ouch... that hurt xinia. now. *opens the door* Bye!!!!!!...
ok bye R-C! roxas you should run im gonna open that door *goes to open lock on the door to tiny dark room*
hi R-C ! why does emma and emmax you to kill roxas i dont get it first roxas broke emmax heart and the what did he do to emma??
i feel sleepy... *falls asleep* :sleep: k bye R-C!
*eats muffins fast* wasnt me! i dont have any muffins.
yes! thanks! have to go for a while
maybe she called you that cause she loves you...
ýay friends theyre good
still less than 20 posts yay *goes to couch and watches tv*
*gets carrots* you want some R-C?
bye remmis.
ouch! *goes to regain right body form* ahh now its better. *goes to eat some carrots with a paper that reads i looked like a waffle.
cool now i look like a waffle... i hate you roxas...
thats low:yelling:!!! *throws crockroach out of castle*
*unties emma with a sword from fayt's box fortress/cardboard box fortress* *goes to put the sword back*
so like 8 months ago? *gets some muffins and stuffs one on a cannon* *aims at cage of spiders then shoots the cage away from window*
i hope you understand that now emmax can just freeze you...
snakes eat rats so i think you should not throw a snake at emma. i do not suggest throwing some soap and water at emmax
*throws carrots to spiders on emma* theyre gone now...
cause im a boy... and your being mean so girls dont love you... you gotta be honest to girls.