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  1. Mike

    Hello KH-Vids. Remember last week when Square-Enix France revealed the latest issue of the Role Playing Game Magazine that included an article from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance?

    The scan didn't exactly feature new content, but the game was rated according to our member "axel91". We don't have a scan to provide, but we found out that Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance received 18/20.

    Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance releases in Europe on July 20 2012 and July 31 2012 in North America. ​
    Thread by: Mike, Jun 3, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Mike
    Hello KH-Vids. Enjoying the new trailer from Square-Enix (Europe)? Don't worry, Square-Enix (North America) wasn't left out! In fact the same trailer was released on the official website.

    Among the trailer being placed on the official website for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, the website has been fully redesigned giving fans a chance to pre-order the game from selected store locations. Unlike the official website for Europe, the North American site lacks additional content such as images and etc. We're expecting more content during E3 Expo 2012.

    Thread by: Mike, Jun 1, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Mike

    Hello KH-Vids. It's been awhile, but the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance fandub production is back with yet again another video. Do you remember the Sora meets ***** scene that we completed?

    As we work on our last production video "secret ending", we've quickly put together a Roxas/Axel video which is voiced by Mike (CGNET) and Newkidaye. "Dream Drop Distance: Axel/Lea Awakens" is the next video from KH-Recharged and KH-Vids. It contains brief scenes from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance and takes a flashback at the friendship of the two characters.

    Our last scene contained spoilers. If you're thinking about watching the video, no need to worry much about spoilers. Don't forget that Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance releases in Europe and North America this July 2012.

    Let us know your feedback and comments from our NEW video. We always love to hear from our members.
    Thread by: Mike, May 31, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Mike

    Hello KH-Vids. We've mentioned the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Ultimania earlier which released this month. Do you recall?

    Thanks to KHInsider we're able to view a scan of this unnamed bunny (Dream Eater) that was supposedly cut from the final product. Judging from the concept art it appears that the unnamed bunny wasn't full developed in the scan provided above. Interestingly enough its attacks seem quite interesting, which makes us wonder why this little creature didn't make the final cut in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.
    Thread by: Mike, May 30, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Mike
    Hello KH-Vids. Earlier we've posted impressions from the playable demo of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance during this weekend at the London MCM Expo. Our member "Protecter212" has also submitted his review as he attended the event and submitted his own impressions while playing as Riku.

    The impressions can be found below. Please note you are accessing minor spoilers.

    The world was Country of the Musketeers. As Riku approachs the Castle and notices Pete walking into the main entrance, Riku follows him. It now changes to Gameplay and tutorials pop up, explaining the battle system and Flowmotion and Drop system. The commands are the same as 358/2 Days and Coded. Riku's assortment of Commands was Dark Splicer, Dark Forage, Curaga (or Cure?) and his keyblade wasn't Way to the Dawn sadly enough. We are also introduced to the Dream Eaters in battle and Riku had I believe a Unicorn and a Bat, but silly me was too focused on the fighting (chuckle).

    I entered the castle and another tuorial pops up of Links with another player to borrow a Dream Eater from another 3DS. The name of the player funnily enough was named Vanille. I'd imagine the other 3DS's that had KH: DDD had different names. I also tried to use the new mechinaces of the system. Amazed at the idea of using the enviroment to your advantage kind of like Reaction Commands but without the obivous triangle pressing.

    I continued on using the map in the lower screen and so far opened two treasure chests contaning Mega Potions and saw pete had ordered his goons to place wooden replicas of Mickey, Donald and Goofy in front of a stage prop ship and Riku hid. Commenting on how those three always are together and wooden crates fall these replicas and Pete moves on leaving Riku to follow onwards.

    Sadly this is where I have to end it. I had a set time limit playing the demo and the attendee who had the booth said you can only reach up to the stage ship then that's it. Happily, I was able to watch the cutscenes and if I remember; I was the 432nd person to play the Demo. There were seriously many people who wanted to play this game and I don't blame them for a second!

    I also played Theatrhythm Final Fantasy and it's what it says on the tin. You need to tap, press down or move the cursor on top of the screen with the pen on the bottom. It seems like most FF characters are there as I saw there was Locke and Vivi in my team. Sadly, I did not get far (chuckles again) because rhythm or beat music games do not work for me due to my hearing unfortunately. Trust me, when I had Birth by Sleep, I couldn't get past Ventus's Disney Town plot and shamefully I had to ask for assistance.

