you made that account? and why can't you change your password?
ban lifted, I think you should stay off admin status until we can solve the hacker problem
if you say that the hacker can't use your account then you are the one that banned yourself. :l
then tell me why you banned yourself :l
I don't think that will help.
then who did? O_O
......Did you change you name to I am a noob? o_O I am not laughing at that joke.
I am sick too xD its wierd o:
well it has to be the same person who demoted me and locked you out.
Hackers can do it again.
not much, you?
I am doing good, you?
more like someone hacked you
alright fixed
that reminds me *makes one*
The username is Chazz xD as in Chazz Princeton
We have another member who is a Yu Gi Oh GX fan on GLNET
yes it is.
Yes it is.