cause its rude... :sideways: how didnt you notice that metal carrot i threw at you??
*revives* HAHA im fast reviving! *throws giant metal carrot to roxas*
atleast *takes scarf away from eyes and unties emma and emmax*
dunno *ties eyes with pitch-black scarf* now i cant see anything.
roxas why are you torturing THEM??? just because they dont love you and i tought you were evil. (evil guys dont want to be loved) so let them go...
bye... i gotta go too bye !
HI all! do you have more than just that ifrit clip if you do can you post some of them?? PLIZ my luck again just when i come everybody gets out.. :(
ok ty for telling now im not confused again so KK and remmis are girls and i knew that ED and roxas are boys
yes i know you two are males and KK is girl but what remmis is???
now im confused.. so who is boy and who is girl?? ...
ok wheres AL? and how did you get here to bunny castle?
who was that?... ED? ok so you are called KK. and you are ninja puppeh? roger that.
ok so it was kingdom konoha... whoops!
i know checked from dictionary
1) She? I didnt know remmis were female. and if she can eat anything then shes like gluttony from full metal alchemist. 2) thats rude but right. And you always drink coffee thats like a problem to drink coffee all the day.
stop it please miss R-C wont like this...
How the h*ll do you eat them?????
well what are they? really never heard about crayonz is it some junk or something? gonna check dictionary
what is crayonz? never heard about it. wanna a carrot? *gives a carrot to kingdom konoha