i'm taking the dalmation mr twister https://kh-vids.net/threads/kingdom-hearts-sos-the-road-to-dawn.118480/page-410#post-4309824 (ty tay ilu)
As soon as the fog began, Take had his keyblade out and ready for a fight, but it didn't take long for the situation to quickly de-escalate. Once it was clear this guy... duck... was not going to be a problem, the boy dropped his keyblade as it vanished and he listened to Boreas and Chrono essentially ask the same question, or rather extensions of each other's questions. Take was trying to figure it out himself. Maybe this guy was some sort of... wannabe hero? Or maybe he was an actor. There was really no way for him to figure that out without further investigation. Take stepped a bit backwards and looked around, walking a bit closer towards Tinarah and said towards her, quietly, "I'm not entirely trusting this duck. Not for him being anything harmful but that he isn't just one walking distraction and the villains know it. I'm gonna keep watch on this end. Try and make sure no one jumps in from the other end." and the boy walked away from the group and closer towards the edge on the other side just to keep an eye out in case anything else of interest happened, his back turned towards the rest of the group, not entirely focused on the rest of the conversation until he heard mention of them moving out.
Take heard Torrin mention something about caught attention and he flew quickly in the direction of where the silver haired boy. Though Takehiko didn't actually see whatever he was talking about. So when Torrin used upward momentum to reach the top of the building by getting off of his glider mid ascent, the boy's eyes widened and he tried to move a little faster just in case Torrin somehow missed his target. When he reached Torrin who was mumbling about where his target went, Takehiko jumped onto the roof with him, dismissing his glider and kind of catching Nini mid-fall and holding her up as he said,"Could we maybe try not doing that risky a landing tactic? It takes a large gust of wind for that to go from a cool landing to skydiving without a parachute." then Take began looking around as Nini jumped out of his hands and started slowly making her way obviously straight towards Torrin and the boy asked, "What did you see?"
Purrah had witnessed the escalation of events, but with her own preoccupations she didn't quite understand how bad it got until there was a deafening silence brought on by the opening of a window. The one addressing the group spoke in just the right way to make her feel like she was being talked down to, like a kid. And the catfolk did not appreciate that for one second. If she had more care for the situation, maybe she'd spit. But she kept her eyes searching anyway, that was until guards drew weapons. That didn't surprise her too much. That was to be expected at the very least with what was going on. But the random stabbing from people in hoods in the crowd, that wasn't expected. And that immediately put Purrah on high alert. The cat watched two guards seeming to eye her in particular, if only because she was one of the closer ones to them. Purrah let out a hiss of frustration and cracked her knuckles saying, "This one does not have time for this." and she took one step forward. With the full thrust of her knee she slammed it straight into the gut of a Dottari who let out a loud noise of pain. She didn't manage to hit hard enough to kill him in one go, but she did manage to get a very nice hit in. Purrah moved 5ft towards a Dottari and attacked with an unarmed strike. Dealt 10 damage. Spoiler: rolls Roll to attack: 1d20+4: 20,+4 Total:24 Roll to confirm: 1d20+6: 6,+6 Total:12 [failed to confirm] Damage: Roll(1d6)+4: 6,+4 Total:10
Kaida was still very out of it when everyone was trying to get her to move. Even as Aux looked at her to try and get her to process helping everyone get to the boats, she could barely nod before she summoned out her keyblades. Instead of going in for an attack on No Heart, the girl used hunter's mist. She backed away and got herself over towards one of the boats. Before climbing into it, she looked to Beuce and quickly cast cure on him. Not entirely sure if it would mend his wounds, but she at the very least hoped that much would help. Then she forced to help others who needed to get into the boat. She kept her keyblades out just in case she needed to cast more. Kaida was at the boat to Ohana Island
It was six in the morning and Purrah was already drunk. Well. "Already" may have been the only contested word there. Since the catfolk did not get much rest the night before anyway, and instead attempted to get herself drunk enough to pass out. When that didn't work, the cat simply resorted to waiting a few more hours before getting up when day's light made it easier to look around. Purrah loosely held a flask between her fingers as she began weaving her way through the crowd. She looked towards the opera house just to make sure nothing got increasingly hostile over there before taking another swig of whiskey and placing it back into her pocket. She heard some screams from the crowd nearby, mostly hearing a chant begin about rice that made her snicker just the slightest bit before she joined in, "Grain is not worth my life! Grain is not worth my life!" Purrah gave up pretty quickly on the chanting and began to look around at people. But she wasn't looking towards their faces, she seemed to be looking down at their hands. At once point she quickly grabbed someone's hand and looked at it and the person turned to her and glared at her and pushed her away and she chuckled and said, "Sorry. This one thought you were ssssomeone else. Carry on." she gave him a pat on the shoulder before making her way through the crowd. She watched as others began arriving and she let out a sigh. Perhaps the one she was looking for wasn't there yet. Purrah pulled out her flask again and sipped once more.
