is it even possible to get to level 500 on kh1 ?? im on kh2 and it must be different or somethin... ask him how he did that!!
im trying not to spam but EVERYONE HERE WAS CAPTIVATED BY THE COMMERCIALS!!! ╔╗╔═╦╗ ║╚╣║║╚╗ ╚═╩═╩═╝
haoyox walked over ? whats going on? oh! new students! whatre your names?
when are we gonna start?
oh i found out about KH when... i was goin thru a game infromer catalog a few years ago and i saw a cool looking dude sitting on a giant key. it was the kh-Com advertisement i looked in a gamestop and saw kh-com and was like hey its that saro dude or watever i bought it, played it for hours on end and then got kh-2 cuz it was on sale. yaaaaaaaay!!
i know its a sad thread, i was bored when i made it! and i might not make a kh- boyfriend post cuz im a guy and it might be kiiinda wwweeeiiirrrddd hmmmmmmmm...... no one voted for zhe disney characters like queen minnie... i wonder why... oh! maybe because of the species!!!! im not that kinda guy either... i go for personalities. - - U
i dont think i've ever use ars arcanium (or watever) my fav is raganorak (cuz u shoot shiny stuff) :guns3: p.s. i have only used them in KH: CoM cuz i dont have kh 1 only kh2 and com
demyx demyx cuz i got blonde hair and im just weird and an organization wannabe and i keep forgeting that i have no heart. :xp: :laughing-smiley-004 but this test in mike121's post said i was roxas click on this to take the test
ya. good point. i guess ill make another poll about boyfriends but that might be weird for me though.
if you could have any girlfriend i KH2 who would it be? no, you cant have multiple girl friends!!! mine would be yuffie cuz she's always cheery and upbeat plus she's ninja-ey who's your choice?
so in there larxene is calling herself wothless so she had no heart but ya like demyx she forgot she has no heart.... but how come axel is like "dont go roxas!! you make me feel like i have a heart!" so axel is acting like he has a heart, but he remembers that he doesnt have one???? confusing
here's who i'll be haoyox age:13 keyblade: star seeker appearence: short 4 foot 9 inches spikey bolde/brown hair jeans with holes in knees, always wears org XIII jacket but not zipped up green eyes
butter owns u all!!!! margerine is like, butter's evil twin, alfonso. bent on killing the population of earth i once ate a stick of butter without anything on it... im suprised im still 80 pounds!!
i have a tie between axel roxas and cloud but in the poll i picked roxas cuz he weilds 2 keyblades like hes in drive fr=orm all of the time!! poor donald and goofy.... no one voted for them or xehanort or the other disney characters exept mickey!! :cryinganime:
gimme five bucks!!!! now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why would you rather be green? red is your color of personality!! if youd rather be green, take the test and fill in all the answers that a green would say!
if it was a big group slap, goofy! but if it was one on one, jane, from tarzan cuz she was probably in slap fights with monkeys thoso monkeys slap hard!... :lol:
and something i forgot to say... sora at the end is like "OH YEEAAAAH! DON'T MESS WITH ME FOO"!!!!!!!!" hope im not spamming
whooooooeeeeee! i cant beat sephy in KH 2 kh 1 cant be esier! that was a display of true...gamingship (?) nice job
woah! ya!! barbie teaches girls to be anorexic multi boyfreind bi-.....female dogs!!! plus, elmo is scary! hes just dancing saying "lets look at the fish and count to 5!!!! yaaaaay!"