    All in all, I'm happy to have gotten the chance to experience these two games and look forward to Dream Drop Distance offical release and enjoy the story, the characters and of course the new battle system.
    Thread by: Mike, May 27, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Mike
    <center><a href=""><img src="" alt="" title="London MCM Expo" width="450" height="300" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-4771" /></a></center>

    If you haven't already heard; The London MCM Expo (gaming event) went live from May 25-27 2012. Today is the last day where fans can cosplay and play demo's from new releases such as Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    Speaking of Kingdom Hearts 3D, the Official Nintendo Magazine's website has provided demo impressions.

    As you can probably imagine, I was literally bursting with excitement while waiting in the queue for Kingdom Hearts 3D as this is a game I've been waiting a long long time for. I'd also been avoiding any videos on the internet so that when I finally got to play the demo at MCM, this really would be the first time I got to see it.

    There were two demos to choose from. You could either play as Riku or Sora, Obviously, I picked Sora as he is the original keyblade hero. Then, the demo started and I was in the Country of the Musketeers. For people, who haven't actually seen this Disney rendition of the Three Musketeers, the musketeers are played by Donald Duck, Goofy and Mickey Mouse. A cutscene began and I sat back to enjoy the 3D. I was totally enthralled by what I saw - it does look absolutely beautiful.

    Then the fighting started and I had to take on tons of Nightmare Dream Eaters. Although Sora has new moves - he can now jump and glide - my prior Kingdom Hearts knowledge helped in these battles and I soon managed to work out the controls and take out the Dream Eaters. I also had some help from my Spirit Dream Eaters - a Meow Wow and a Necho Cat, both of whom are pretty cute!
    Upon defeating the Nightmare Dream Eaters, I had to defend Princess Minnie from a gigantic 'dinosaur' Dream Eater called a Boukun Rex. Turned out it was a boss!

    The game looks great. I really don't want to give too much away but I loved being able to play Kingdom Hearts 3DS at MCM Expo and I cannot wait till the game's release date on July 20th.

    Source: KHU & KH13

    Thread by: Mike, May 27, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Mike
    Hello KH-Vids. Good news for Kingdom Hearts fans across Europe. Square-Enix France has revealed the latest issue of the Role Playing Game Magazine which will include an article from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    No word on what we can expect such as new screenshots and etc, but still interesting nonetheless to see across Europe.


    Thread by: Mike, May 25, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Mike

    The Legend

    My bro Llave. Sup man!?
    Thread by: Mike, May 23, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Mike
    You may be wondering how prescription drugs and autism ties together. Do you think the two can lead into domino effect? The movie that I was a part of (distribution, assistant producer and brief acting) has released. Peers Influence Peers Partnership presents "Fine Lines (2012). You can watch the full movie for free below and discuss the causes and effects. It's a great lesson.

    If you watched the movie ...
    Should an innocent kid who has autism go to jail for trying to save his friend even though he ended up taking her life away by accident?
    Thread by: Mike, May 23, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  10. Mike
    <center> </center>

    Hello KH-Vids. Are you preparing for the English release of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance? We are too! Almost two months away from release; have you per-ordered your copy today?

    Just this week EB Games in Australia has started to advertise the English version of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Photos have surfaced (above) featuring the promotional box (back cover) for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, although we're sure that this is not the completed product.

    Follow KH-Vids For more on the latest and the release of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    Source: KH13
    Thread by: Mike, May 22, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Mike
    Well I'm not sure if this is my official good-bye thread. I think I have a lot of thinking to do for the next week, but I did want to mention that I was leaving for a week - and why I was doing so. As time moves on; each and everyone of us also move in different directions. I've seen a lot of people come and go on the forums. I for one have been battling with myself on how I'm not doing well at KHV or at least that's how I feel.

    To be honest, I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore. I know that I enjoy what I do. Reporting and keeping in contact with many of you is a GREAT thing. The truth is that I really don't know many of you though. I mean I'm really close with Llave, Dr Wigglz, NemisisPrime, Maggy, Amaury, Exscar, Tummer, strfruit, Ace and most of the staff members. That's to name a few. As for others, I feel I should know many more members from the website and I somewhat don't. In my questions thread a lot of members asked me for impressions and I wasn't even sure what to say. I felt awful and that's what began this whole roller coaster ride for me.

