ooooooo! !!dude:bounce:!!!!!!that would be flippin awesome:imslow:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cuz, like youd choose a coaster...riku:hairy: or roxas:roll: and it would re- act the fight:fight::star-wars-smiley-02!!! riku's would be goin down the buildingd and stuff:woohoo:, roxas's would have Neoshadows attackin:ninja::guns4::guns2::guns3::guns: :yelling: :yelling::bangbang::dead: ' and stuff!!! coooooooooool!!:imslow::imslow: ..........srry:sorry:! im just rambling:ranting: eh-heh-heh:sweatdrop: that would be flippin' sweet though!:sweat: ......:blink: .........:blink: ...........:blink: ajflsjbn:poke::woohoo:dbjkdfhgajf:bangbang:gjiirhfjga:roll:;fdkg hfgakls:bounce:hgkdbnsetyg!!! (SPLODE!!!):dead:
uuuummmm... im at the part where u defeat roxas and i didnt have to fight tifa cloud yuffie leon ect. (i think)
o! i saw it in lion king, second visit vid can u tell me what materials for the ultima?
oh! thx.... how'd they cheat?
hey! :bounce: i and maybe some other people probably want to know where to get some keyblades that they missed! (i. peronally missed "ultima weapon" keyblade:stupid:) i know i missed it because i'm at the part after you fight roxas:star-wars-smiley-02, and i see in KH-vids cutscenes i see sora with ultima on parts i already passed :yelling: :yelling:!!! so if anyone has beat KH2, please help me/us find these keyblades!:sweatdrop: thanks!:roll: p.s... PENGUINS RULE!!!!!:lol::D:stupid:
omg!!! IF THIS WEBSITE SHUT DOWN, I'D DIE!! if this website shut down, that'd stink! i'd be bored!:bored: ( i used to go to youtube, but all the good vids have been taken off) without this websit, this is what i'd do all day...:poke: ya. sad! and i also just found this website ...i dunno, a few weeks ago( :stupid: ) so this is what'd happen to the @#&*! *#@% who shuts down the website... :speechless-smiley-0:nerve::yelling::guns::fight::guns4::guns3: :guns2::star-wars-smiley-02:guiltygearXpc37:
HEY, "KHCRAZY" i have a tip to beat riku :fight: ( im at the part where u need 2 beat marluxia:star-wars-smiley-02) u need to use LOTS =LOTS OF SLEIGHTS!!!!:bounce: use "raganorak" ( if u have it) thats where u stock 2 zero cards and a 9 card and shoot laser stuff :guns: out of the keyblade. good luck! :noworries:
I only have chain of memories, not the remake.:yelling: i think that chain of memories is a really good game and the side-scrolling helps you see and attack the enemy better:star-wars-smiley-02, but you can't use reaction commands. tell me what you think. thanks!! :ff10sora:
yeah, riku has the power of darkness, but he needed that to get strong! but sora doesnt need that to fight! But i do admit, if riku had the drive forms he'd look awesome!