Takehiko was having no problems at all with his flying. Perhaps it was from already using Torrin and Qamar's gliders previously but he had a good hang on it. But the boy was more focused on the kitten that was freaking out and shaking in the front. He heard Tinarah check up and he looked over and said,"No problems with me. Nini isn't liking it though. Just waiting until we find something and land."
The girl had already closed her eyes and accepted her fate, when she heard others run up to her defense, and when others had yelled for her to not give up. But she felt resolved in her decision. She was not going to be responsible for the loss of other lives today. She wouldn't allow it. Even as she heard Hikaru scream her and Aux's names, her eyes remained closed until she heard his thanks for everything.Something seemed too quiet for the moment. And the girl looked at Hikaru just as he smiled, and told her she'd see him later. Then Hikaru stabbed his keyblade into his chest. x x x x x x x x Frozen. If she didn't know any better, she'd think someone cast time or gravity on her with how much she couldn't move. How much she couldn't react. How she felt all of the gravity of the world try to pull her down so all she could do was lay on the floor. It was a moment where her mind didn't really process... anything. Someone would have had to have replayed the scene to her over and over again for her to fully understand that she just witnessed her best friend's death. The blonde walked slowly closer towards the spot Hikaru was at and she swiped her right hand through it slowly. Like she was trying to make sure he wasn't invisible and that there wasn't some prank going on here. But she knew it wasn't. Kaida felt her hand drop quickly as she just stared at the space, but she wasn't looking at anything. She was trying to reimagine Hikaru standing there the way he was just a few seconds ago with that smile. But it didn't work. She took in quite a few deep breaths before the space between each breath increased until she summoned out her keyblade. She looked straight at No Heart. But she wasn't really looking. It was clear Kaida was out of it. There was nearly no expression on her face before she charged at them without making a noise. But the blonde got just close enough to hit them before she stumbled and fell. Kaida tried pulling herself up with her keyblade. Her hands were shaky and she couldn't manage it. She stared at the ground and screamed, "WELL REF. ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS GAME? IS THIS REALLY JUST A GAME TO YOU?!" she gritted her teeth and looked up at the one cloaked in armor and hissed out, "I'll kill you. I'll make you suffer for this..." Kaida lifted herself up shakily and swung her keyblade but No Heart didn't even have to move an inch since it was a very clear miss and Kaida keyblade disappeared as she fell towards the ground again. She started breathing heavily again, but it was almost like she was trying to keep herself from hyperventilating as she managed out quietly, "Hikaru...H-Hikaru..." she lowered her head completely to the ground as her face was hidden by her hair.
Melus probably shouldn't have been grateful to see they were all still alive in one piece. But there was a part of her that was genuinely still glad they were okay. Probably Koa more than any of the others, she didn't even recognize some of them that seemed to now be in the area. But maybe they weren't picked up on their adventures. When Koa asked what happened to them since he last saw them, Melus moved her hand to her shoulder and rubbed it. The scarlet F was covered by her sleeve but she still felt the burning sensation lingering when she thought about it. It didn't take the girl long to come up with something as she let out a sigh, "Remember what we said about the base definitely not being secure anymore? Well, someone showed up and challenged the old man to a fight. We were trying to help out, but he had this... power that made it so every attack we made against him only made him stronger. As a result... we lost Lea." The brunette shook her head sadly and continued, "We managed to defeat him after Luther challenged him to one of those final fantasies and won. Since it was better going solo with that guy. But it didn't end in especially good health. We got out of the base to recover for a little bit since we knew it wasn't safe there. Lea seemed to know something was going to happen, so he told us if something went wrong to run to Shibuya and wait until either you guys got here... or if we waited to long just go back ourselves." Melus was silent a moment and said, "But you guys made it, which is good." She looked to Karina and eyed her and put on a small smirk and approached closer and asked, "Sooo, you have a keyblade now? And your name is openly Karina? You can't tell me more didn't go on while you guys were gone. That's not something insignificant that just happens." x
Melus probably shouldn't have been grateful to see they were all still alive in one piece. But there was a part of her that was genuinely still glad they were okay. Probably Koa more than any of the others, she didn't even recognize some of them that seemed to now be in the area. But maybe they weren't picked up on their adventures. When Koa asked what happened to them since he last saw them, Melus moved her hand to her shoulder and rubbed it. The scarlet F was covered by her sleeve but she still felt the burning sensation lingering when she thought about it. It didn't take the girl long to come up with something as she let out a sigh, "Remember what we said about the base definitely not being secure anymore? Well, someone showed up and challenged the old man to a fight. We were trying to help out, but he had this... power that made it so every attack we made against him only made him stronger. As a result... we lost Lea." The brunette shook her head sadly and continued, "We managed to defeat him after Luther challenged him to one of those final fantasies and won. Since it was better going solo with that guy. But it didn't end in especially good health. We got out of the base to recover for a little bit since we knew it wasn't safe there. Lea seemed to know something was going to happen, so he told us if something went wrong to run to Shibuya and wait until either you guys got here... or if we waited to long just go back ourselves." Melus was silent a moment and said, "But you guys made it, which is good." She looked to Karina and eyed her and put on a small smirk and approached closer and asked, "Sooo, you have a keyblade now? And your name is openly Karina? You can't tell me more didn't go on while you guys were gone. That's not something insignificant that just happens."
When AJ had jumped in front of her to protect her, she felt quite a bit of surprise before she felt an immense amount of gratitude. She barely knew AJ, at least not enough to expect him to risk his life for her. It meant a lot. But the feeling didn't last long as Aux knocked him away and she reached out towards AJ quickly hoping to grab him but it was no use. Then she watched as Hikaru jumped on Aux, and Aux grew wings and soared into the air. He knocked Hikaru off of him before he dive bombed at her. Kaida summoned out both of her keyblades to block him in an "x" formation. Kaida tried to weight her options here, trying to understand that he was under the control of someone else and that she should try and spare him. But he was going all out. Kaida didn't think it was worth risking the lives of so many people for her. She wanted to fight him all out, try to show off her full strength. But as her thoughts became all over the place, she looked to all of her friends and stopped at Hikaru and there was a look of apology on her face. Kaida backed away briskly and looked across at Aux and Kaida let go of her two keyblades as they dissipated into light. She stared and yelled, "Take one instead of four then!" she looked briefly at No Heart and then looked at Aux and managed out nervously, "If that's how it's gotta be to save four people. I accept that..." she felt a stray tear pour out as she finished, "Just please let them go."
Takehiko didn't necessarily like the messing of his hair but ignored it when Torrin made his pun. As they moved to head out, Take summoned out his keyblade and transformed it into a glider which ended up kind of resembling a biplane. It had a little spot in the front that was probably more efficient for placing a bag in it, but Take reached over and picked up Nini and placed her into it. She popped up with her paws up against the side and Take got on his glider. He looked back at Chrono and said, "Don't fall too far behind!" before Take took off.
Takehiko got back into his costume fairly quickly since he at least now knew how tight to expect it to be. As he walked back outside and waited, he saw Tinarah come out with her sleeve ripped... and saw Nini with the little costume. Take approached Tinarah with kind of a straight face going, and he stood in front of her for a second before reaching for Nini who looked surprised and shocked at the sudden intrusion, but let him pick her up as he started scritching her under the chin and he could barely hide a childlike grin behind his mask as he said, "Superkitty! She's ininivinsible. Her damage is catastrophic." he looked Tinarah dead in the eyes and said, "I think she's lookin fefine." He giggled a bit behind his mask as Nini purred from his petting.
Spongebob careful!
Taking some lovely hits with a keyblade, and some pretty hard ones from Chrono and Alder, the creature cried out and tried to set it's eyes on Daeni. Lunging it's hands with all of it's might after Daeni, it went to launch a power attack at her. Before it really could connect, Cerdic quickly reacted in a manner to jump forward in front of Daeni. The strike from the claw was pretty powerful, enough to potentially have knocked him out. If not for a small bit of energy that stuck with him, keeping him up. The machine began to vibrate and the orb began to levitate over the machine.. the process was halfway there. The creature turned his sites to the machine with the full intent to place all of it's energy destroying the machine. A large cracking noise could be heard as the first hit landed.
Hello, kupo! We're back again with our 2nd weekly lottery.... (at least since we restarted it!) Now let's get rolling, Kupo! And the winner is... Hikaru! Hikaru wins 10 crowns, kupo. --- Thank you so much everyone, see you all next week!
