Skillet is awesome! I love the fact they are of the rock persuasion, because they have great messages behind their songs, and they are even appealing to those who don't consider themselves Christian (rocking out for God and spreading the Word, FTW). Even though I enjoy rockin' out to most of their songs, I adore "Say Goodbye". Such a beautiful song. "Winter-Wonder Slam" was just in my hometown last week. I'd have gone if I weren't away at college.
It is just whatever the hand picture in the first post is pointing to in the room you are in. Like, my Physics textbook is to the left of my computer monitor. Guess it would be good for bashing some heads in, it's heavy enough.
Our black lab got loose a few times. One time, he got out and just ran for it. Unfortunately, he must've headed to the wooded area near our neighborhood because we couldn't find him, and it got dark. The next morning, my dad went to get the newspaper, our dog was standing on our neighbor's stoop, looking up at their door. My dad called him and he came back inside our house. We liked that dog, so it would've been sad if he never came back.
I like 12 more. I preferred that gameplay over the turn-based (gives you more freedom). And I'm not the biggest romantic, so the relationship between Tidus and Yuna wasn't something I was really into.
Totally related video: [video=youtube;HP2ucFVNhcQ][/video]
When I get home, I'll probably spend the few days leading up to Thanksgiving Day helping my mom clean the house-where we're having Thanksgiving for the ginormous family. I'll stuff my face the whole time I'm there. Probably watch TV 24/7 (because I deprive myself of it completely while at college). My younger brother will probably force me to play video games with him (which I actually enjoy) while he's on break. Then leaving any homework I might have unfinished until the night I return to school. So...about the same thing I've done since I started college.
Worst pickup line ever. xP
That's invasive!
Not when you're in college, hun. At least, not the courses that matter to your major. *Looking at three tests this week, a big presentation, and a 15+ page paper due next monday.* the walrus.
Do you mean the canine variety or the term sometimes used for feet?
Squirrel Rights Song - Rhett and Link
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Since you're a doctor, you should know that the answer to all medical problems is a prescription for more cowbell.
I agree, great movie. I've always loved horses and so I was completely pumped to see this movie when it first came out. The story, music, and animation are all wonderful. The struggles Spirit deals with are heartbreaking, but inspirational. Movies like these always make me wish I had lived in America in a time before it was all "civilized". I actually was surprised the horses didn't have dialogue when I was first watching, but was glad they didn't by the end of it (just seemed "right" to minimize the dialogue to Spirit's narration). Wonderful movie. And like you've said Sara, eye opening to the realities of taming nature in early America.
First one-Fairly Oddparents (joke on the live action movie coming out) Second-Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" Third-"Phantom of the Opera" Shame on those who don't recognize any of these. You lack culture. At least...high school level American culture. xP
How do you see video games? Do you play simply for entertainment? Basically, they are purely entertainment for me and I tend to want to play more to distract me from tasks I don't enjoy. Do you think video games can be considered art? And I'm not talking just high-def CG. I think so. I mean, a lot of aspects play into video games, some of which are usually used to enhance feeling/emotion and awe. ICO and Shadow of the Colossus are a couple games where actual gameplay is simplistic and the atmosphere is just so beautiful (scenery, music, etc.). And frankly, I consider more games artwork than a lot of Modernism/abstract art in the traditional sense. When you pick up a game, how often do you find yourself completely wrapped up in it? It depends on the game. I play a lot of RPGs, so I do find myself playing for hours at a time when first getting them, to get into the story. Later on, I sometimes see myself as a character, really trying to accomplish what they are in the game. Have you ever played a game that has been considered to have terrible graphics (for the time it's from) but wanted to see the story, or vice versa (bad story/gameplay, good graphics)? I enjoy playing older games that may not have what is considered terrible graphics when they were first out, but are now. Like the first four FFs and FF7 for Playstation, some of the older Sonic games, etc. Why do you think gaming has become such a huge part of our everyday lives? Because it is like any other form of entertainment. But beyond what movies/shows are, you actually get the chance to control aspects of the games. What is your opinion on the "video games make our kids violent" argument? I do think violent games desensitize people to aspects of life-cursing, sex, anger, etc.-but I believe that about any material people expose themselves to for extended periods of time. Most of the time, I think children play violent video games because they already have some kind of exposure/thoughts about violence (and lack of parenting since parents shouldn't be letting them play such games in the first place). Given that there is somewhat of a recession going on around the world, do you think the gaming industry will suffer from it? I don't know. I mean, here in America, consumerism can be quite resilient. Sadly, I think as long as the newest/hottest toys come out, Americans will stampede to get them (almost holding entertainment outlets in higher regard than needs). Overall, how do you think video games have progressed? Do you think that fewer very good games are being made in order to produce games that barely sell but are from big toy companies? Like Barbie games for example. Graphically/technologically, games have improved a great deal over just a few years. Now content-wise, it is a bit of a grey area. I do think that since the gaming industry has grown, companies hold profit in higher regard than quality in most aspects. I think newer games do leave a bit to be desired, but I don't know if it is a lull in the gaming industry, or a continual decline as of yet. For you, what makes a video game good? I'm mainly about story (I mainly play RPGs). "Good" graphics can be a bonus, but not entirely necessary. Gameplay is not really a huge factor for me, either-as long as it is understandable and lacks glitches, I'm good. Has there ever been a game you've played that actually changed how you look at life, or at least made you think about things? There have been storylines that really made me think, maybe not on life aspects entirely but interesting concepts. And for fun, what is the stupidest - yet somehow entertaining - game you've played or watched someone play? Can't really think of one right now, but I'm sure I have.
My college doesn't recognize national holidays for squat. Like, I think we're the only ones who labor on Labor Day.
I like this one. And here's numero dos.
I think Twitter mainly feeds into the texting trend of people. I mean, people (especially teens) are always sending thousands of texts. Most of the time they're texts to people who you were just with two minutes ago. I personally find Twitter pretty pointless because I still have an oldschool flip phone, I have facebook/myspace, and I don't think people need to know every little detail about my life (though I'm sure my mother would enjoy that ^^). Celeb/band showings, news feed, etc. seem like appropriate content to Tweet about, but not all the mundane stuff.