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  1. P
  2. P
    That was made prior to the upgrades. Also, it was rejected because of the version being too low, not because of the server not being able to handle it. Furthermore, the idea that The Fuk put forward was never actually said to exist. The thing discussed (and rejected) in that thread was Darklink's suggestion of using Group Subscriptions. Now we have Group Subscriptions, because we upgraded.

    Which plugin? It was initially thought that there was an option to enable this in vBulletin without requiring a plugin or anything. The only plugin in this thread was the one that I put forward as an alternative for increasing group activity by adding them to What's New?.
    Post by: P, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. P

    As discussed elsewhere, if you wish to remain in the Voxli group, please post in this thread. (Preferably also mentioning your Voxli username).

    Anyone who fails to post in this thread within a week will be removed from the group.

    Anyone removed can resend a request to join the group, and they will be re-added without hassle.
    Thread by: P, Jul 30, 2011, 42 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  4. P
    Still one Kira left, though.

    Looks like no one gets executed today. The Kira, however, was not so lax.

    Tikem was found dead at the bottom of a water slide. Or, to be precise, parts of Tikem were found at the bottom of a water slide. Taking a well deserved break after his success in the Fearless case, he decided relax at a water park. Of course, this entailed water-slide shenanigans. These ended in Tikem going first in a train of people going down a slide. There was cheese-wire mesh spread at the bottom of the slide. The good news is that most of the kids who came after Tikem only lost a few limbs. The bad news is that Tikem was sliced into over 9000 pieces.

    I suppose you could say that he was conquered and...


    Oh, and he was L.

    The Living:
    P <Shinigami>
    Midnight Star

    Christhor <Detective>
    Fearless <Kira>
    Terra254 <Detective>
    Tikem <L>

    Next Round:
    ICSP <Shinigami>
    Wolf Haley

    Red = Known Role
    Green = Claimed (but not necessarily authenticated) Role

    Four Detectives, one Kira and one Watari left.

    You have 18 hours from this post until the next day. (So vote, kill, etc.)
    Post by: P, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. P
    For example, I could type the tag, [gmt]5:04AM[/gmt]. That'd then show up to be whatever that is in your timezone (as determined by what you've entered on the forum).
    Post by: P, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. P
    Kintaro's recruitment tactics are certainly... interesting.

    -signs up-
    Post by: P, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. P
  8. P
    Plugin info here.

    In a nutshell, I can enter a time in GMT, wrap it in the BBCode tags, and when a user reads it, it'll be seen in their time.

    I know most people don't use this, but it'd be -SO- useful for things such as the Death Note Game, or organising dates and times.

    There is a minor glitch when after editing a post with these tags, the editor is redirected to a white page. But this is tolerable enough, as the post is still edited.

    PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE install this.
    Thread by: P, Jul 30, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. P
    The group subscriptions permanently displays the title of the most recent post in the group on your UserCP.

    Floods won't be a factor at the moment, but if it's implemented, it will undoubtedly boost activity, which will result in more notifications being send. It may be a mild thing though. A trial period would be good, IMO. Once we have some experience with it, we can make an informed decision.

    (Adding it to What's New could also work, I guess.)
    Post by: P, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. P
    So every time someone posts in a group, I get a notification about it? Can I personally turn it off?

    This will sound mildly hypocritical, but I'm leaning towards being against this, for the sheer flood of notifications one could get. As such, I vote to search for other solutions before going ahead with this one.

    That said, I'd be interested in trialling this for a while, then gathering opinions on it.
    Post by: P, Jul 30, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  11. P
    Yohoho and a bottle of rum! A pirate's life is one of rum!

    No, I didn't just rhyme 'rum' with 'rum'. That would be incredibly stupid.

    Oh, and Dark Knight reporting and stuff.
    Post by: P, Jul 29, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. P
  13. P

    Room Change
    • We are now using as the primary Voxli room.
    • This is so that more people are able to log into the room administrator, KHVids, so you won't be stuck with trolls without an administrator.
    • It also removes the 'pikapower' name from the room and replaces it with a more neutral 'khvids".