If there was one thing she now knew she hated, it was a monologue. Being helpless in a situation where she had no control over her movement and was forced into listening helplessly. Why couldn't No Heart just use this as a tactical advantage and kill them. Something something 7 lights. The girl only began to really panic when they mentioned killing others or killing her. Obviously she wouldn't want 4 people to die for her sake. But... it wasn't like she wanted to die either. And seeing Aux struggle with this made her heart hurt. As he went to kill her. Kaida knew this was where it was going to end for her. She closed her eyes preparing for it. Then... there were other noises. When she opened her eyes, Steel was attacking No Heart. And the blonde could move again. She wanted to shout out a thanks to Steel for saving her life. But she had to focus on the possessed Aux marching towards her. Kaida finally could fully summon out her keyblade as she prepared to block whatever attack he was going to bring to her as she said, "Aux. Please snap out of it. I know you're still in there." she narrowed her eyes a bit and said, "Unless you're now weak? Come on... don't give up on me now...." she meant it as a taunt, and hoped it would work.
As the group learned their new keyblade transformations and how to create gliders, Take was a little excited to have his own to use. It meant he wouldn't have to rely on someone else's when they needed to defend themselves. As they left, Take looked at the four who decided to leave and simply said, "Stay safe." Then Edna came running in about superheros being captured again. And if there was ever a specific expression Take had for "are you kidding me?" it was the one he was giving now. How did these people handle themselves without them being here to begin with? Or maybe.. they were part of a plot. Take took a step back to quickly get the words of players out of his head and he blinked and looked to Torrin and said, "Well, we could look for whereever the most recent robbery or explosion was. Or maybe just recent explosions. They really seem to like those. Then we could get a hint at least on something. Or uh... look at recent crime logs?" he looked a bit unsure and said, "I just think wandering aimlessly around the city might not be the most amazing idea."
Take took the stone back and didn't really have much of a reason to keep the conversation going. He finished up the pancakes and was ready to hand them out, giving Torrin his when they were done and passing them out to anyone who wanted one. He was gonna go clean up the pan but he saw Tinarah cleaning up and looking out of it. He reached over to try and grab her shoulder to get her attention but stopped mid-motion when a hiss was heard. Takehiko looked down to see the little cat sitting around and hissing at him while he sighed and said, "Alright fuzzball, don't need to hiss at me. I just wanted to make sure Tinarah was-" As he reached his hand out again the cat growled and jumped up at him. He grabbed the cat just in time and held it away from his body and said, "Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop it. Bad kitty." it hissed at him again as he clicked his tongue and asked, "Do you want food?" The cat went silent and stared at him before letting out a small mew. He scritched behind it's ears a moment and grabbed a slice of bacon he cooked and gave it to the cat and placed it back on the floor. Then he reached out ans grabbed her shoulder and asked, "Are you alright-" "REAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOW." The cat below him growled and tried to reach up and scratch and bite at his hand. He glared down at it and the cat glared up at him. He sighed and said, "You've got a fierce protector there for you, trying to bite off my hand. I'll back off for now. I hope thing's are okay." and the boy walked away with his food.
When Torrin spoke about Iwao in present tense, he realized his message didn't exactly come across and he didn't feel the need to clarify it. He poured three more of the mix for chocolate chip pancakes and left the bacon pancakes aside for himself and started dishing out pancakes for others to grab, leaving them on the counter and letting people know to, "Grab 'em while they're hot." After a minute or two the boy shook his head and said, "I don't have any of that art anymore. We lost it in one of the attacks... though. Um." Take reached into his pocket and pulled out the rock Iwao made for him and he stared at it with it's outline and traced over it before he nervously held it out towards Torrin, though he tried not to show how nervous he was as he did, "I still have this one. You can hold it to get a better look at it." The swirling design on the stone his brother made wasn't an extremely fluffy or overly detailed dragon. It couldn't be because of how small the rock was. But it had the general four winged shape of the Flammie, though it was definitely more abstract here. Take flipped the pancakes on the pan and said, "Don't take too long with it. I'd like that back."
Kaida gave Aux a bit of a stink eye when he accused her of using magic like that and she said, "That's not my style. I'd just run past him even if he got a full headstart. We both know I'm faster." The blonde shifted to look around and she cautiously moved to approach Hikaru. She looked around at the others, then she faced her hand in front of Hikaru's face. After a moment she shifted to summon out her keyblade as she said, "Something's very wro-" Before her keyblade had even been summoned, the clicking sound of a clock stopping was heard and Kaida was frozen in place.