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  1. P
    It's a mystery to everyone.
    Profile Post by P for Princess Celestia, Jul 28, 2011
  2. P
    Part of the point is that people cannot join and then feign inactivity to hide below the radar and troll anonymously. By only keeping those who post in the thread (which would be available for a week, announced in the Voxli message, in the password thread and possibly in my signature) we get a far narrower pool of suspects. Anyone who is removed can gladly re-request to be added, and all will be well.

    Yes, guests aren't a bad idea. We should probably have some form of a system though, where the person inviting them states who they gave out the password to. Clearly simply forbidding people from giving it out isn't working, and instead encourages secrecy.

    The same conditions are available to everyone. I care less about blanket rules being enforced, and more about whether everyone's happy. So if you're happily enjoying a screaming match with another person, that's perfectly okay. If, however, someone starts screaming and others are NOT okay with it, then the others can complain. This goes so far as to mean that if someone screams at the initial screamer later, the initial screamer can complain. Situations change between different people. I can insult a friend, but if I try the same with a stranger, I'll be shot.
    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  3. P
    The idea was more to prevent people creating accounts purely for the sake of Voxli. 50 posts and two rep gems isn't too much. I can't think of many people who don't fit the criteria. But that's fine. Enough criticism has been levelled at it, so I'm dropping that idea. It has been completely dropped. It couldn't be more dropped if I were to drop it like it's hot and I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but it made sense in my head.

    I assure you though, I have no such schemes. If you want, I'll explain why the two have no correlation, but I'd rather not off-topic here too much.

    It's easy enough to re-join the group. I'm not suggesting permanent exclusion or anything. Just trimming, so the pool of suspects is smaller. It's not punishment so much as pragmatism.

    People have a right to complain when others go out of their way to attempt to upset them. You are right, however, when you say that overreacting, or rather, reacting in the wrong way, causes more damage than the trolls. I agree with your sentiment about Ad Hominem attacks on you. You can state your opinion, provided it doesn't attack or degrade others. Indeed, it's appreciated. A wide range of opinions is good.

    Well, yeah. Ideally you'd PM me, as opposed to doing it in public, as it's more likely to cause a storm of drama, but if someone's violating a Soft Rule, and you've made it known that you want them to stop, it's perfectly acceptable for you to complain. (That said, the trolls are self-confessed to not even be using accounts, so this point about violated rules is somewhat moot.)

    In a way, yes, they are getting a reaction, as they want. However not all of us have thick skin, or are willing to endure insults. The trolls would have their reaction, no matter what I do. I'd rather the reaction to them go towards finding a constructive solution, instead of uncontrolled outbursts.

    In the same way that you dislike being labeled as a troll-sympathiser, it may be worthwhile to refrain from labelling others in this way.

    This is one solution that would work. Unfortunately, it's a tad difficult to implement, unless we ban everyone who reacts to trolls.

    This is a well-deserved insult to my intelligence. I did not consider this in the slightest. Possibly, as you mention, due to the power of being in control. I'd prefer to keep my Voxli account as mine alone, but a shared KHV Voxli account as the main room could work quite well. It's far too egotistical to have the room named after me, anyway.

    This solution opens the way for more problems, mostly to do with power and selection. We'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.

    Even with this solution, there's the same problems I raised as with the multiple room problem. Namely, the trolls can by using their names and entering and exiting. They can also evade bans, because Voxli bannings are bottom-tier. I'm still looking towards the idea of culling every so often, even if only to narrow down the range of culprits.


    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. P
    Ah, so it is this idea of exclusivity that makes it unappealing. On one hand, it is treating every newbie as a potential troll, and making this exclusively for KHV members. On the other hand, do we want non-KH-Vidians to have access to Voxli?

    Even so, I see your gripe. I can't very well tell members 'Don't tell your non-KHV friends the password; just get them to register and join the group' in one breath and then add criteria for joining in the other. So we'll rule that one out for now.

    How about the other one? The monthly/fortnightly culling?

    EDIT: Didn't see Kay's post. Replying now...
    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. P
    These people are not allowed there, nor appreciated there. I'm willing to overlook those two conditions, provided they don't attempt to disrupt the chatroom. They are actively and consciously doing exactly that. Therefore I conclude that it is reasonable to try to block them from entering.

    Kay: Your comparison of what the trolls are doing and what members do isn't a bad one, but it was factored into the rules. (SELF-RIGHTEOUS mode engaged!) It's a Soft Rule, meaning it does not come into effect unless someone complains about it. I believe this thread counts as 'complaining about it'.

    Of course, the method of enforcing such rules also has to be a valid one. It's no good removing the trolls if the entire group is also impacted, which is why we've got this discussion going now: to kick around ideas on how to best solve this.

    I've put forward the suggestion of culling members by post count and rep count. This has been vetoed as 'disgusting'. A bit more elaboration here would be appreciated.

    I've also put forward the idea of culling members every so often, by making a thread in this group and removing everyone who fails to post in the thread within a week or so.

    Other people have suggested moving around different rooms. While I accept that this words as a temporary means to improve the situation, it can cripple activity and it requires two or more people to manage it. There is also the issue of trolls using their names to troll by entering and exiting. Then they can also evade bans, because Voxli bannings are bottom-tier. So ideally, I'd prefer a different solution for the long-run.

    Oh yeah, let's not have discussion get too heated. It'd be far too ironic to turn this discussion into a flame war.
    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. P
    lol, I remember doing that in the Spamzone. I promptly posted the same in a second thread to be sure.

    It ultimately led to a staffie VMing me, telling me that I broke everything I posted in. :p
    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. P
    Awesome. Unfortunately, due to this round's altered game-model, inserting people post-start causes some trouble. You're added to the list for next round though. (Which may or may not be the same, depending on the quality of this round.)

    Christhor <Detective>
    Midnight Star
    Tikem votes Fearless

    Waiting for next round:
    Wolf Haley
    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. P
  9. P
  10. P
    Yes, but to what extent? Should I only say, "Goku use instant transmission, intending to reappear behind Vegeta's back" so as to give the person a chance to react to it? Or is it acceptable to go so far as to grip Vegeta's leg? What about getting the crab to grab Gohan? Dealing with the threat of the crab?

    I'm certain I would be eviscerated if I were to post that entry into someone else's RP. I'm more interested in what I can do, and where to draw the line. Otherwise we get situations such as:

    "Goku tensed, preparing to teleport behind Vegeta"
    "Vegeta noticed Goku tensing, and wondered what Goku was going to do."
    "Goku raised his fingers to his temples to trigger the technique."
    "Vegeta saw Goku raise his fingers, and started gathering his energy to do an area attack."
    "Goku sensed Vegeta gathering energy, and pulled out of his technique."
    "Vegeta saw Goku relax, so he too dispersed his gathered energy."
    "Noticing that Vegeta's guard was down, Goku started to charge an attack..."
    Ad infinitum.

    This becomes even harder if you're in an extended/lengthy RP, in which long posts are obligatory, and you desire to cover multiple actions in a single entry. So I'm assuming there's a fine line between convenience and powerplay. I'm trying to figure out where that line is, so I can get as much stuff done as possible without worrying about whether my posts go into the realm of powerplay.
    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  11. P
    In essence, since the game was dying a slow death from inactivity, I switched up the rules this round to resemble Mafia.

    So, the game starts now~

    For pre-game actions:

    Christhor is walking along, quite disheartened due to the recent slew of killings by Kira. In such a time of strife, he felt it was extremely important for the country to stick together and resolutely stand against the enemy. To support his proud nation, and to rally people's spirits, he erected a Norwegian flag in his back yard. In America. The effect did little to rally people, and instead merely resulted in his house being egged. Even so, he endured such criticisms and raised the flag at 6AM every morning. Of course, he did so with technology. An automatic flag-raiser. One unfortunate morning, when he was activating the flag raiser, a freak gust of wind blew the flag into him, and caused it to wrap tightly around his neck. He flailed about to get free, and accidentally hit the flag raiser. It burst to life, raising the flag diligently. The outcome was Christhor, hanging from his flag, having his death announced publicly to the entire neighbourhood. On inspection of the body, he was found to be an ordinary Detective, and utterly DEAD.

    Christhor <Detective>
    Midnight Star

    Kira, L and Watari, you have until Friday, 29 July 2011 at 07:00:00 (UTC/GMT) to select a target for your abilities today.

    Likewise, all players, you have until then to vote for a suspect to execute. (It is also valid to vote not to execute.)

    Votes are public and can be changed, etc.

    EDIT: Oh, and as before, the dead cannot advise the living, nor can they vote or use any powers they may have.
    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. P
    A second, moderated room is an option, yes. The difficulty is in finding someone both active and willing.

    Muting the trolls is a temporary measure, but not a permanent option, as they can still use names and repetitive entering/exiting to display messages.

    I'm not fond of arbitrarily removing people. That will quickly turn this into P's Circle of Friend and No One Else™.

    Kay: Can you elaborate?
    Post by: P, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  13. P
    Yes, that seems to be a good suggestion.

    I will deal with it in 12 hours or so, when I return. In the meantime, I suggest using a separate, moderated room.

