Quite possibly. Now, for the first time ever, I am going to try to find the 'Videos' part of KH-Vids.
One day to learn Final Cut Pro and create a MEP part?
Kubo is correct. As stated in the first post, the demo "has a poor response-rate. This can be adjusted by the admin." It's a built-in feature. Similarly, the CSS sheet can be altered for appearance if someone has the time. Whether or not we get better moderation, or even whether we -need- that moderation, is an unknown. Currently, Chat Staff can be defined — in the pro version. Any newer features could be limited to there too. A trial run is good for deciding whether better moderation is required. The 3DS analogy isn't relevant, because the 3DS cost money. In this case, the analogy would be: we can get a free 3DS at launch, when there are few decent games, or we can wait for a while, and get a free 3DS later, when better games are released. We lose nothing in trying the free launch games, just as we lose nothing trying the free chat. We lose the time we wait for it. It's inherently less desirable than the option of getting it now. The question asked should be, "What do we lose from going for it now?" (If the answer to that question is "the plugin's one and only shot at a trial run", I'd be tempted to wait.) I want to link to a homoerotic webcomic so badly, but I have a feeling it'd get me banned.
I'm very disappointed in you, Chris. You've failed me. You only put one exclamation mark for the second sentence in the fourth point. A person of my grandeur deserves at least two, if not three. Seriously though, the cons have the same theme running throughout. However each point presents it in different ways, with different supporting evidence. You could do much the same comical parody to the Pro side too, if it suited your agenda. Can you elaborate on why the current one is terrible? So far you've mentioned that it 'looks ugly' and reminds you of 'that horrid, absolutely god-awful facebook chat'. What are the current problems that you see, and will waiting fix them? The designer intent was to make it look similar to the FB chat, so it's unlikely that that aspect is going to change. I believe that we should rush into trialling it now, on the basis that if it fails due to glitches (which doesn't appear to be the case from the demo), we can retry it at a later date anyway. There's also the option of an admin could do a brief sweep for glitches before making it publicly tested. Alternatively, it'll work as intended, and we can then make a valid judgement on whether we want it. I'll answer you all night, Chris mah boi. ;) EDIT: Actually, you've kept me up long enough already. Doing this with you is fun, but I need sleep, my dearest.
I asked Misty briefly, and she mentioned that Staff were considering holding off until it's less new, and postponing until the developer has had more time to iron out bugs and glitches. The first thought to this is "Isn't testing for bugs and glitches the purpose of a trial run?" but there are pros and cons to the approach of waiting. Pros: Developer has time to iron out bugs. More likely to be a good trial, and ultimately accepted, if we wait. If we fail to wait, the plugin may fail to function correctly, meaning it'll potentially be rejected purely on faulty code that could have been fixed if we had waited. More features will be added as time goes on, potentially assuaging some of the concerns raised. More likely to have more moderated features in place later, potentially averting drama that would be caused without them. There have been problems reported by other users in the vBulletin thread, mostly to do with clashes with other plugins. The plugin is updated regularly, unlike AutoPM, so there is a good chance of solutions actually being provided by the developer. Cons: It could very well turn out to be perfectly fine. We cannot use the plugin during the waiting period, while we can if we install it now. A trial run is intended for testing glitches and the like. We can always trial it now AND later, if it is too glitchy at present. It could be permanently put on hiatus as a means of avoiding the issue of trialling it. Repeatedly postponing a trial run on the basis of the plugin potentially not working is the same thing that happened to AutoPM, and in that case, it was fine. It appears to be working well enough on the demo site. Ideally, I'd want to trial it now, and if it fails to work due to glitches, turn it off and try again later, effectively having two trials. Alternatively, an Admin could look over it briefly now, to see if it works successfully on-site, and decide whether to trial-run it now or later based upon that. If we do decide to wait, I'd want to have a defined date at which point we return and review the idea again, so as to ward off the possibility of the postponement merely being procrastination, or rejection by another name. More importantly, what do other members think? Do you want to wait for it to be updated, or do you want to give a trial now? Are my suggestions of a defined date or a dual-trial acceptable?
On one hand, I want to vote LARiA, because she'd be honoured to have caused so much distaste. On the other, I'm still MAJOR BITTER over that whole locking Voxli for a day thing. I'll decide later. :=D:
Kubo. Just, Kubo. That guy has done so much for the site, it's not even funny.
On one hand, What's posts are always quirky and interesting to read. On the other, LARiA's are always controversial, and push what's socially acceptable. 110% controversy, all the way.
If not for Neo's valiant efforts, at the cost of his personal life, the Code Vault would be a mess. He's so much more active than other Coders. Go Neo!
>2011 >Repliku lolwut
Good girl Kelly, for reporting when you invited a guest. I am so chuffed, I am going to rep you. (Or rather, I would, but I need to spread it around before I can. Remind me some other time.)
I Vote Sudden. Mafia-style needs polishing before I want to play it again.
Got a big highlighter. Word doesn't have an orange highlighter. Now I'm done with highlighters. I need sleep.
I almost never see you on there. Quite perturbing.
I'll have to do that later though. You're further through than me. :<
Death Note Game was losing activity. I revamped the ruleset, whichcan be found a few pages back, to be more like Mafia in the hopes of boosting activity. ICSP, one of the original creators, returned in this time. Mafia-Death Note showed promise, but needs polishing. ICSP is taking next round. No one knows what ruleset he's gonna use.
What? is still a co-admin, and I'm currently looking for another. If you know anyone who you think is suitable, feel free to suggest them to me or What?.
Okay, the round ended after Makaze's post., but because I'm a bad Shinigami loaded up with homework and procrastination pixies, I neglected to write the endgame. Someone nag me to do it later. For now, Makaze was Kira. Round End ICSP, your turn. Do as you wish. This Mafia format still needs work. It has its good points, such as the voting system and L, but the day thing isn't really working. I'll think about revising it later. For now, you should run it however you want.
We've even got the trolls. This is perfect.
Badly. Many assignments. Three. Got today and tomorrow to do them.