It's more fun when you stay up ALL night to write a 10+ page paper and still go to all your classes that day.
I agree. I think the battle between Aqua and fused Van/Ven comes first. Then the battle within between Vanitas and Ven takes place when "they" get knocked out by Aqua. If you notice with the Aqua battle, when her Keyblade glows with power she started cutting into the X-blade and then cuts off part of the handle (which are the two parts slightly missing in the Van vs Ven battle cutscene).
Princess and the Frog. Like three times. I wish Disney kept making movies like that (with the old animation concepts and such).
I'm pretty much with you, Misty. Tattoos are usually seen as wonderful when you're young, but I've known people who wish the thought never crossed their mind in the first place. And I think people are crazy for spending so much money on them sometimes. One guy I used to work with said it'd take at least $300 just to do some of the coloring on one of his (which I believe was a big gaudy tiger on the side of his calf). Sometimes a t-shirt can be just as expressive (or gaudy in that guy's case xP). I also find it funny when someone has like 20 piercings in each ear. What's the point?
Most people who hit legal age are like new Freshmen entering highschool. Think they're on top of the world until reality hits (or someone older hits you...). Yes, I'm being a downer.
I read all the Twilight books. One word: horrible. I agree what others have said, the characters (mainly Edward and Bella) really don't have personalities overall. Their relationship does not seem very believable to me (yes I know it's fantasy, but at least have some realistic points). Bella simply liked Edward for looks and Edward liked the fact he wanted to kill Bella but at the same time, not kill her. After the first book, I'd start reading the next one and hoping that SOMETHING would actually happen. But nothing ever really did. There were quarrels but most of them were just werewolves and vampires badmouthing each other. The writing itself was not that good either. I'm sorry, but the whole letting readers feel like Bella and develop their own vision of Edward seems like a cop-out move. Meyers failed to give a real essence to her characters. By the end of the series I was left wondering what I just read and why did I waste my time on this? The movies are only good for a laugh. (Hard to believe the movies could be worse than the actual books.)
Large Bodies and Fat Bandits when you first deal with them. (It feels so good to kill them with one hit when you're strong enough.)
I don't know the last time you logged in, but we had a hacker attack this last week. Any sigs/avys that you may have loaded since August 8 are probably lost (and they turn into the sig/avy you had prior to Aug 8). Pretty much anything done since August 8 was wiped out. Threads, posts, messages, etc.
Meh...I'm pretty indifferent to the whole 3Ds thing. It sounds like an interesting concept, but I agree that it is mainly jumping on the 3D bandwagon. I'll probably hold out on getting it (because you can be sure a newer version will come out soon after...). But we'll just have to see how it handles.
@ sslv4goku Eraqus's heart was absorbed by Terra when he falls at the Land of Departure. He is shown to disolve into little lights, but there was no orb floating away that usually shows up when one loses a heart (I'm pretty sure, can't remember entirely). The secret ending also Spoiler shows Terra talking to Master Xehanort and it is mentioned how Eraqus is helping Terra keep strong while competing for Apprentice Xehanort's body. It doesn't actually show it, but it is assumed that MX stabbed Eraqus from the back. He walks up to Terra once Eraqus disappears and Terra asks him, "Why, MX?" I'm not sure who the mysterious figure is. My gut feeling was another Xehanort counterpart. Then I thought maybe Eraqus. But I really have no idea. For all we know, it could actually be a completely new guy. (Possibly someone who will be major when Nomura finishes the Xehanort saga.)
