The creature screamed out as the keyblade slashed through it's arm, letting Cerdic go. However, the more attacks it received, the more vicious it seemed to become. The creature launched an attack that sent balls of darkness (similar to the one that knocked Mora off the cliff previously) at the group. While Chrono managed to succeed in dodging away, the other three were hit. Fortunately, the attack did not land as powerfully as it intended, but for the few rounds Cerdic, Alder, and Daeni will feel slow. The creature begins to grow it's arm back while darkness rapidly lashes out like whips towards anyone attacking it directly. But Chrono is able to notice a gap in pattern before the attacks fly.
The black haired boy listened to what Torrin described at a low voice as he finished cooking up the pancake, he flipped the pan over so it landed nicely onto a place and he pushed it out towards Illiana saying, "Chocolate chip pancake for you, wine-o." He poured in more mix and looked in the fridge and pulled out some bacon strips and started cooking it in with the pancake at first. He seemed more focused on cooking first before responding, "Fluffs. That's what we called them. I've heard of 'em, but I've never seen one." he started another pancake on the pan as he continued at a low volume, "We were told if we saw any of them to leave them be since fighting them would cause more trouble than they would leaving them be, since they'd be happy to decimate the village in self defense. But there hadn't been one logged in years on my world." Take stared at the pancake for a little bit before saying, "My brother Iwao was obsessed with Fluffs actually. He used to draw them and hide them in his room. I think he once said if he ever saw one he'd drop everything and try to jump on one and fly off to wherever he took them..." he flipped the pancake when it was time and Take looked a bit sad as he thought about his brother for a bit, then he straightened himself up and sighed, "It's just another dragon though. Probably would have roasted him alive if he did it. Doesn't matter now." He looked over at Torrin and asked louder, "Would you also like a chocolate chip pancake?"
Take took a step back and watched as Aria attempted to repair the damage of his burned hot chocolate. It knocked a bit of his pride needing to have his mess cleaned up but he took it as a learning experience so he could handle it again. He wasn't sure exactly how they would make cocoa with the cocoa powder so Take decided to just swipe Edna's can of cocoa powder. She wouldn't know necessarily. As he took a sip of cocoa he said, "Thank you, Aria. I won't mess it up next time." He began making pancakes pretty quickly after that, having better luck with chocolate chip pancakes at this rate. As he worked on them he looked over at Torrin and said, "Were you trying to ask me something earlier, Torrin?" he shifted over and managed a pretty stellar pancake flip and just made a quick 'yus' motion with his arm before going back to normal with his cooking.
For every other person who seemed to come in at this time, he added in another cups worth of water to the kettle to boil, and once he felt he was all set for now he set the water and stared at an empty pot for a long time before admitting, "I have no idea how to make hot chocolate." he looked at a bunch of milk chocolate he saw in Edna's kitchen and pulled it out asking, "Do you just like... melt chocolate and add water? Or milk? I think I tasted milk." he placed the chocolate into the heated pot to let it melt and looked in the fridge for milk and saw chocolate syrup and whipped cream and pulled it out and said, "Or do you use chocolate syrup?" Take placed his hands flat on the counter in stress and said, "I am capable of reshaping, sawing, and sanding a new patch to a wall as well as create a temporary insulation fix for climate control. I can create a tourniquet using only a bandana, a hair tie, and a stick... I can shoot an iceball out of a magically materializing weapon in the shape of a key... but I can't make hot chocolate." he looked at Boreas, sweat pouring out of his forehead as he said, "I have no training that prepared me for the creation of chocolate beverages. I didn't even know what chocolate was until a month ago. These are luxuries I've never encounte- and I've burned it. I've burned the chocolate. I can smell it now." He turned towards the rest of the party as he went to clean up and asked, "Uh. Who wants pancakes?"
