dude! U R rite! i can imagine the hair and the worlds, but i neva thot of the character bodies!!!org XIII would be fine but sora and roxas and DiZ!!!!!! O!!!! and does any one know how to contact LEGO and square enix? thx!
look whos calling who an idoit you @%&* @$$ #@*!$!!!!!!!!!!!! does it look like i CARE that i spelled it rong?!?!? (oh, and don't get all obsessive compulsive about me spelling "wrong" rong!!") .......! and i dont care if i am as spaztic as U!!!!
three words. O. M. G. OMGWTFBBQ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! HOW LONG DID IT TAKE YOU TO TYPE DAT?!?!?! and those weiner dogs are cute! i have a basset hound... sorta like a dashund and a blood hound... oh! tip of advice : if you have a weiner dog make a hot dog costume for them on holloween!!!! LOL
YES! and one more thing i would of said what you where tempted to say because ive made an idoit outta myself, so it wouldnt matter !!!LOL!!! and im glad everyone likes my idea (for once)
ya! i need 2 send squre enix a letter then send lego a letter and tell them they will both make a bung load of munnies then they'll be like HOLY CRAP! yes i will make sure dis happens! ( mumbles"munny munny munny!!") and even if dey don't give me credit for it I WOULD LOOOOVE THE SETS!!!! and i do agree thet castle oblivion and hollow bastion set would be hard to build but FLIPPIN COOL!!!
calvinoddkid my username is calvinoddkid ...DUH! look over there so calvin is my name, and im an odd kid... VERY odd kid .......'SPLODE!! :stupid: :stupid2:
who here thinks that there should be a lego kingdom hearts set:speechless-smiley-0 explain what would be in summa those sets, like a roxas vs riku set (cool lego hair :hairy:), some organization XIII guys (cool weapons like xemnas litesaber things or demyx's sitaur) ooh! ooh! :bounce: or make your own gummi ships! :lol: i think the lego keyblades would be cooooool! WHOS WIT MEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!? ........... (cricket chirps) :sweatdrop:
thx thx and i have somethin to tell u ppl! dont just tell me wat cosplays you've done can u tell me HOW you got the jacket and hair thx! plus wat kind of material i can use for weapons like keyblades for roxas and spikes for axel
hi! i was working on a roxas (org. 13) costume and i couldnt find a good type of coat that i could work with! does anyone have any tips on how to make this coat! (i was also going to make other members of org. XIII like axel, saix and demyx, but now im focusing on roxas) plz help meeeee!!!
calvinoddkid 20585 take away the 0585... thats how many freinds i have. sad XD
Dang!!!! holy crap, she must hate u!:speechless-smiley-0 musta' sucked getting that e-mail or whatever it is!! i know wat it feels like to not see someone again :cryinganime: :cryinganime:, does that count? (sad story. send me a message if u want to hear it... i hate telling it) but if she says she hates u that much, WOW... sorry man click on the link in my signature to cheer u up.:noworries:
yes u are. either that or ur bisexual!
after u fall off the tower, u see a cutscene of sora waking up from his sleep in the pod, goes pee on a picture of a flamingo dressed as michael jackson,turns into anti sora,runs in circles, and goes back to sleep. roxas eats pie afterward
this is a thread where U can advertise ur families on KH-VIDS.NET i heve no fam... sad! :cold: :cold: :cold: :dead: :dead: :cryinganime: :cryinganime: :cryinganime: :cryinganime:
sorry, but... eeeewwwww!!!....
roxas the dude who got frozen looks like roxas:cryinganime:
i know im obsessed i have more signs to show ur obsessed (all of them apply to me) 1. you know the names of all the keyblades (in KH 1 and 2) 2. you try to make all of the keyblades out of foam 3. you go on this website 24/7 4. you know the names of all of the heartless and nobodies 5. on your free time you pretend to shoot fire out of faom keyblades 6. you have the song "sanctuary" (forwards and backwards) on your ipod 7. you think black chihauhau's look like shadows (kind of heartless) 8. U dress up as roxas and sora with foam keyblades 9. moogles are one of your favorite animals 10. you wish there was a kingdom hearts show. Ignorant Users Obey The Mcp Ignorant Users Obey The Mcp Ignorant Users Obey The Mcp Ignorant Users Obey The Mcp Ignorant Users Obey The Mcp
I CALVINODDKID, WILL BE MICKEY!!!!!!!:yelling::yelling::yelling:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OR ELSE.....!....i:sweatdrop:-i mean may i please be mickey? eh-heh-heh...srry. but seriously, can i be mickey
aerith cloud aerith and cloud totlly!!! dont u ppl remember in KH 2 how aerith was totally checking him out!?!?!?! OMG!!!!
ya!!! i saw that dance and i froze for a second:blink:.... every time i see it i think of playing it over and over with the song "lacucurachA: woohoo:!!, lacucurachA!!" im now gonna make an AMV of that :imslow: :imslow: :imslow: :ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::ff10sora::imslow::ff10sora::ff10sora: