young. (just got it in mind)
*comes in riding a giant ant that tries eating me* weee im alone again!!! and since when did sora come back?... YAY!!!!!!!!!!! im feeling like random might be that ed i drinked like half a min ago *kicks the ant out and falls on the ground* X_X *ded*
uh i created other of those tags... and it says the truth! seems like hod evolved or did whatever again into darkside wow!
crap i have to go my friend wont stop calling me to come to wow until i will come to wow so i gotta go bye! and for those who plays wow too i play mostly at realm named azsune but i play at ghostlands,alonsus and hell fire
ok im using just 1 but this its hard to press these buttons very fast or like anything cause... dont remember that word in english but its... forget it plz and imm just watching vids of ORG. XIII and it did make sense you are just using 2 keyboards because both have some buttons that doesnt work.
yay my brains not working... cant think what to say and i write at this stupid keyboard kinda fast dont know how but this is so stupid keyboard so its impressive this even works anymore oh well gonna get some salad and make it a feta salad (i looooooove feta salad)mah only weakness
im listening to some themes...
hi... alone again gonna go post randomness again hi R-C! sorry if i say some random but i didnt get any sleep.
THATS JUST WHAT I SAID YOU WILL NOT BRING HIM BACK AND THAT MAKES ME SAD... :crybaby: gonna go to other threads to post some randomness
no i cant BUTTyou can and your not going to bring him back... :censor::crashcomp:
i miss he was funny... I WANT HIM BACK!!!:guns4:
whats not true? i dont belive myself... random confused sleepy me again.
*shouts from another dimension* i think we (me,R-C,emma,emmax,to9o,e_b and some more people) wants him back!!!! *runs to even farther dimension* your not angry? whew! *comes back and falls on carpet* i feel sleepy again.*falls asleep* :sleep:
why not? Hes cool. i dont want to make you rage or something so * runs away from the castle and then shouts* but hes much more cooler than you roxas!!! *runs into another dimension*
hi again! have to go soon again but i will be back maby tomorrow roxas is weird. he giggles so hes like a girl... should he be called she? whadda ya say R-C?
Hiya again!! what happened here when i were not here? i know its spelled wrong or something... gotta go get some carrots... *goes to get some carrots*
please dont shoot it inside the castle and you are still behind me so dont shoot it.
well i would not want to die again so i could just teleport away but it would be rude to let emma without any defence oh and i cant die if its some light here and i think here is... so dont do it roxas they wont be trying killing you anymore.
you wouldnt hurt a girl. R-C will be angry and i think that emma/emmax will destroy you if you hurt them.