I know this will sound weird but could you ban me? On soifon
okay thank you Jaden :)
Do you know where I could get just regular cards? (image of course)
Thank You Jaden :)
I have fios so it goes extreamly fast for me. I didn't know that The Anime did, do you know where I could learn the actual rules of the card game?
You can find the show (GX) on youtube under 'shows'
I haven't gotten that far yet, but the show is addicting
How could I not? He is an extreamly good duelest. He even beat Chad (if I spelt it right).
Anyway I am sorry about this. I know it must be getting anoying and you are probably mad/upset.
I was Waaay off
I AM SOOO STUPID. I shoud know some basics from the show. Tell me if I am close. I know there are more than 3 types of cards but to name 3 are...
Again with what? I haven't seen a real card in 10 years and I just started watching GX.
I don't know how. XC
Update:: Did you even look closely at my custom cards? I don't think "Master of Light" is a good enough description for a duel, let alone a card.
....I did?....O_O
Surprised? ...
I was wondering if you would teach me how to duel
So when are you going to join the improved Soifon? It has been back up for a week.
the bot is speaking Russian