    Shared Administrator
    • Use of the account KHVids will be shared to certain users, who will use it to moderate the room.
    • They are there to play Youtube videos, remove troublemakers from the room and act as an objective observer for any rule violation.
    • If a Hard Rule is broken, the admin will ban the offender and screenshot the violation.
    • If a Soft Rule is broken and people take displeasure from it, the offender will be asked to desist. If the offender continues, the admin will ban and screenshot the violation.
    • Bans are only temporary kicks from the room, not hard-bans. Once the offensive activity has ceased, the user will be allowed back.
    • All violations will be reviewed by me, with removal from the Voxli group managed in the same way.

    Member Cullings
    • A thread will be made on the first week of every month.
    • Members will have a week to post in the thread. Those who do not will be removed from the group.
    • Members will be readded on request, as per usual.
    • This is to remove inactive members and reduce the pool of potential leakers and trolls.

    Guest System
    • People are already sharing the password to others. Restricting it doesn't work.
    • Instead, if a member give out a password to someone outside of the group, they should post in the group to say so, and to whom they gave it to. (A thread for this purpose may be created.)
    • Giving out the password can help if I'm not online to accept someone into the group.
    • Guests are to announce who they are and who invited them when they enter the room. (This can also be done via name, etc.)
    • Unless a guest has announced who invited them, with such information matching what the inviter posts in the group, the guest is to be placed in the ban room.
    • Guests should preferably get a Voxli account and a KHV account as soon as possible.

    I will update the rules to accommodate the changes later.
    Thread by: P, Jul 29, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. P
  15. P
  16. P
    Suspecting that Kira was in fact a member of their group, and led by Tikem, the man claiming to be the world-famous detective, L, the Detectives nominated Fearless to be tried. To test her abilities, they knocked her unconscious, and had Tikem drive her out to a remote location, with Terra 254 in the passenger seat. During the car trip, Fearless happened to wake up, just as planned. Tikem proceeded with the next stage, and explained to her that she was supposed to be taken to an execution compound, but because he could not stand the idea of one of his detectives being found guilty of being Kira, he was going to kill her and then himself. Fearless' reaction was fairly predictable. She began to beg with Tikem, insisting that she was not Kira. Tikem continued with the plan, and prepared to shoot her with a blank round, for theatrical effect. He loaded the gun loudly in the front seat, attempting to goad her into revealing her abilities. He slowly moved the gun around to point at her, giving her as much time as possible... only to find her with a book in her lap, a pen in her hand, a maniacal look on her face, eyes glowing red. Reacting instinctively, he pulled the trigger of the blank-loaded gun.

    Fearless' brains exploded out the back of her head, as Tikem's bullet penetrated her forehead at point-blank range. Tikem smiled, satisfied. Terra254, smelling a rat, asked Tikem, "Why the hell did you have your gun loaded with a real bullet? That wasn't part of the plan!" Tikem merely smirked. "Because I was right."


    Terra254's corpse is found dead in the Australian outback, naked, headfirst in the pouch of a decomposing kangaroo. The cause of death appeared to be a boomerang, which had pierced through the pouch of the Kangaroo and embedded itself in the small of his back.

    Upon further investigation, the situation was that of an ordinary detective having been assigned an unusual case by an eccentric higher-up.

    The Living:
    P <Shinigami>
    Midnight Star
    Tikem <L>

    Christhor <Detective>
    Fearless <Kira>
    Terra254 <Detective>

    Next Round:
    ICSP <Shinigami>
    Wolf Haley

    Red = Known Role
    Green = Claimed (but not necessarily authenticated) Role

    Post by: P, Jul 29, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. P
    Can you elaborate on what this will do? I don't quite understand what you're suggesting.

    As alternatives, I put forward the suggestion of users subscribing to the Group and the suggestion of this plugin, which upgrades What's New to have the option to include groups.
    Post by: P, Jul 29, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  18. P

    Britishism votes Fearless
    Midnight Star
    Ienzo votes Tikem
    KH2man13 votes Tikem
    Makaze votes Fearless
    Tikem votes Fearless <L>
    Terra254 votes ICSP
    ICSP votes Makaze

    Christhor <Detective>

    Waiting for next round:
    Wolf Haley

    Red = Known Role
    Green = Claimed Role

    And yes, ICSP, feel free to Shinigami next round.
    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. P
    The only way to ban is to actually remove them from this group and change the password. The Admin actions in Voxli are more of a kick than anything else.
    Post by: P, Jul 28, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  20. P