Takehiko shrugged when Torrin mentioned him not needing to take cleaning literally. The boy looked at Torrin and said, "On my world, when the village is destroyed by the dragons we bury the dead, stop the fires, and repair major damages to the houses. This was nothing to me. Also, I did not need sleep." Takehiko sipped his tea once more and realized he ran out of it and frowned and said, "I'm gonna make more tea. Do you want some or something to eat?" he stood up and then Torrin would be able to see Aria was sleeping on the couch in a bundle of blankets and he looked over and asked, "Aria do you want cocoa?" "C...cocooooa." she managed out before Take looked at Torrin and said, "I could make you cocoa too." he responded as he walked towards the kitchen.
Take shrugged at his question and said, "Who knows why the keyblade chose you? I don't think anyone knows why they were chosen. Something about worthy hearts? That's what Atmos said. But really, it's anyone's guess as to why the keyblade chose any of us." The boy turned his head to look at the cityscape that Glyde had just looked at, he knew there were times he wished the keyblade didn't choose him. Wishing it had passed over to someone else who was more worthy of the journey. But, he was here and he knew that he was already on the journey and that he might as well keep on moving forward. Take looked over at Glyde's keyblade for a moment and then back up at him for a moment before he continued, "I wouldn't worry too much about how you fit either... but if you do keep worrying I can't stop you. But we're here for you if you need anything. Well, I am... that's like the second time I've spoke for others about that kind of thing. It's... it's the gesture?" he realized he might have been going overboard thinking about that and rubbed his neck, "Sorry."
Take nodded in understanding with his 'good be better, could be worse' response and stared a little confused and unsure at his response afterwards. He couldn't tell if what he was saying was supposed to be literal or metaphorical, but he wasn't much more metaphors so he went with the physical response, "Well, you're in the same boat as the rest of us. Or at least me. I'm not sure where we're going, only really the goal in mind... as for where you've been. I can't really help you there." Take took his left hand and massaged it slightly just to get a quick check on it before continuing, "As for it being a mess. I think that comes down to limited information. Something I'm not fond of..." the boy sighed and let go of his arm and looked back to Glyde, "But I've gotta live with for now." The black haired boy had a sudden moment of realization over everything and said, "Oh shoot. I completely forgot that you were like... in a coma just a few days ago. Are you recovering well from that or is that part of the 'could be better, could be worse' response? I'm... sorry I didn't ask sooner. I really should have."
When Tinarah thanked him for coming with her, he simply nodded and replied, "It was no trouble..." and watched her head off to her room for the night. The boy considered finally getting some patchwork started when he noticed Glyde sat on the couch staring off. Remembering how he had been a few minutes before being transfixed on the statue, he could only imagine something was up. Or maybe his mind was wandering. Either way, the boy wouldn't know until he asked. Takehiko walked over towards the couch and looked to Glyde and said, "Hey." he paused a moment before asking, "Is... everything alright? I know the fight took a lot out of people so, I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
Kaida smiled when Karina ended up being able to summon out her own unique keyblade. She felt like despite the previous test she had being a failure, maybe it wasn't after all and what happened afterwards was the real test. But she really had no idea. The girl turned her attentions towards the conversation with Shiro, Mizu, Hikaru, and Aux once that one started. Mainly because the rest of the conversations had seemingly wrapped up by that point. Listening to Shiro talk about Hikaru in a manner that almost made him seem like some sort of accident creation rather than a person... bothered her. Immensely. Sure, she understood what was going on, but she still held onto the fact that her memories with Hikaru were genuine and not artificial. He was more of a person to her than half of the members of the order. But she didn't say anything. She didn't know why, but she figured it was better to stay silent at this rate. Kaida felt Mizu tap on her shoulder and looked over to hear the young, blue haired girl attempt an apology. Kaida didn't know if she necessarily liked how much of a slap-in-the-face apology it was, but at this rate she didn't really want to fight over her genuinely trying to apologize. The blonde smiled a bit and said, "Mizu, are you admitting I'm worth something? This is such an honor."
