Yuki grinned, "One of my favorite characters on Lucky Star." She then began humming 'Motteke Sailor Fuku.' She looked at the stick and it said, "Winner." Yuki squealed, "YES! I GET A FREE ICE CREAM!"
Yuki grinned, "Once Sora or Kairi come here, I'll definitely ask them!" Yuki hummed happily, "I'm thinking mango plus orange though." She said as she bit her ice cream, and the last little part fell. "..." Yuki stared on the ground. And frowned, "I should really try to do what Miyuki said." She knitted her eyebrows together.
"The best ones ever!" Yuki started licking at it. (imagine Kona-chan) "Hmm... ever wondered if there would ever be a Paopu flavored ice cream?" Yuki had a bright gleam in her eyes, 'Huh... I'm thinking of ice cream again. Me and my ice cream fetishes.' she thought to herself.
Yuki smiled, "Wanting to know personal profiles?" She sighed, she looked at her hand, "Oh, I almost forgot about this!" She opened the packet and licked her lips. "Mmmm... Sea-salt ice cream!"
Yuki smiled, "Well, my brother wanted to go to Twilight Town instead of here, he said that even though there are colleges here, he wanted to go to Twilight University. He said something about a pen pal." Yuki blushed, "Why?"
Yuki frowned, "I'd love to, but I don't have a Gummi Ship. And the only worlds I've been in are Twilight Town, Radiant Garden, and here. We had to drop my brother in Twilight Town."
Yuki made a sound, "Pffffttt..." She started laughing, "Flotsam and Jetsam!" She stopped laughing, "Hook wouldn't be able to name it on it's own maybe, I guess he'll need 'SMEE~!!' to help him, or maybe he'll call it 'Blast you, Peter Pan!' which is the quote he'd always say when Peter shows up." Yuki covered her mouth and her eyes widened. 'Oh no, I'm doing it again!' Yuki thought.
Yuki grinned, "Yeah, maybe he'd call it 'Pete's Plaez.' or something like that." Yuki then frowned, "How about the others? You know... Jafar, Captain Hook, Oogie, and Ursula..." Yuki had a coy smile on her face.
Yuki blushed and pouted at the same time, "My tongue just slipped!" Her blush got redder, "M-maleficent you say? Hmm... definitely sounds like her, I wonder what the name would be if PETE named it." A grin was tugging on her lips.
While Yuki was in Memory Lane she suddenly burst out, "How in Great Merlin's name did it get the name Hollow Bastion?!" She snapped out of her reverie and blushed, "Errrr.... sorry..."
Yuki grinned, "Those were my grandma's parting words... before we left for Destiny Islands, she told me that I'll always remember her, even on random times, because the memories, they're what makes me strong. Don't you think so too?" After she had said this, Yuki went to her own trip down Memory Lane.
Yuki smiled at Riku, "You were spacing out then, I know how you feel." Yuki put her hands on her hips, "Memories can either be bad or good. And they'll haunt you whenever they want to..."
Yuki stared at Riku, who looked like he was going down Memory Lane, "Hey Riku? Are you alright?"
"No one would dare, anyway." Yuki smiled. "Although I remember a friend of mine say he was going, he went down, and 5 minutes later, he went back up crying." Yuki looked down and said, "The poor guy, he was scarred for life... physically and mentally."
Yuki flushed, "I-I'm sorry..."
You're off... oh well.. bye! xD
Yuki was confused, "I thought no one was supposed to go inside that castle?"
Yeah... the music is very peaceful and calm. ^^
Yuki smiled, "It is nice there. But then, there's that dark castle... with the Heartless symbol, and the last time I checked, there were swarms of heartless below that castle and... uggghhh... I'm having goosebumps just remembering them... But then, Leon and the others helped. I remember my grandmother giving them rice cakes after all their hardwork." Yuki laughed, remembering that she was behind her grandmother that time.
You're right. ^^ :D My Location here is, "Chasm of Challenges." Because that's my favorite place in Agrabah. ^^