Kaida didn't exactly get enough time to respond to Ananta before she was heading towards the portal and she said, "Wait, Ananta. I'm sorry for overreacting. It... ended up a lot better than I thought. And I took it out on you... I'm sorry." When Ananta had focused towards the portal, Aux started responding to Kaida and turned back over to Aux to listen. She smiled a little bit and was going to reply then and there, but jumped a bit at Hikaru's reaction. She watched the two in a bit of amusement and eventually began to laugh a little saying, "Oh come on. You don't have to be like that." Kaida jumped up and grabbed Aux, pulling him back to throw him off balance a bit just to pull him in for a hug and reached out towards Hikaru and pulled him in as well, "If it's the last chance I get at a hug. I'll take it. So hug it out, fuddy duddy."
Kaida had been so excited over the fact that she was now a master, there wasn't anything that was going to kill her mood at this point. When Aux addressed her, she was still smiling a bit, though less so as she was reminded of the scenario they were in. She looked around for Hikaru for a second before she turned back to Aux, "Yue's probably outside waiting for us. She probably doesn't wanna congratulate me." she was joking mostly. The looked towards the portal back and stared at it a minute before looking back to Aux, "So... our entrance fee is gonna be returned. I... assume that's going to mean you're getting your memory back." Kaida took a deep breath in before asking, "I hope you remember what's happened here, with the mark of mastery... and it doesn't bring you back to what you were with a disregard for us." she turned away and said, "Cause it's not that I don't want to be your friend... it's that I don't think you really want to be mine anymore." she crossed her arms and said, "If you turn on us after we go out there, I won't forgive you. But if you don't... I'm... sorry I've been so cold."
The idea of going for a run definitely hyped up Take a bit. He stretched a little more and said, "That sounds great, actually. I think other people might need that too. So I'm just gonna... run around and find people." he gave Chrono a pat on the shoulder and said, "If you don't wanna go you don't have to or anything." Take began a quick jogging pace as he ran around the castle. Everyone he could find, he greeted and said, "Hey, some of us are going for a quick run. If you would like to join us we're leaving soon." and he continued on towards the next person. Once there, he was jogging in place saying, "Well I'm not sweating yet, that's a good sign. Others said they'd be on the way. I told them not to take too long if they were coming."
I already know I like-whored posts in the rpa. It was like a rep-circle but worse. I don't cringe. I just stare blankly into the void.
Takehiko was struggling to take any meaning from what the two of them were saying. Sure, he knew they wouldn't shun him for feeling emotions, but he was shunning himself for feeling them. It was a constant struggle he had for years before his last training session with them finally worked. And he knew they were trying to offer up assurance that it was okay. The Gero part, he understood that part and took note about it somewhere. But he processed it as them encouraging him to show emotion off the battlefield. He couldn't do that. His homeworld was a constant battlefield, he couldn't allow himself the mindset of a break. They're outsiders. They wouldn't understand. Hearing that thought break through everything else snapped him out of it. If there was anything he didn't want, it was to have that mentality going further into his training and mission with all of them. He finally sighed, and smiled a bit at Chrono, "Thank you." he looked over at Boreass after that and continued, "Both of you. I appreciate it." the boy backed away from Chrono's hand to look over at the mountains again and he crossed his arms and said, "Kind of wish those mountains were closer. I kind of wanna just... run up one right now. Though I'm probably horrendously out of shape to do so." he sighed and looked at Chrono, "Do you remember Atmos' first week of training where for the first three days she just didn't show up at all and I started just running around the castle? I haven't exactly been able to do any running like that since. Atmos made me soft." he shook his fist mouthing 'curses'.