Hello, everyone! I know you've all been through quite a lot lately but I am happy to announce that the moogle lottery is back in business, kupo! We've decided to come up with a newer system that gives everyone a shot at winning! We have our weekly lotteries that give everyone a ticket based on each post made in a week. While the monthly lottery gives everyone a ticket, so long as they posted at least once that month, kupo! We are going to start off today with the monthly lottery. Everyone has been entered for posting at least once! Everyone has been assigned a number based on alphabetical order! Let's get rolling, kupo! And the winner is... AJ! AJ wins 30 crowns, kupo! ---- Now it's time for the weekly, kupo! Now, let's get rolling, kupo! And the winner is... Stratos! Stratos wins 10 crowns, kupo! ---- Thank you so much for your time today, I wish everyone the best of luck in the weeks (and months to come)~
When she mentioned she would get healed but only if he got healed too, he grumbled a bit but then finally nodded in understanding, "I was going to wait until everyone who was critically injured was healed but... okay." he walked with her over towards Thallasa before saying, "Hey Master Thallasa? Tinarah needs healing. I need healing too but she needs it first." he crossed his arms a bit while he waited and then immediately said, "Uh... if it isn't any trouble..."
Take listened to her replies trying to understand it from her side, but he really couldn't help but feel the way he did. But that didn't really matter at this point. He watched her body language a bit and said, "I'm grateful all of you made it out either way. But please don't neglect yourself here." he got quiet and said, "I might be the pot calling the kettle black with that. I haven't gotten healing and I probably should... I just...." he tried to figure out how to justify the hypocrisy there and he really couldn't, "I just. I don't want to see anyone here drop because they kept pushing themselves when they need to rest and heal." he was almost glaring in Torrin's direction as he said that before looking back to Tinarah, "Teammates are supposed to worry about each other after all." Takehiko paused again as he thought about how many people have died so far and he admitted, "I don't think this is going to be the end of seeing lives lost. But if I can... I'll protect those I have the power to save." he looked Tinarah in the eyes and in a rare moment of lack of emotional restraint, his smile broke through just a bit more and a small chuckle came out as he said in a break of his monotone, "So get healing, I'll shove a potion down your throat if I have to."
Take realized Tinarah was there a moment or two after she had asked if he was okay. What with him being hyperfocused on the statue and everyone else being hurt, he didn't know if someone else walked next to him. He looked at Tinarah and replied, "I'm alright. A little banged up but really out of everyone I got out of it without many scratches..." when she asked what happened with him and what was up with the statue, he turned back towards it and said, "You know how Thallasa went searching for the keyhole? Well, Torrin was trying to contact her and she finally got back and Torrin sent me over to where she was to help seal it." he raised his gloved left hand up and pointed relatively towards it's chest and said, "It was right there, right about where the heart would be." The boy lowered his hand and let it fall back to his side as he continued, "I don't really know how to explain it but, in the moment I was sealing the keyhole, it felt like I could briefly see the whole world... not like clearly and really all that visually but still as if I could see the whole world. Then the light flashed and the keyhole flickered and faded away. And that's when the heartless stopped pouring in." he sighed a bit and scratched the back of his head, "I am wondering if I could have saved a lot of trouble if I was just a bit faster or a bit stronger but... I don't know how much I'm dwelling on that. I'm more curious how something that seems so insignificant can end up hiding something so special." Takehiko stared at the statue a bit longer before he finally looked at Tinarah and said, "But enough about that, are you okay?"
