Don't read if you haven't finished Days or watched the BBS secret ending (obviously): I don't think Xion will actually be brought back. Just like I don't think Roxas and Namine are going to be brought back in any kind of physical forms. I think when they are shown in the secret ending, it is more of the idea of accomplishing what they strove for when they existed. If you remember with the Days ending, Xion told Roxas to free all the hearts she had helped collect from Kingdom Hearts. No doubt, Sora will eventually accomplish this, probably in KH3. Sora then would be keeping the memory of Xion alive in doing this.
Not a bad game. I've only ever played this one and Halo 3 out of the series so far. It only took my brother and I two days to beat the storymode together. So I'm a bit lost on the actual storyline of the series as a whole. Not bad gameplay (even though I've always sucked at first person shooters). Graphics were quite good, scenery-wise anyway. I also enjoy music on Halo even though I sometimes feel like it seems out of place for shoot outs. Overall, pretty entertaining.
LOVE IT!!! But seriously, I'm in my last year of college. It sucks. Major. Mainly because people around here think they're adults but still act like ignorant children.
I have heels a bit similar to those. Except, they're black, with some rhinestones on the toe straps, and the toe straps are a bit different in pattern...Exactly the same but completely different. xP And my sister has that colored comforter, You're not her are you? ^^
Left Behind
Meh...90% of the time the maids get shafted with unattractive dresses to make the bride look better anyway. I'd say wear a tux if you feel like it. ha EDIT: They make tuxes for little ringbearers...
My all-time favorite character (if you haven't noticed my sig) is Riku. His character design, personality, VA,...just everything overall about him is awesome. Plus, he can pull off the skirt look and be the bad guy at the same time. xP Terra comes in second and Aqua is the best female character thus far.
aka Logorrhoea
I totally want those keychains! Just got a Kingdom Key keychain last weekend and my brother got the SillyBandz.
Nim (The weird one with Jodie Foster)
The second battle with Demyx in KHII. It is always the water clones. I mean, it only took me a couple tries the first time I played through, but when I was trying to beat him for one of my roommates, I did it at least 20 times and ended up jumping up and down out of frustration. My roommates still tease me about that to this day. (What makes it even funnier is that my roommate tried beating him the next day and succeeded after like three tries.) And Angra Mainyu from FFX-2, an optional boss in the desert. It has been awhile so I don't remember all the details...It took over an hour to kill him because of his health alone. By the end of the battle, I had to keep healing/reviving and I was just getting tired of the thing not giving me enough openings to attack.
Monsters, Inc.
My favorite yearly Halloween movie is Hocus Pocus. It isn't Halloween without watching that at least once.
Ella Enchanted (The book was better)
I don't think there is an extra prize for getting all the sigils. Which is kind of lame for all that work...
Still awake right now. But I'm going to bed. Only 4:30am here. (Stupid paper I had to write...)
Haste LV+ (L) - Obtain 200 Sigils Level Up - Obtain 210 Sigils LV Tripler (4) - Obtain 220 Sigils Level Up - Obtain 230 Sigils Slot Releaser - Obtain 240 Sigils Ultima Weapon - Obtain 255 Sigils Hope that helps.
I agree. That was ALMOST an awesome movie. I enjoyed the sessions with Dustin Hoffman. "Aren't you relieved to know you're not a golem?"
Yeah, when I read the title of this thread I thought, Isn't that just Wicked? But I've forgotten about the other books that have been written with "The Wizard of Oz" as the influence. "Wicked" has been an excellent prequel musical (though it deviates significantly from the book, too), but I'm not sure about this movie. I'm not that big on Burton's "Alice" and I'm worried this movie could be a bit disappointing if the "twisted style" is put on it similarly. And I'm never big on well-known celebs being used for these kinds of movies either (most of the time it is just bait). Of course, they'll make it 3D, too (bleh...).
You are "e" Something that is lighter than a feather, but cannot be held by any man for more than a few minutes.