But of course, KH3DS will have material that'll probably be vital to KH3... I actually have a theory of the 3DS plot (all completely speculative, obviously). Spoilers for BBS and possibly Coded (although I've never really played/paid attention to it): Spoiler It comes after KH2, when Sora gets the King's letter. It'll be about about Sora delving into whatever data Ansem said he implanted into him. Riku helps because Ansem told him something about it, it's just a data Riku (like Coded), or Ansem possibly left data in Riku too (or more possibly, Riku just wants to have fun in data world like Sora). This whole thing will lead up to finding out what the data is (probably what Xehanort/Xemnas was researching). Which will lead the group to how to find TAV. (Is there supposed to be another game before KH3? Reconnected, possibly? The actual saving of TAV, etc. Which would follow 3DS and be before KH3.) But, that's just some rambling from a slightly ignorant fan. No doubt I'll probably be completely wrong come a more informative trailer/interview.
Is it sad I've watched this on YouTube before? xP "Does that SOP sign look funny to you?"
A few years back, my friends and I rented "Moulin Rouge" (which I hadn't seen yet at that point). Ewan McGregor plays the lead male role. I knew it was Obiwan from the Star Wars prequels but hadn't had his real name ingrained in my mind yet. So of course I was like, "That's what's his name." Now my friends and I have a joke that whenever we see a movie with McGregor in it, we say, "That's the guy from Moulin Rouge." And it's funny that John Goodman was in two movies I rented together once and I didn't even know it until I watched them ("Princess and the Frog" and "Confessions of a Shopaholic").
"Nomura: The story for Kingdom Hearts is about Sora, but also one other person." I'm thinking it could be Riku that the series is going to shift to. We see more and more of his character with each new game (almost in leaps and bounds). Aqua would be cool, too. Don't have BBS and I already like her. Hopefully, it isn't Kairi. Sorry, Kairi fans, but I think she wouldn't be a very good character to base a series on. Might turn into another FFX-2 escapade, girly power! xP
The link for the one titled "Birth By Sleep: Final Ending + Credits" doesn't seem to be working. At least not for me. Anyway, thanks for the cutscenes Misty and Roxasvsriku!
I find it funny that in the second scan they compare the BBS characters to Star Wars characters. Boy I can't wait for the game to come to America.
I haven't watched too many of the cutscenes yet, but I know at some point Spoiler Eraqus' heart ends up inside Terra (like Kairi's in Sora in KH1). Where does Eraqus' heart end up in all of this. Maybe that is the "his" heart they are competing for? But don't take me up on that since, like I said, I haven't been through many of the cutscenes yet.
Getting back on topic... In response to your original post, Pika_Power: 1) Yes, most people who are newer/inexperienced with the Old Testament find it hard to see God as merciful and loving. They look at the instances where God punishes people in grand ways. Sodom and Gomorrah is probably the most well known. I suggest you read Genesis chapter 18, specifically verse 16 on. Abraham actually asks God if He would spare Sodom if fifty righteous people could be found. Gods agrees to that but Abraham isn't so confident with that number so he asks the same if 45 were found. God agrees to that too and so forth until the number gets down to 10. Of course, not even 10 people could be found righteous there. Sodom and Gomorrah were not just recently overrun by sin/evil. The detestable practices in those cities had been taking place for years and continually building. God did not think, "These places are starting to get out of hand, I better do something before they get worse." God's patience is expressed in this story. He even made sure Abraham and Lot's families (those who believed God's warning) were safely out of harm's way when the cities were destroyed. About your claim that God should just use "mind-bending" to change people, where would free will go? We as humans have a choice in everything we do. Some say we don't have a choice because God knows everything about us anyway. Knowing everything and controlling someone are two different things. Besides, if we were controlled like robots, don't you think God would have us keep from sinning and the "Fall of Man" would never have happened in the first place? 