A door A door A door? A door! A door~ A door The door The door? The door?! Get the door! Get the door! GET THE DOOR GET THE DOOR The door must suffer for it's transgressions It allowed entry The door Get the door Get the door It knocks. It knocks. We knock We knock. We knock. Knock knock knock knock knock. Who's there? Who's There? W h o ' s xx t h e r e ? Welcome! Welcome my friend! Well, you might not be my friend. I don't know who you are in this moment. You are meerly a hypothetical. As I imagine the door slowly creak open and watch your nonexistent face peer in. Possibly out of concern. Possibly not. Perhaps this is exactly what you expected. Perhaps you didn't know what to expect. But welcome! I don't exactly have anything planned today. I don't normally get visitors. Well, that's not true. My brother constantly has people over. But no visitors here for me. So I don't plan anything in advance. Or cook. Or anything like that. As far as I am aware you just kind of walked over and into the door without permission. Actually that isn't true either. You may have thought I gave permission. I didn't. I simply welcomed the stranger into my hypothetical since you were otherwise curious enough to keep going. It's fine. It's all fine really. We'll all be fine. Well, maybe not. Some of us might not be fine. It's hard to create strawmen that are accurate, it's why you shouldn't use strawmen for anything other than chasing away crows. And I don't even know if that works. It may. It might be the same reason why they used to leave fake coyotes out on the baseball fields in my hometown to keep birds from eating seeds or staying away from the grass. Grass. Grass. I ate grass when I was a kid. Because someone told me dandelions were edible so I ate grass. My mom said humans can't digest grass properly because we don't have multiple stomachs. Then someone told me that it really messes with your teeth. Well, that might be true. I mean, I have to get my teeth removed. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 I remembered the numbers a little while. One was actually 26. Or was in 28? I don't remember and that causes problems. Not remembering always causes problems. Problems. Problems. So many problems. The world is filled with problems. But I'm bad at math so who knows how well I'll solve them. I can't solve the world's problems. But I think I can solve my train of thought problem now. x x Yep. Yep yep. That worked after all.
This is your third message.
N-No dear. You're MORE than good enough for me. no but seriously this was fun. i'd love to try this again with more people
ew why would i wanna be partnered with you again anyway ;D
"My homeworld?" Take was kind of surprised by the question. Perhaps because he'd never really been asked about his homeworld before. He took a moment to process before pointing towards the mountains in this distance, "Imagine if all those mountains were about... 3 times larger than they are now. And where we're standing right now was a desert. That's basically what my homeworld looked like. Our village was carved into the mountainside as high up as we could get while still being able to maintain a food supply." he then thought about how to explain the war and said, "Admittedly, I don't look at our enemy like a "who" as much as a "what". Because they're dragons." he held his hand and looked at Boreas, "That sounds like something out of a story I know, but these pests just keep coming back with tactics. They have actual leadership and a hierarchy. But it's not like they communicate with us, they're just trying to kill us. I don't know if it's because we'd make a good food source but it's not because we've gone onto their property. Because the village moved years ago from one mountain to another, losing most of their work force and they still kept-" Take stopped when he realized he was on a tangent. The boy took a breath and said, "Well, you get the gist of it." Take probably had his mind off of the situation at first. But when Chrono came back, Takehiko almost immediately replied with a sharp irritation, "Yes, everything is fine! Why is everyone asking?!" he realized at that moment... he'd just snapped at Chrono. He was 99% sure this hadn't happened at all at any point with their training, what with Take constantly being tuned out and in soldier mode for half of it. Take took a deep breath and said, "No. No... I'm sorry. I... that went too far." Take stood up straight and looked at the two and said, "I... could be wrong but... the Master of Masters... Gero... I'm almost certain he was the one who gave me the keyblade." the boy reached towards his broken arm and held it, pressing it down a bit and fortunately not feeling pain this time as he continued, "I know he wasn't exactly gone for all these years by his own choice. But... we've been here in this castle this whole time, he's been seemingly pretty healed up, and maybe it's selfish of me to think this way. But he hasn't once decided to at least come over and say something?" Take took in another breath and looked away from the two of them saying, "I spent years trying to fight to become someone worthy of the keyblade. I've lost friends. I've lost brothers. And after six years of waiting and waiting, I finally got it. Only to have to wait two months for a keyblade master to finally show up after I called them, only for it to be Atmos. Not the man who gave me the keyblade. I understand why. I understand he couldn't be there. But this entire time..." Take felt the tears pouring down his face again and was glad he was turned so Boreas and Chrono couldn't see him, "I thought it was because yet another person in my life thought I was just a nuisance." he clenched his fist and rubbed his eyes, "And I don't know why I care." He turned towards the two again, the tears gone but his eyes still red from the recent crying, he couldn't exactly look them in the eyes, he was in the company of a stranger, and in the company of someone Take would consider his best friend. He didn't like the idea of either of them seeing him this way... "Cause I'm not supposed to care. I'm not supposed to feel anything. Cause if I go back home feeling anything, the dragons feed off of emotions, it lures them in like sharks to blood. You'd think after years of training, I'd have this down by now. I just... I'm just hoping this is a moment of weakness. Better to have it here than out there fighting the heartless, ya know?" There was a part of him that was trying to find blame for it, something other than himself. Maybe it was Gero's fault for deciding to suddenly exist again. Maybe it was Atmos' fault for not telling him sooner. Maybe this was Iwao's fault for trying to tell him it was okay to smile and Take finding the idea of that thrilling. Maybe this was Aria's fault, he only started feeling this expressive again when she showed up. Maybe it was Illiana's fault for just being a jerk at first which was the initial setoff. Anyone but him.