With everything going on, it was a little overwhelming exactly to get all the information needed, and he figured at that point it really would be best for everyone to get some rest. When they got back to the Mode Mansion, Take looked around and got a good eyeful of the damage around. He was probably going to find himself up all night helping clean here. He didn't know if he'd be able to get sleep at all but he wasn't really thinking too much about that. Take walked towards the living room and looked up towards the statue in the middle once more. Somehow through all the chaos and damage it was the only thing still standing in one piece. It really wasn't anything he deemed spectacular before but now he knew what laid within it. Maybe it wasn't the permanent location of the keyhole, maybe it showed up there only this once and found another place it would appear in the future. But he still found the whole experience of locking a keyhole so odd. He doubted he'd ever do it again, but that didn't stop him from thinking about it differently. At this rate, Take had the headpiece of the costume off and was so focused in on the statue, he really wasn't paying direct attention to what others said. He just stared.
I gotta say, I find the lack of belts disturbing. For any of you who didn't see it: Spoiler: it's large I gotta say it's an... interesting change
Kaida was confused how things managed to go from 11 to 35 so quickly. Considering she thought this would pretty much end after she cast stopga and everyone held them back, the fact that Ananta still decided to go into a player vs player situation when she was arguably on the same side as Steel only made her question just why people did the things they did. When everything seemed to finally start calming down, Karina mentioned the blood on her sweatshirt and she blinked and quickly unzipped her new sweatshirt and flipped it over to see the stain and there was a look of pain on her face. She just got this new sweatshirt after all, and now it was ruined. But she didn't focus on it too long when she heard Beuce try to tell Karina to prove her worth, in a manner that was actually kind of nice. Then she heard the man start the words to the keyblade inheritance ceremony and there was surprise on her face. She didn't know how he knew it, she learned it from years of seeing others say it and having gotten the inheritance ceremony herself. But she didn't think it was something commonly known. Did it just come to him? Did he already know it? It didn't actually matter, because the idea itself was touching and Kaida was on the same page about it. She smiled a bit and quickly put back on her jacket and summoned out her keyblade. She took steps over towards the two and flipped her keyblade around and spoke, "So long as you have the makings..." Kaida shifted the keyblade so she was actually holding it out towards Karina before she continued, "Then through this simple act of taking..."
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The suddenness of Karina coming in and yelling at Aux just after she spoke threw the blonde off. And while she of all people definitely understood a good punch. The random guy Karina had been chilling with the whole fight was in and going in for a stab. There was a flash moment of panic that Kaida felt. She would definitely say at this point in the game she didn't want Aux dead, and they were in the middle of an intense conversation about whether to trust him in the first place. The sudden vigilante justice only made it so Kaida reacted out of reaction. The girl's time aura activated without her really thinking about it as she quickly drew out her keyblade and screamed, "Stop!" immediately having stopga activate. Her time aura blinking a lot more in reaction to it as Arctus and Karina froze in their spot.
Catching up on the situation was fairly easy when they got back. Adalric was gone, and while it hurt to hear of a death, he would admit that the connection there was closer to watching an acquaintance die... and for him that was something he'd probably seen more than a hundred times in his life. He helped Aria stand and looked over at Illiana concerned why she was knocked out. He didn't have enough magic in him to heal everyone or anything. He did notice Boreas' burns and reached into a bag and held out another burn healing potion like the one he gave to Torrin and said, "Here. I have a bunch of these. It's a burn healing potion." he looked up to towards the sky and said, "Ya never know if a dragon just decides to show up and burn you alive... ya know?" When Torrin mentioned everyone heading to the mansion to rest and then leave, Take turned his head towards Torrin and said, "Getting out of here? Are you kidding me?" he let go of Aria and turned towards Torrin and looked visibly upset, "This city is very damaged right now, and even if every hero in this city were to just focus directly on it, that only means other villains could cause problems. I won't just leave here. Even if our objective is to find the princesses I do not feel comfortable leaving ruins in the wake." he looked over at Thallasa and Torrin and took a breath in and crossed his arms and said something he never thought he'd say, "I'll disobey orders if I have to, just to make sure I can at least start helping. Even though I know I can't fix everything in time."
I'm gonna start up my own hookers. With blackjack and rp.