2) I think you kind of answered yourself when you were saying, 'And God said, "Let there be Sin..."' and how it is not in the Bible. God did not create sin, sin is the result of human kind's choices in life. Again, we were created to have free will otherwise we would just be little robots who never make decisions on our own. 3) "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die." -Genesis 2:16-17 You basically said in your first post that if the serpent(whom I consider is Satan) were not there to tempt Adam or Eve, they would have eventually eaten from the tree anyway. Now, I know curiousity can be a powerful thing, but if the One who created you told you that eating from this tree could kill you, would you honestly taste it anyway? I'm not saying God told them it would kill them instantly, but saying what he said, I think most people would assume it is what he meant and wouldn't want to take the chance. I mean, they were in a garden that had everything that could ever satisfy them, why would they think a forbidden fruit could add to that? Again, I think Satan is actually the serpent in the story. He lied to Eve, saying she wouldn't die from eating the fruit. He made it tempting by saying that their eyes would be opened, "and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:5) Technically, they were already like God because He had made them(humans) in His own image(Genesis 1:27). Adam and Eve did not have to give in to the temptation of what the serpent had said, but they did because it was their choice (yes, free will again). And why wouldn't they expect to be punished for what they did, they had ample warning from God-death had to have been a red flag for them. Their eyes were opened to the concept of good and evil(evil hadn't existed for them before). They couldn't just live life on blissfully because evil was now an option for them. The punishment seems less harsh than it could've been(for me at least). And God didn't become a bystander that only popped in when He felt he needed to. He's been with us and among us as long as we've existed. Adam, Eve, and humans in general only end up managing for themselves because they don't look to God for help. Now to that second post of yours, Pika_Power, 1) That comment about how if we're rich or successful, it is because of God-if you meant monetarily, it shouldn't apply to a Christ-centered life. Materials things are just temporary and have no real importance in the real scheme of things. People should feel blessed for being able to take care of themselves, but they shouldn't be proud in it(especially in excess) or think God would want to be know as the guy who makes people rich. That aside... It is our fault if we sin. It is our choice to do the right thing or the wrong thing. Some times we don't think ahead of time, but we're still making the choice. God wants us to make the right decisions, so why would we blame Him if we do something bad or not feel the need to thank Him if we do the right. God doesn't have an ego, He doesn't bug people saying, "Hey, that person had something good happen for them, they should be thanking Me." People thank God for things because that believe/know that He had a hand in it. You don't have to thank/praise God for anything, it'll make Him sad that His creation isn't getting the fullest experience out of life but He won't be hurt that He wasn't the one getting the spotlight for the achievement. 4) I'll restate that God created us to make our own choices. The choice to eat the forbidden fruit was ours, God didn't make us eat it or put in view because he knew we would eat it. If anything, I always think God was hoping the fruit would never be eaten. Even though He knew what was going to happen, I wanna say He still hoped beyond hope that Adam and Eve would never think twice about eating from that tree. And again the aspect of free will is brought up. If He made us to unwillingly obey Him, what would be so special about us? Without being able to choose, we'd be God's dolls or robots. He didn't make us so we could be played with. Why were we made? I don't know. God could have kept evil at bay, never put the tree in the garden, made humans completely obedient to Him, but he didn't. He allowed us do make our own decisions, even if they end up being the wrong ones. He didn't want puppets, He wanted people. I may sound redundant, but I feel that's the best way to get my points across. And don't feel like I'm attacking you, Pika_Power. I was just going through the points of your posts because they had the most to say about this subject(you started the thread, afterall). And, God is all powerful/knowing and He does detest sin(but not the sinners) are my answers for those two questions.
Namine's Prologue: (let's say see never became part of Kairi again) Destiny Islands was nothing like she imagined. Escaping The World That Never Was was a close one. Meeting Roxas, Kairi, and Sora was a great adventure. But now...things were settled. She spent most of her time sketching the beautiful scenery around the islands. She never really kept in touch with the others lately, mainly because she was trying to discover herself. She didn't want to be Kairi's nobody all her life. She sat down on one of the many shores and opened her sketchpad. On one of the pages, NAMINE was beautifully written. She never drew this. Something felt strange. Namine didn't realize that she would soon find out what that feeling meant...
i hate twi... ScreenName:Rena88 Character:Namine How you would act:Quiet and Mysterious Reason for joining RP (Give a good reason >.0):To kick butt. jk. I need an rp revival. xP