Hey I am doing good, you?
alright then
Oh my bad, she dies in 3 days
ask the keyblade guy
I believe you are slow at understanding what I mean most of the time
O_o + @_@ ....
Misty? O_o She can be apart of the site. The prem thing will come back soon
yes what is it?
It is up to you, its not about what I want. If you don't want to then don't. I not asking you to do anything and the last thing I want is to make...
not much, you?
You don't have to register
xD yes I created it, I call it an a accomplishment. No you don't have to I just want to show why I was happy.
no you don't
all and ok
no the referrals don't do a thing and I want you add/rewrite the rules
just edit it and it does nothing I believe
can you edit the rules for me?
here is the reason. I launched that