"When I grow up I want to be...one of the harvesters of the sea."
It is all because of Dexter's Lab that I say that whenever there is an omelet in the vicinity (cheese or not).
I agree with what Misty said, Beast learned his lesson through Belle. She was able to look past his looks and see him as a human being, not just a Beast. Before she showed up, I think he pretty much gave up hope for ever breaking the spell because no one would ever love him because looks alone would prevent it (like how he had turned away the enchantress solely for her looks). He eventually saw past Belle's looks and realized she was even more beautiful because of her personality.
*Insert immature "Thriller" related joke here* Ya know, because MJ's...yeah
Your test is going to be 52 pages long. Teachers can be cruel like that.
I think I've only watched "Christmas Shoes" once, it is very sad. But I have the song and it takes everything not to cry my eyes out everytime I listen to it.
Really, any of the older stop-motion animated ones, I always enjoy the songs. My favorite of those would probably be "The Year Without a Santa Claus" (the Heat/Snow Miser songs being the best parts). A Christmas Story - And apparently it has a sequel (less holiday related) I started watching halfway through a few weeks back, but I can't really say it lived up to the first one since I didn't see it all. A Christmas Carol - Although it has been adapted countless times, it is still always fresh to me. Some of the adaptations can be a bit out there, but I never really have much criticisms against them. Annabelle's Wish - Totally agree with this one. Unfortunately, we only have it on VHS and so I haven't been able to watch it in its full glory for awhile. Love the music in it too (and I'm usually a sucker for stuff that Randy Travis has a part in xP).
Why isn't there an "All the above" option?
It could also be the fact I always joke with my mom, saying I will one day cook her chihuahua's "chicky legs".
The "Cooking Your Dog" one made me laugh the hardest for some reason.
The .hack series. I've finished .hack//sign and Legend of the Twilight. Now I'm a few episodes into .hack//roots. Can't wait until winter break so I can get back into games, too.
Scrubs reference, perhaps? ^^
It has been awhile since I've done this...I think you have to de-equip all the combo chain additions in your Abilities and it helps to have the Fenrir Keyblade (the one where it decreases your combo chain by one)-which is gotten by beating Sephiroth. I think you can also gather the junk piles together and use one piece to smash into the others. Hope this helps.
A lot of nursery rhymes are based on some pretty dark events in history. A friend of mine researched such a topic in a Literature course a few years back, she would tell me about it every once in awhile. Quite funny that kids are read/taught these things with such crazy backgrounds.
Click here. Quayle was the VP of the US a few terms back.
Yeah, always wondered when he'd figure it out. xD
Neither because I read them as "nightlight" and "killer clown", and neither of those is cool.
Not nearly as much as the first few seasons of "Boy Meets World" I've been watching lately.
I agree with P. Bring some of the students that said he had been "slagging" you and tell someone of the adminstrative staff. Or if that doesn't work, just be the bigger person. Ignore what he's doing. What he says is not really going to matter once you finish that class (it's P.E. for crying out loud, we can't all be expected to be excellent athletes in every area all the time). Just keep trying your best no matter what. You obviously didn't get all the practice you should've and that reflected in your routine, nothing more. His words are pretty much worth nothing because of that context.
Pretty good. I think my favorite part was the very beginning with the Roxas/Xion scene, very well done. Your amount of clips is kind of lacking. I think I counted 5 total (though there is a little editing with each of them). So it felt a bit like you just laid a few clips together and played a song to them. Good job though, I'd give it a 3/5.