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  1. P
    And from that moment on, the group admin refused to add any new members.

    Post by: P, Jul 18, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  2. P

    You can record and download the resulting clips all on-site. Alternatively, you can send the resulting clips to someone.


    Actually, this would be really useful for a ton of people. Huh. Woops.
    Post by: P, Jul 18, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. P
    I'm going to assume your return is somehow connected to Absol's call to Pyro. Somehow.
    Post by: P, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  4. P
    Third recording finished.
    Post by: P, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. P
    Aha, this update.

    Well, the Reply to Thread buttons are finally showing up as rounded on Opera, which is an achievement. I see good things in store for this version.

    Thanks staffies~
    Post by: P, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  6. P
    Whelp, that's that. It's closed.

    A ratio of 41:8:5 for Supporters:Opposers:Impartial.

    Not bad at all. Looks to be in favour of trying out AutoPM, even without the ability for users to specifically turn it off.

    Hypothetically, how long would we want to trial it for if staff were to agree to give it a trial run?
    Post by: P, Jul 17, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. P
    I am thoroughly confused as to what era this is set in. The fantasy overtones, such as knights and dragons, make me think it's a mythic age, but then we have FF and blatant references to computers. So I don't quite know where to place this. I initially thought there were time shenanigans at work when he appeared, but then everyone started discussing technology, so I'm unsure.

    I like your ideas and effects. You're combining a high-fantasy descriptive style with a modern approach to dialogue, which is a nice juxtaposition, and I find it interesting. I'd be careful of steering too close to Dreamworks territory though. I'd find that to be a turn-off. Same with Artemis Fowl. I'd rather you kept it as your own style. You're fine at the moment though, and it may even be where you -want- to take the story.

    Your comma use and sentence structure kinda bugs me, as you've often used a comma splice, connecting two sentences when one should really be a sub-clause. As a rule of thumb, if both clauses can be stand-alone sentences, you're misusing a comma. You can get around it by using a semi-colon; they're always fun. Doing it this way could be a stylistic choice, I suppose. It certainly adds a different tone to the text. If you are doing it for stylistic effect though, I'd suggest regulating it to the narrative, as opposed to the dialogue. (Mostly because it'd aid that high-fantasy/modern-speech juxtaposition you have going on there.)

    The title you've used is rather witty. Acronyms are always fun, as are KH-Vidian-based stories. I fully expect this to attract more people to the LPTP thread.

    I'll be following this, partly for the KHV-insertion aspect and partly for the intriguing style.

    Keep it up!
    Post by: P, Jul 14, 2011 in forum: Archives
  8. P
    Oh wow, it's you. You're back. Possibly.
    Post by: P, Jul 14, 2011 in forum: Forum Families
  9. P
    Thankies Ty~

    Personally I'm glad to see any progress what-so-ever. It's been a bit of a black hole in regards to news. So far though, KHIII is looking a tad bleak. So far we've confirmed that it'll end the Xehanort Saga, and that Sora will still be the protagonist afterwards. (Although whether Sora's even the protagonist -now- is highly debatable.)

    I look forward to reading the interview when it gets translated, if it's not already.
    Post by: P, Jul 13, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. P
    My thoughts when seeing the title: "Oh gog, here comes the wave of complaints."

    My thoughts now: "Groups really need a rep button."
    Post by: P, Jul 13, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  11. P
    That's an interesting point. People reading over my shoulder when I'm on the computer is something I cannot abide. It's one of those things that I find incredibly irritating. This probably says a fair bit about my view on mingling online and offline friends. I detest my offline friends 'getting into' my online life, as so many others here seem to attest to.

    I'm not entirely averse to the idea; I've invited a couple of friends to this forum, and they've had MSN conversations occasionally, but overall I tend to avoid it.

    Interestingly, the same sort of view is taken with online friends of different groups. I don't allow some groups of online friends to mix with others. It's an approach I know a few others also take, to the point of getting multiple MSN accounts, simply to keep them sufficiently secluded.
    Post by: P, Jul 13, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  12. P
    And you haven't introduced me to these delightful people WHY?

    Personally, I don't usually mingle my friends. I've done it once or twice, but only when there was something specific I wanted to ask them. In those cases, things went fairly well, but there wasn't much discussion between the two parties. It tends to be like inviting one friend group to hang out with another; it's doable, but it has the lingering awkwardness in the background.

    Then I have my other friends, who are either convinced my online buddies are a bunch of paedos, or that they're not real friends. Adding the former could be very amusing for me, while adding the latter probably would not.

    With IRL friends, I tend to talk to them specifically about certain topics. I don't joke around with them as much as I do with online ones. (With exceptions, of course. Such as when I'm given access to someone else's Facebook. 8D)
    Post by: P, Jul 12, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  13. P
    [insert cynical comment of your choice here]
    Post by: P, Jul 11, 2011 in forum: Discussion
  14. P
    Still fiddling around with different songs. Currently trying to decide whether BGM is a good idea or not. They tend towards being repetitive, but for 20-30 seconds, that may not be a bad thing. Hmm.
    Post by: P, Jul 10, 2011 in forum: Production Studio
  15. P
    Gah, I thought I'd posted this already. Guess not.

    The first one is suitable in terms of background, as it isn't recognisable as a house, and the composition isn't bad, but the focus is a bit off. The lines of the mane draw the viewer's eye to the right, to the cockpit, but the focus isn't there. Instead, the focus is on the left leg and the tip of the mane, neither of which really work with the composition of the image.

    The second is too frontal in my opinion. Not entirely sure where you're going with it. The shoulders/legs are in the picture enough to draw attention to them, but the focus they're given isn't enough to warrant them being in the photo. That said, the background, a dark brown/red, works very well with its colour scheme.

    The focus on the third is okay, but that's all. The composition is a mess. The Command Wolf (?) is positioned to be turned enough to trigger that OCD, but not enough to actually be interesting. The Shield Liger in the background has no idea what it's doing, and the actual background is clearly from around your house. You avoided that in other shots by manipulating the blur and focus effectively, but not here.

    The fourth and fifth are excellent. The eye nicely focuses on the mouth and head, which is actively doing something, making them interesting photographs. The focus is right, with the background blurred but the subject left crisp. The fifth could possibly be slightly blurred, but it's fine as-is. The reddish dark colours also work quite well. The fourth's cockpit looks brighter than the fifth, and I prefer it that way. I would consider doing a bit of post-processing to these ones to touch up colours and take 'em further, simply because they're the best of the batch IMO.

    The sixth is too red, and too much is going on. I don't know where to look, and the red background distracts me from the red head. There seems to be a lot of stuff included in this shot that has no real purpose.

    The final one has focusing issues. It focuses on the shell, but there's a whole lot of other stuff there that's out of focus, but more interesting. There is a ton of wasted space in the composition, and the background isn't blurred, making it look more like an Ebay picture.

    Overall, nice photos. I'm quite partial to closeups and blurs.
    Post by: P, Jul 10, 2011 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. P
    Three votes until we have the same number as we did pre-hack, with five days to go.
    Post by: P, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. P
    On earbuds, hearing 22kHz.
    Post by: P, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. P
    I add them as people break them. :p

    Speaking of which, small update.
    Post by: P, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  19. P
    I find this situation equally ridiculous and unspeakably hilarious.

    That said, I think I'll refrain from voting, because I'm fond of both Voxli and KH2Man.
    Post by: P, Jul 9, 2011 in forum: 2011
  20. P
    voxli tiem
    Thread by: P, Jul 9, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)