yay im dancin cuz i like cheez pie u perv this is wat u are
the cheez rulez u the cheez is our master he rulez all beeyotches!!!!!!(even tho were not beyotches he owns us too!) OMG
Frendz we both like pie and waffles omg YAYZ!
meeeepz! heehee! it be true but... not in a perverted way but in this sorta way ^___^
well guess wat pplz im a penguin mwahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i was wondrin... since im into the "role playing arena" i want to move one of my earlier threads to the front so we can continue!!! plz tell meeez! and dont close this thread... i counldnt find an answer for this and other pplz probably have suggestions. THX!!!!!! X )
it had better be for PS2!!!!!! thats all i gots! i bought the ps2 just for KH2 and after i bought it i saw that KH3 was for PS3 i was like "oh mother f***** a** b**** f*** hole!!!! son uva b***************** is for the f******** PS f**** 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (two weeks after i got PS2)
yen sid and radiant garden dancers are also in traverse town (radiant garden)... i think... i ran into them while i was about to fight demyx. or like silver bullet said, in yen sids tower which is in twilight town, if you go on the gummi train in the station (after the part where you beat xemnas the FIRST time... hope i helped, and good luk getting ultima, i just need 5 twilight crystals and 5 orcalium +...
mickey is there because he KICKS A**!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOT! im gonna make a star seeker keyblade outta foam now i think he got the keyblade from yen sid, then told him to pass it down to sora when he got the gold one. this is old?
oh!!!!!!!!! at 3:03 i saw the fenrir keyblade! and at 1:53 it looks like the old fart has a mix between oblivion and ultima! plus! at 1:18 it looks like ROXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! sniff he got frozed :cryinganime: AND I WANT THAT PIC OF MICKEY AT 0:10 0_o
im in 8th grade igot 1st- language arts- butler :laughing-smiley-004 2nd- social studies- butler :rofl: 3rd- gym- cress 4th- math- arnot (lol!! is too- ar not!!) :roll: lunch 5th- math lab- arnot (giggles) (hehe meth lab :poketoungeb: 6th- science- jackson (mwahhaha! his first name is michael!! im serious!!!) yay!
.........! oh crap!!!!!!!! 60 year old stalker!!!!!! (runs to corner sucking thumb)
look like i care? look like i care?!??! (again)
if u got invader zim dvds then you wont waste ur life! invader zim i amazing! and the easter eggs are soooo worth zhe trouble!
serioslY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the actor for aaaaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxxeeeeeeeeellllllllll?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??! yaaayayayayayayaaaaaaaaayyaaa!!!!!! omg! ....... (SMACKS HIMSELF) wow. i need to findZ HIS USERNAME ON KH-VIDS!!!
UR OLD! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you dislike the invader? you dislike zhe invader... you're scared... !!!!!!!!! rawr!!!! I WILL ASSASSINATE U IN UR SLEEP! THIS IS HOW I'LL LOOK!! SCARED NOW? HUH? HUH?
aaww ur not a... im not allowed to say in if i do say it, my mom will eat my head
there is a "easter egg" in invader zim that the makers put in, a pic of the lovable gir covered in BLOOD!!! it is in a single frame of some of the episodes, you can only see it if you get the episodes on DVD and play it frame-by-frame i just got the complete invasion from amazon and im looking for all of them! post where they are if u find them plz! the ones i found are in bad, bad, rubber piggy right after zim tosses the last rubber pig into the portal right after it dissapears AND YOU SEE A SWIRL OF WIND (in the middle, hard to see) and in mortos der soulstealer in the intro as the tubes from zims house "swallow" the camera right befor you see dib with the eyeball network logo behind him (easiest to see in all of the bloody gir's you cant miss it!) heres a pic of bloody gir