Take tried his best to stop this breakdown cold upon seeing Boreas walk by. But when he started approaching, he wasn't completely over it yet. He took a breath and straightened himself out, "I'm alright, all things considered. I got it out." the boy stretched a bit, hoping maybe that'd help him relax more, "I think the air helped. I haven't seen mountains since I was in my homeworld. I've been saying to Tinarah: nothing quite feels as relaxing as that cold mountain air. But that might just be me." the boy stopped to look at Boreas a minute before asking, "Not sure whether or not this is question applies, we'll see but... what rank are you?" he paused and said, "Cause you mentioned a war and fighting in it. So I just assumed military. Maybe you aren't, I don't know... Illiana apparently is a lieutenant general so I'm not sure how strict other worlds are on them..." Takehiko stopped crossing his arms and just dropped them to his side, "I'm just a private. Well... mm... it's actually more complicated than that. I suppose I'm a different rank because of the keyblade now, but I wasn't strictly speaking promoted before I left so.. private."
damn it, aqua again might i remind you what happened last time https://kh-vids.net/threads/finished-a-fragmentary-passage-and-a-few-things-are-now-apparent.156123/
"So it's all settled then? We'll all go together." Mora stretched a little before heading towards the exit of the cave. She started jogging in place a little despite the pain saying, "It'd be better if we tried to get there sooner rather than later. I don't wanna be out there when it gets dark." the girl started down the tunnel and at the edge of the cave she looked back and called out as her voice echo'd, "Leggo!" Mora led them down another beaten path off of the main road. She shifted her way through the woods a little while, checking back every now and again until they reached outside of the woods. On top of a hill still a good distance was a large, abandoned castle. In the fields in front, black horses could be seen grazing and running about. In the middle of the field, three random trees stood there, looking like bushes from this distance. But in order to get through to that part, there were heavy woods just at the bottom of the hill. Mora pointed to it and asked, "That one, right?" she grabbed her side and ducked down a bit to get closer to the ground while she held it. Taking a couple of deep breaths.
"So it's all settled then? We'll all go together." Mora stretched a little before heading towards the exit of the cave. She started jogging in place a little despite the pain saying, "It'd be better if we tried to get there sooner rather than later. I don't wanna be out there when it gets dark." the girl started down the tunnel and at the edge of the cave she looked back and called out as her voice echo'd, "Leggo!" Mora led them down another beaten path off of the main road. She shifted her way through the woods a little while, checking back every now and again until they reached outside of the woods. On top of a hill still a good distance was a large, abandoned castle. In the fields in front, black horses could be seen grazing and running about. In the middle of the field, three random trees stood there, looking like bushes from this distance. But in order to get through to that part, there were heavy woods just at the bottom of the hill. Mora pointed to it and asked, "That one, right?" she grabbed her side and ducked down a bit to get closer to the ground while she held it. Taking a couple of deep breaths.
Boreas' response made Takehiko cross his arms. He knew that game. It wasn't anything you needed to do in a take-no-prisoners scenario, but it didn't mean Take wasn't equipped to prepare in the event of a revolt in order to stop it. He didn't like it, and that probably showed. But he understood. As Gero began to speak again, addressing everyone's questions about the Seven, he found himself staring again, trying to put the pieces together. When they were dismissed, Take just finally decided to let it go. While he didn't like the idea of having one of the princesses lost out there when it came down to the wire, it was better to bunker down and at least prepare for the final outcome. As Take stepped back and was ready to pretty much leave by the time Tinarah was told she could go, he looked away and... simply heard Gero's voice disconnected from his body. The boy's eyes widened as he quickly looked back at Gero and whispered, "Wait... you're..." Spoiler: Episode Takehiko: Part 4 The Power to Protect Others Incandescent Peaks was lively that night. With a few workers finishing up fixing houses after the previous attack, the rest were all gathered in the main hall of their village. It was a celebration. Despite a hefty loss of soldiers from the battle a week ago, the dragons had been temporarily thwarted after managing to kill their reigning prince. They weren't exactly able to get the leader yet, but after a major blow like that there was no way they would come back without heavy rest. It wasn't a celebration in a sense that everyone was laughing and dancing, it was a feast in celebration of their survival and to honor those who had fallen in battle. It very much was not a feast they had often, but all of the families of the town were there enjoying the company of each other. Hotaka was walking amongst the soldier families, regarding them all with the closest to a smile the man could muster. He soon found himself at the table of a family he had particular interest in. A woman and a man were helping to keep their youngest from screaming for being tired and impatient. Hotaka spoke with a softness to his voice, "Noboru. Chisaki. I'd like to offer my sincerest condolences for your loss. Iwao was a fantastic soldier, and more importantly a gifted commander. His sacrifice I ensure you is not in vain." The elder looked at the rest of the family there and paused at an empty seat and asked, "You seem to be missing a son, any idea where he is?" Shoji, sitting a little upright in his chair upon their family being addressed by the High Elder, opened his mouth to speak before the red haired boy next to him placed a hand on his shoulder, slightly aggressively and spoke up, "Takehiko just went to the bathroom, I'm sure he'll be back soon." "You're lying." Shoji grumbled under his breath while Yasushi shot a glare at him. Hotaka looked to the two boys and replied, "Oh I'm sure he will be. It isn't exactly normal for someone to skip out on a celebration like this. I'll be sure to come back later." He walked towards another table and Shoji shoved Yasushi's hand off of him, "Why would you lie to the High Elder like that?" "Look, I don't know where Take is but I don't want him disciplined for still trying to process how to grieve properly." Yasushi crossed his arms and looked to the door, "You know how he is with food, I'm sure he'll be here." "He needs to learn to grow up." Shoji scoffed as he took a sip of water, "Iwao died for the village and was glad to do so. The sooner he accepts that, the sooner he'll realize how dramatic he's being." On the outskirts of the village towards the graveyard, the light of a lantern kept a small area easy to spot from a distance. The grave marker in the place was a temporary one, as time passed and more forgot about the person, the gravemarker was removed and a new one was placed instead. Kneeling beside the grave was a small, ten year old boy with his hair grown out pretty long. Enough to cover the boy's face if he tried. The boy was crying, but trying not to be too loud as he held back his volume. As a result, his sobs almost sounded like hiccups as they occasionally burst out. The boy rubbed his face to wipe away tears as he spoke to the gravestone quietly, like he was afraid his voice would echo too far if he was any louder, "Iwao come back... please..." he sniffled and squeaked out through tears, "You never finished teaching me how to block Shoji's hits. We-we never got the chance to say goodbye... please come back..." The lantern flickered and in the momentary lapse of light a figure had appeared. "Loss can remind us of how short our lives can be." A gravelly man's voice came. "Of course, I shouldn't be one to talk. I have lived a very long life. There was a dark sense of humor about his tone. Right beneath the lantern stood a man in a brown robe, its hood up, and leaning against an old cracked walking stick. "I am sure other have told you to be proud of your brother, to remember him as a hero, but I am sure that is hardly a comforting thought. After all, all the praise in the world cannot bring him back." The weight of his tone gave the young boy a sense that this man too had felt loss before a great