hi rrms nah its fine like this.I think... how you been?
good. I dont really like coffee i puke always when i drink it. Really. but good that you lef the carrots
noones online? crap just my luck gonna get carrots... *goes outside to look for carrots* HI roxas. *comes back in with a bunch of carrots*
you are not a failure i failed because i letted my anger get the command for me so i almost killed bunnies im nothing more than just a failed lower bunny soldier.
read the 2 last pages if you will Hod ordered me to stop cause i would kill bunnies so i will just keep an eye on you but for now see ya!
roger that see you hopefully tomorrow! *salutes*
that was poetry right? i think i learned a lesson throught that i will keep this in my mind but i must go now its getting klo 11pm and i must sleep so i hope we will meet again tomorrow HoD
youre right majesty i mean HoD i must control my anger but he said he hates everything but coffee so that means he hates bunnies *desummons nukes and starts glaring at roxas* you got away this time.
*summons a nuke and aims at roxas head* ILL SHOOT YOU DOWN WITH ME IF YOU WONT SAY IT!! yes i will take care of her if its your order your majesty
YOU DO?? BUNNY HATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THAT YOU SHALL PAY*goes to get a sledge hammer* NOW SAY THAT YOU DONT HATE BUNNIES OR ILL START WHACKING YOU WITH THIS!!!! :roar: THAT UPPER WAS FOR ROXAS I will still follow your footsteps your majesty im always loyay to you and miss R-C
just say what you think about that you are king say everything you hate as an king and that you dont want to be king to R-C and then even ask her to get éighter new king or just get you to lower rank than king or something you may even need to beg . :(
i think i answered that if its that should i propose thing
wich tag? that roxas loves to sing? i think it was eighter miss to9o or emo_bunny miss
i tought that too but Hod tried that and you can always just ask your majesty oh and he DID try to make you roxas and fayt kings too
YES!! YES!! YOURE THE KING your exellecy order me to do anything i will do well not becoming new king tried making me new king witch i will not be and then prince
ok ok youre roxas but make HoD stop trying to get another king PLEASE!!!!
well i think the same as everybody in here in that HoD is our king!
RS hod is trying to make a new king again maby you can make him understand that we need HIM as a king not me cant... get... pissed... by... Hod... trying... to... make... new... king... hnggggggggh!
im same mind as fayt here i may not be king
you dont need to marry anyone you just are king and thats allright.