"Please stay safe!" and he took off on the glider towards the Mode mansion.
Kaida used a hi potion on Stratos Kaida used splattercombo (remember my 3 turn mp gain for 1 btw) Baymax used heal on Hikaru
Takehiko continued with his fightning, trying to knock down as many of the floating little buggers as he could, as he got himself closer towards Aria until he wa baically back to back with her as he said towards her, "At this rate I'm getting concerned about our survival more than Thallasa. I say if things look worse and she doesn't get back, we push Torrin to have us leave. We aren't going to be much help if we're all dead." he swung up at another one that came towards him and he looked at Aria, "I know you wouldn't like the idea of leaving one person behind, but it's better to lose one person than to lose all of us." HP: 91/100 AP: 0/34 MP: 30/30 Blue Rhapsodies 2 Yellow Operas 2 Red Nocturnes 4 = 8 Heartless Taken out 90 Yellow Operas 87 Red Nocturnes 89 Blue Rhapsodies
Kaida activated her speed aura and used strike raid (x2) Baymax healed Hikaru
Kaida used Blizzara (x2), Baymax healed Hikaru
Take really didn't have much to contribute here besides hitting the floaty elemental heartless so that's what he did, he kept checking back to make sure Chasers weren't coming for Aria but otherwise he couldn't do much that was exciting. HP: 100/100 AP: 0/34 MP: 30/30 Blue Rhapsodies 4 Yellow Operas 2 Red Nocturnes 2 = 8 Heartless Taken out 93 Yellow Operas 111 Red Nocturnes 120 Blue Rhapsodies
Take looked at the events that were transpiring with much confusion and a twinge of fear over everything. I mean, on top of darkness appearing, the Light Chaser's pupils seemed to show up out of nowhere for Aria. He was ready to fight them as much as fighting the heartless at this rate, but Torrin was calling the shots mainly since Thallasa wasn't here, and because of that he was a bit surprised his name was called to go with Aria. But then he remembered Torrin was going to split them into groups before the chasers even arrived, so he went with it, and once Aria had gotten on the glider he joined as well. He looked among the destruction to see any signs of anything, but even Aria already commented on it, and he hated to be redundant. He looked around at the world and asked, "So how are we supposed to go about finding Thallasa if she's searching for something that barely anyone has ever seen? What if she's stuck there?"
Kaida summoned the Baymax, got all up on his back and used healthcare on Beuce(if that's allowed)
Takehiko was more than a bit disturbed when the darkness began to happen, there was a sinking feeling in his soul that made it so he knew exactly how this was going to play out if they didn't hurry up. But suddenly and without real warning, Qamar began freaking out. He couldn't tell if it was nerves from a first time in this kind of front at first, but then he heard her mumblings and realized this was going to be a bit of a problem. Take quickly walked over to her and said, "Qamar? Qamar. Focus in." he waited for a minute before saying, "Come on Qamar, stay with me. We're gonna make it through this, alright? We will. But you gotta stay with us, okay? Breathe for me." he looked over at others to see if they were cuing into what was going on with Qamar. They couldn't exactly get back to the others if this was happening, and he didn't know if he was handling this right.