    For the past two weeks, I've been on vacation and I haven't returned back to New York just yet, but I feel I've been also lacking on the news and even the fandubs. At any rate, I know I've also drilled my Roxas and Ven voice into the community that now I feel I've annoyed so many members and visitors with its content. In spam zone, I'm just being goofy and silly, but I find that I talk about myself A LOT. I don't even purposely do it. I'm sure it's really annoying to many of you.

    At the end of the day, I feel like I'm not doing something right. I don't know what, but I feel something is just not there. According to the staff it's not true. Anyway I will always love KH-Vids and that's why I need a week or so to figure things out, but hopefully someone can provide me with something I don't know? Maybe a solution?

    As pathetic as it sounds, I feel like I fell too far down. Do you know the song "Down" by Jason Walker? It's a song that I relate to. It doesn't just apply to KHV, but man it's hard. You know life. Fighting for yourself, or trying to reach your dreams and goals or to even figure out who you are as a person. I think that's really hard for me, but I know many of you can relate. Sometimes it was just easy to voice act as Roxas. It's sad when you start relating to a video game character.

    Edit: I've been reading a lot of what everyone has said in here and it means a lot, but there's more to it. We've known that the team has been looking for members to become a part of the team. I truly think that's great. I agree that KH-Vids could use more staff member and help from the community. We did get some applications from members and Krowley was one of them who submitted. I already knew we were going to chose him, because he's always informed us on some of the articles. Now that he's a staff member, I kind of felt my time was done from KH-Vids. I enjoy KHV in SO many way, but I'm just worried that I'll be in the way of Krowley and the rest of the staff. I guess when you think about it, it sounds lame. I should have more confidence as the staff members and I should be a role model, but I guess I'm not in that way. I'm very emotional and sensitive and that is a bad quality. I know I could deliver good material and some special projects in the future, but will it be worth it?

    In the past couple of months, the mods and admins have received more questions and updates through PM's from members than I would ever see. It shows me that I'm lacking in the way I'm reporting, no? There's the full story now...
    Thread by: Mike, May 19, 2012, 22 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  12. Mike


    I know there's been threads about this, but again congrats to the new staff. It's always good to extend the family. I love you all. Krowley is now taking my place. He will be helpful, I know he will. =)
    Thread by: Mike, May 19, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mike
    And now, I'm going to state my mind. It's as simple as this...

    Thread by: Mike, May 19, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Mike


    I got an awful sunburn from my two week vacation in Florida (hence why I haven't been on my game with news) and this is my farewell! Save me spam zone!
    Thread by: Mike, May 19, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mike
    Because I'm SO excited for this announcement!

    Thread by: Mike, May 14, 2012, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mike

    Hello KH-Vids. GamerLive.TV has recently interviewed Square-Enix's product manager (Ryan Masuno) regarding the North American release for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    Masuno briefly mentions the story, worlds and gameplay from Dream Drop Distance. No further information was revealed. Nonetheless this interview is interesting to watch as Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance receives global promotion and exposure.

    Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is confirmed for North America on July 31st 2012 and internationally on July 20 2012.
    Thread by: Mike, May 13, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Mike
    Hello KH-Vids! The official Square-Enix Facebook for France has updated with some renders and screenshots from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. In addition to the English screenshots, we learned that there will be an English demo for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Check out more screens: Nintendo 3DS blog
    Thread by: Mike, May 12, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Mike
    You comb your invisible beard! It reminds me of the sea-salt ice-cream one!

    Thread by: Mike, May 10, 2012, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Mike
    Hello KH-Vids. The latest issue of Famitsu featured an interview with Kingdom Hearts director (Tetsuya Nomura) in regards to a new title from the Kingdom Hearts series. Still not completely clear if the title will be Kingdom Hearts III he explained "I'll leave that to you."

    He briefly mentioned that the new title is something unexpected and akin to a "fast ball."

    Nomura also implied that the new title is lightweight, but refrained from giving any other information.

    Congratulations Nomura on once again another interesting interview that was VERY confusing. I remain speechless in this update. No comment.
    Update: A summary was posted by a Gematsu member, which SQEX was kind enough to translate. It has some discussion of KH3D, I've hidden the ending spoilers but still, beware!
    Source: Gematsu,
    Thread by: Mike, May 9, 2012, 19 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Mike
    The result of being bored. I used my Roxas Play Art's sea-salt ice-cream piece!

    Thread by: Mike, May 4, 2012, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone