Ma'am you do not know how luck you are having snow already. It has not snowed once this year here in DC . As for the child molesters, that sucks big time. :C it was like that for the past two days here in DC
I never get enough sleep
I have been slow all day
Oh sorry still slow XD. I am doing good.
Hey! I know its been a while. How are you?
oh sorry I am a bit slow this morning
what do mean?
the usual.
I am doing good, you?
move any spam threads to the spam zone, but delete spam posts
ahh I found the problem, are your searches pruned? Like after a certain amount of days since the last post don't 'Show up'
no it is not I am looking at it right now.
ehh what are you talking about?
I use the log to keep track of what each admin does in ACP.
that would be your account.
if the hacker using her account did so then the actions to prove it would be logged, I can see these logs.
as I read this, it sounds like you are implying that CtR IS the hacker.
Why are you accusing CtR of doing it? I trust CtR.
we have three admins. CtR, me, and you. CtR isn't affected by it.