number of times. The man slowly began to walk towards Take hardly appearing to lean on the cane anymore as he did so. Soon he stood in front of the boy and looked down at the grave, speaking more quietly now as he offered the boy a choice. "You cannot bring him back, Takehiko. But if you had the power to keep others from feeling the pain that you are right now, would you accept it?" Takehiko was surprised and scared at first when the man spoke. He'd stood up from his spot where he was kneeling and looked at the man. He was at first worried it was an adult who was going to yell at him for being not only away from the celebration, but also because he was out of the village at night. But from the way he spoke, Take only became more confused. The closer the man got to him, the more Take backed away just in case something happened. At his last question, Take stared skeptically. He seemed to think about it a minute before the boy stopped standing as defensively and stood up straight before answering, "That depends on if that power is good or bad. But if I had the power to protect those I care about, I would." "Power cannot be good or bad, child." He answered calmly, looking down at Takehiko though his face was obscured in darkness. The man then held up his cane and in a flash of light it transformed into an otherworldly blade with a curved hand guard that extended to cover his hand from two sides. A chain with a strange golden insignia at its end hung down from the pommel and the tip of the blade formed a sharp looking shape that almost appeared to be axe-like in nature. If one stepped back and squinted it might have appeared to vaguely resemble an old key. "This is what is known as a keyblade." "The only things good and evil are the choices we make. If you believe you have it in you, if you believe you can one day take hold of this power and use it to protect those around you, then take hold of this blade." The man knelt down and extended his hand to hold the keyblade's grip closer into arm's reach for the boy. The boy recoiled a moment at the suddenness of the weapon appearing in his hand. When the cloaked figure explained what the weapon was, the boy looked in curiosity at it closer. But once the man started speaking again, Take listened intently. When he finished, Take looked down at the grip and then back at the man. He looked a mixture of curious and skeptical of the scenario. He reached his hand out for it but pulled back slightly in hesitation for a moment. Then after only a few seconds, Take reached out and took hold of the grip. He looked a little nervous and looked at the man asking, "What happens now?" The blade disappeared in a flash of light and the man stood upright once more. He turned away from the young boy and looked at the grave marked for Takehiko's brother. "Nothing." The man stated plainly almost as if a joke had been played on the boy. "Live a life that would have made your brother proud, child. That is the truest way you can honor him." The man turned to begin walking towards the lamp, stopping by it only to look up and watch as it flickered again. He remained still, just staring at it. "The power will come in time, when you are ready. Do not worry. I believe you are worthy of it. The only thing you must do is show yourself that you are worthy." As Takehiko processed the words the man said. He nodded and smiled widely and held up his fist a bit, "I'll become worthy of it. That's a promise." and in a moment, there was a flicker of light that caused Take to shield his eyes. The man was gone. He looked around, running to the other end of the graveyard confused before eventually running back to the gravemarker. He still had far too many questions, but that seemed to be intentional for that man. Take crouched down to pick up the lantern and he looked at the marker with a smile, tears pouring down his face again and said, "I'll make you proud, Iwao. Then I'll be able to use that keyblade. Just you see!" and he looked back towards the village, running his way back. As he stood, almost frozen in realization, he was pulled out of his mind when Atmos grabbed his hand to try and lead him out, making a small comment about getting out of there. He looked to her and nodded before Take followed her out, looking back a bit at Gero before leaving the room. The boy was processing a lot at that moment, and trying not to let it show. Takehiko took a deep breath and when out of the room he pulled away from her and asked, "So um... are..." his thoughts were lost completely and a sudden tear went down his face and he looked scared and wiped it away, "Are we just gonna keep up this... thing where we pretend to help just to throw us off our trail? Really? That doesn't... that doesn't seem fruitful..." he suddenly realized how much he was falling apart and he backed away quickly and said, "I-I'm... I'm heading outside... I won't go far..." and he quickly walked away. When Take made it outside, alone. He closed his eyes as he held back sadness, shock, anger, pain, happiness. He tried to rub his wrist as he whispered to himself, "Good soldiers put their feelings last... good soldiers put their feelings last... good soldiers..."