    Here are my current thoughts how to cull the people in the group and prevent leakings.:
    -Remove everyone under fifty posts and under two rep gems
    -Post an 'activity checker' thread every week/fortnight. It will be left for three days, then anyone who did not post in it is removed from the group
    -Re-impress the importance of not sharing the password around (possibly via egregious and humourous examples)

    I'm eager to hear others' suggestions and views though. Just post 'em up here. Criticisms of my approaches also appreciated.
    Post by: P, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. P
    One thing that has me baffled in role playing is how much one can manipulate and control characters that are not one's own. While it is generally accepted that killing others' characters is out-of-bounds, everything less than that is fairly grey territory. Is it considered rude to attack another character, and have the attack hit? How about have the effects of the attack play out? How about for things that aren't attacks, or if the person is a friendly character?

    To present a hypothetical situation, Goku is my character, while Vegeta and Gohan are controlled by separate players. I've put differing degrees of infringement on the other characters at different areas. Please tell me where I have overstepped the margin, and what I should have done instead. The post is not horribly written, and mostly conforms to canon in regards to techniques and the like. (My Goku is a tad OoC, but ignore that for the time being.)

    Thread by: P, Jul 27, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Role Play Discussion
  15. P
    Today .
    Post by: P, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. P

    In other words, it is to starve.

    Starve while demanding the fair, and die.​

    Erika ignored Jake's comment and smiled sweetly at him, as he was led into a room by his girlfriend. Once she heard the *CLICK* of the lock, she got out her roll of duct tape and neatly taped between the door and the frame. As she signed her elaborate signature over the tape and notched along the indent, she answered Sammy's question. "By isolating people in their rooms, I eliminate them as suspects. The tape and my signature serve as proof. You cannot leave your room without breaking it, and I am the only one capable of recreating it. Furthermore, the windows are frosted shut. Even if they weren't, it'd be suicidal to try to leave by them in this weather."

    Erika opened a door to a room and gestured for Sammy and Alex to enter. As she ushered them in, she replied to the second part. "I will do whatever pleases me. You see, I alone am safe and free of suspicion. Because I'm the Detective."

    Smirking, she turned to the remaining member of the group, the slovenly Jensen. Her expression fell. What am I do to with him? she thought to herself. Then she heard. Her hearing had always been superb, after all. Footsteps downstairs. Immediately, her entire demeanour changed. She forcefully shoved Alex and Sammy into the room and hurriedly taped their door shut, scrawling her signature over it. Set on discovering the owner of the footsteps, she grabbed Jensen's hand and yanked him along with her. Fortunately for her, he was in no state to resist. As intelligent, pretty and insanely talented as she was, she was still a girl, and still unable to physically overpower a man.

    She galloped along the hallway in her hiking gear, leaning forward in an animalistic gait. Somewhere in her mind she resolved to get a new outfit as soon as possible. But there was no time for that now. She had to get to the source of the footsteps.

    Through the halls...

    Down the stairs...

    Into the kitchen.

    There, she saw the origin of the footsteps: an girl in an odd mix of combat boots and stockings. Still dragging the intoxicated boy along with her, she directly challenged the girl. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked, pouring as much condescension into her voice as she could manage. "Hiding away in the kitchen, away from the rest of us, among the many sets of knives. What a charming little culprit we have here!"

    Realising she was being too hasty, Erika retracted her words. "Or perhaps you're just a party-goer looking for a snack. You are aware there has been a murder, aren't you? My name is Erika Furudo. I am the Detective of this story. I have sealed the four other suspects in guest rooms upstairs, in anticipation of the next murder. You're interfering with my plans. Stay close until we can get you into a room."

    Erika ever so hated people who didn't go with the flow. Stragglers and outliers made everything SO needlessly difficult.

    Post by: P, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. P


    Yeah, guys, don't do this. Making a KHV account and waiting for me to approve it isn't that difficult. If you really cannot wait a day for me to add it to the group, you can PM an S-mod or an Admin and ask them to add you.
    Thread by: P, Jul 27, 2011, 7 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  18. P

    The game would have started by now, but due to a mixture of my incompetence and a server change, it has not.

    L, Kira and Watari have until Thursday, 28 July 2011 at 7:00:00 p.m to do their pre-game actions. Then the game starts.
    Post by: P, Jul 27, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. P
    The RP Arena board (but not the sub-boards) takes a longer time to load. I'm unsure as to whether this is normal for this section or not (I believe it has had problems in the past), but it may be worth looking into.
    Post by: P, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects
  20. P
    'Tis okay, I'm out. 'Twas a cache problem.

    EDIT: Ninja'd
    Post by: P, Jul 26, 2011 in forum: Community News & Projects