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  1. P
    Bumpsies. (Still not updated fully.)
    Post by: P, Aug 5, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
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    Recent News

    ==> Catch the Rain and Heinlein have been removed from the group for a period of one week. Please DO NOT give them the password.

    ==> If you share the password to someone outside the group, please post details about it in the Rules thread.

    ==> Don't share the password to anyone you don't personally know or trust.

    ==> Please screenshot and report any trolls to me.
    Thread by: P, Aug 5, 2011, 27 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. P
    Get yo ass in the Voxli Group. B|
    Post by: P, Aug 5, 2011 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. P
    Lite version only has a single group chat and one-to-one chats. No multiple group chats. That's Pro only.

    If there's a way to disable the group chat, it may be best to do so. It seems to be where most of the qualms are coming from, while the one-to-one system is relatively acceptable.

    Also, everyone seems to misunderstand the log privacy thing. Not even your PMs are truly 'private'. If Misty, RvR or Tie wanted to, they could access them somehow. From what I gather, other staff can't, and from what I hope, our admins don't. I expect it'd be the same for the logs.

    Screenshots -can- be photoshopped. However, it's even easier to manipulate what a PM to you says by using Firebug, yet from what I know*, there haven't been any PM related drama, nor do admins feel the need to regularly look up member PMs.

    *(I have little knowledge of going-ons in staff. Am I correct in suggesting that no one has shopped a PM and that the Admins don't trawl through member PMs?)
    Post by: P, Aug 4, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  7. P
  8. P
    ...You mean you -do- go through others' PMs? o_0
    Post by: P, Aug 3, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  9. P
    I mean that logs are recorded, and the admins could access them in theory. Kinda like PMs. (No, your PMs aren't encrypted or anything. They sit in the database in plaintext, for any admin to read if he or she bothers. There's a nice plugin over at vBulletin to make it even easier for them.)

    Presumably though, our staff aren't in the habit of going through others' private conversations, so we should be fine.

    Exclusive jokes are nothing new; they've been around in Forum Families, in The Last Person to Post and in Staff, to name a few places. They even arise among fandoms. For example, I've made countless Homestuck references here, as have others. They're just a part of having closer groups of friends.

    The circlejerking is an interesting idea. Are people posting here because they genuinely want the chat, or simply because they support me? I'd like to think that while my name adds more credibility to the suggestion than a newbie asking, "why dont you have a shoutbox?" in the end, they're posting for the sake of the chat. It's certainly possible for that to be the case, as although you spend time in Voxli/around me, you're happily disagreeing, as has Makaze.
    Post by: P, Aug 3, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  10. P
    This is very true. For example, I simply posted a link to this on Voxli when I made it, and in seven minutes there were eight replies. (Don't worry; I didn't coerce people into supporting it or anything. :p)

    On babysitting: You may be right here, or members may manage to behave responsibly, and not run amok as soon as Staff are out of the chat. For the most part, people manage to stay happy enough in Voxli.

    On the note of moderation, I asked the developer about logging a while ago, and he said that logs were taken, but I'm not sure where they're stored. Members/Staff will be able to access them in later versions. (Again, not sure to what extent.) May be pro-only though. Either way, it'll be good fodder for the (hypothetical) test run, and you may be able to find the logs now if you poke around a bit. (That could be a tad difficult without server access though.)

    We're not intending to rush you or imply that it's an automatic-in. We're just excited, and thinking ahead about the best way to do this. Currently, that looks to be via a trial of some kind, as members (me included) have some reserves about how the chat can turn out. After all, I can make arguments and counter arguments for why it'll be a bag of roses all day long, but at the end of the day, I can't predict how it'll turn out with 100% accuracy. It'd be nice to get some idea before committing to anything permanent.
    Post by: P, Aug 3, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
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    Certainly, a trial run sounds acceptable. It's preferable to arguing back and forth about the potential effects.

    So when will the trial run start/end? We could do it so that it gets officially reviewed at the end of a two-to-four week period, or we could simply activated it and keep in mind that if too much trouble arises, a kill-switch can be pressed.

    The actual conditions of a trial are also something to consider. Of course, it's important to use the trial to get an idea of how the plugin will function on the site, but it could also hand the kill-switch for the chat over to anyone who dislikes the chat and wants to cause trouble, depending on how the review works.

    Overall, I'm thoroughly for a trial period.
    Post by: P, Aug 2, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  18. P
  19. P
    In terms of activity, it's drawing people to the site. In that sense, it's not detracting from activity. Also, people are, as you say, rather fond of permanence. Even in Voxli, I've seen people reply to forum threads, so as to have their post available for all to view, instead of making their point in the chat itself, where only those present can see. Yes, people will discuss stuff in chat. However they're not going to substitute entire threads for the chat itself. The chat isn't permanent, and it doesn't gather as many viewers as the forum does. Also, if you want well-thought-out replies, you're far better off posting in the forum. I don't believe activity in the forum is going to be harmed by this; on the contrary, I believe it will increase. There is no folly in increasing the features available to people, for they will choose the best tool for the job they want completed.

    On the staff issue, I can speak with a degree of experience here. While I may not always be online for trouble, for the most part, the people manage to deal with it themselves by either ignoring it, or by getting in touch with me. If they do not get in touch with me during an incident, they then contact me by some means, be it MSN or PM, and tell me that there has been a problem. This has been fairly effective at dealing with trouble. I do not believe KHV will have greater trouble, especially considering that up until very recently, I have been the only person moderating the chat room. While for a KHV chat there will be more people, there will also be more staff. People will contact staff if there is trouble. Most members are fairly fond of stability in the forum. Furthermore, this KHV chat will not have to wrestle with the problem of anonymous users.

    I have to wonder though: how many staff members would be unwilling to briefly drop into the chat when PM/VM/IM'd about trouble, and tell the guys to cut it out or risk receiving a warning?

    As I said to Misty, I doubt this will be used for anything that VMs, IMs or PMs were not used for. They're all methods of hosting single conversations. It just so happens that they do so in different ways. If the use of PM and VM have not eclipsed the forum activity, I do not think that this chat will do so either. Also, discussion in a thread goes very differently to a discussion in a chatroom. A chatroom can switch tac rapidly, and it is unlikely that a single topic will be covered with the same staunch approach as they are in the forum. On the other hand, when people are exposed to chat conditions, they're more likely to make various small-talk and get to know one-another better.
    Post by: P, Aug 2, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  20. P
    There;s nothing wrong with this site being for social networking to an extent. After all, we all come here for different things. I don't care one bit about coding or hacking, yet for some, that's the main attraction of the site. I simply ignore the Code Vault, (and the videos, and the graphics section) because they don't interest me. But I wouldn't try to restrict or remove them because I don't think the site 'should' be about them. That's the great thing about the site: there's something for everyone. If people want to be social, they can.

    VMs/PMs will still be in use. If you make it known that you don't use the chat (e.g. by never replying, because you have it deactivated) you will continue to get PMs/VMs.

    I'm not sure about the invisibility functions. I'd imagine that it'd reflect your own status of visible/invisible on KHV, but I don't know.

    VMing booted PMing back to what PMing was best for: private messages. Using PMs for conversations was inconvenient. There was no reason to continue to use an archaic system for something unnecessarily difficult. It's the same here.
    Post by: P, Aug 1, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance