Hello KH-Vids. Are you attending the launch party event in New York City on Saturday (July 28th 2012)? That's right, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance will be featured at the event. It's all about our beloved Kingdom Hearts and a chance for fans to interact together and enjoy themselves in a party that's ran by the Nintendo store at Rockefeller Center. AND KH-Vids will be attening! If you're going to the event keep an eye out on Misty, DPWolf and Mike. The three from the KH-Vids team will be there to also celebrate the release of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. We'll interview fans and ask them there thoughts on the new title, PLUS their reactions from the series since it first release in 2002. That's right. Ten years ago! Join the party this Saturday at the Nintendo World store in Rockefeller Center, New York City from 9am-1pm. Give yourself the chance of purchasing Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance before any other fan in North America. HOW'S THAT SOUND? If you're not able to make the event, we'll have coverage later on, which will be uploaded on KH-Vids. That's right! Nobody will miss out!
I voiced my version of the launch trailer for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. It's not in Ven or Roxas' voice so no one can say that it does! Rant over. So let me know if it sounds good? [video=youtube;TZB62tQqAeo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZB62tQqAeo[/video]
The sun keep ejecting these solar flares. This week there's been two. What does this mean for us on December 21 2012? I'm terrified. "Keep on danding till the world ends?"
...But I love adding these videos to Viddy. Does anyone else have one? I will follow my KH-Vids peeps! http://viddy.it/OdpwZ5 http://viddy.it/OeEgGX
[video=youtube;zNelmVoFZfQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNelmVoFZfQ[/video] Hello KH-Vids. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance releases internationally this month, but we still have a good week or two for various Kingdom Hearts fans to receive their copy. To make the wait a little more interesting, we've got a special video for you involving the future of the Kingdom Hearts series. Axel and Roxas had the best friendship, along with Xion in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. In Kingdom Hearts II, Roxas wasn't fully aware of who Axel was and the full effect their friendship once had on them. In this future video, Axel/Lea confirms the future of the Kingdom Hearts series. The gap between Kingdom Hearts 3D and Kingdom Hearts III is revealed. The script has been written by Mike (CGNET) with voices by Newkidaye as Axel and Mike (CGNET) as Roxas. This is a spoiler alert for those of you that are not aware of the ending for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Additionally we've added a 3D effect to old and new scenes from the Kingdom Hearts series. Have feedback for us? Let us know! Don't forget to also check out our previous "future Kingdom Hearts" videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LecCxRMfbeE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFi7GiWJcC4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM7Ocb4Kvnw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTsG_cTZpIw
I think I'll be having a lot of fun with this... http://viddy.com/video/5bb425ea-f0ad-4065-89d9-4cf39f044005
MAGIC MIKE Do you like?
Hello KH-Vids. Square-Enix Europe has updated with another promo video for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Whether you explore Kingdom Heats 3D in dive mode, encounter mini-games or train your Dream Eaters; Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance offers new features which will be available in Europe on July 20 2012 and in North America July 31 2012.
Hello KH-Vids. Today we have a special treat for our podcast listeners. About two days ago I was looking for members to join me in a podcast episode where we can talk about our impressions from the Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance demo that is currently available on the e-store. Our members (Cat, bloo and NemisisPrime) have come together to give their personal thoughts on the demo. Additionally I had to leave the podcast halfway though and the three of them did a terrific job keeping the episode together lasting almost 40 minutes. It went a bit off topic, but hey - it was still a great job from our members. There is also a SPOILER alert, so please be aware of our episode. Want to hear our demo impressions? What are you waiting for!? STREAM / LISTEN NOW
Just saying...this is from today. Do I make a point?
Hello KH-Vids. If you haven't heard my impressions and recordings from the recent demo from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, head over to the update. Now that I was able to share my impressions from the demo, I'm looking for three other members to contribute. If you're interested in joining a podcast episode with me and share your impressions based on the demo, you might want to continue reading. We are looking to expand on our impressions. I will be giving in-depth details from my experience, but I also wanted to hear impressions from other members that are Interested in joining the podcast to give detailed reports and respond to others based on their experience of playing the demo. The first three to respond to this thread will have an automatic spot in the podcast. The longest I will wait is Thursday, June 28 2012. We will record it on the weekend and it will be found on the main page just hours after we finish recording. Requirements: - Only join the podcast if you have physically played the demo. If you only watched the demo's from YouTube videos, it may not give the full experience that others had. - You must have Skype. Feel free to add me (cgnetpro). If you have any questions?
[video=youtube;R93lnF_Xmxo]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R93lnF_Xmxo[/video] Hello KH-Vids. The Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance English demo is now available on Nintendo's E-Shop. I'm sure many of you have heard? The demo is roughly 20 minutes long and contains one cutscene from Traverse Town. I recently bought the 3DS for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance to share as much coverage as possible. Sadly, I didn't upload any of the gameplay since it was very hard to hold my camera and the handheld console in my hands at the same time. I attempted to record footage and was able to get something decent, but it can't even compare to the quality I obtained in the video above. If you use the video, please credit both KH-Vids and KH-Recharged. There's also a demo report below in which I share my impressions. <blockquote>KINGDOM HEARTS DREAM DROP DISTANCE: Demo Report The demo starts off with a cutscene from Traverse Town with Neku and Sora. As the cutscene comes to an end, Sora follows Neku (who glides off the screen). The gameplay begins in Traverse Town. The location is different from anything we've seen before and then we have the original songs that have been enhanced by Yoko Shimomura. As soon as the gameplay begins it's like a WHOLE new experience, but something memorable and familiar. If I had to describe Traverse Town; bright, fun, energetic and pleasant would come to mind. Once the gameplay begins you are equipped with two allies. We know it's not Donald and Goofy. At first I was like "wait, where are they?" and then seconds later I realized that this isn't like previous Kingdom Hearts titles. Fighting with the dream eaters was nothing different than fighting the heartless. These creatures are very colorful, but doesn't this apply for the heartless as well? My teammates as I mentioned earlier was the cat (Necho Cat) and the dog (Meow Wow). It was very easy to adjust to, but my only complaint was that I felt I was playing with Pokemon characters. I was a fan of the Pokemon series when I was younger, but I grew out of that phase awhile ago. While it was refreshing to see something different, I would rather be equipped with Disney characters on my team instead. That's what the real "KINGDOM HEARTS" is to me. In combat with the nightmares, you fight the Meow Wow, Kuma Panda and then there was also those bats, but I don't remember their names. I'm not good with these names, so bare with me. As for the "flowmotion", I was very excited to test this out. First off, I felt that it is very easy to use. You can use it at anytime, but I recommend using it around lamp poles, railings and ally ways. When you are near tight corners and the nightmares appear - it's very easy to jump in and attack them. You use "y" to use the flowmotion command. Be careful how you use it. Hitting the button repeatedly becomes a problem at least for me. If your in the middle of the floor and there's not much to bounce off of; you'll find yourself flying everywhere. This command is very neat and is a great addition to the Kingdom Hearts series. At one point I felt like I was playing a Tony Hawk game as Sora when he was gliding the railing. There's just something magical about it. The 3D also adds a very visual affect to the flowmotion. Keep in mind that the 3D feature can give you a headache. If you level it in between, you can find it very enjoyable. As for fighting commands, you can find "ice breaker" which I enjoyed using against the nightmares. There's also other commands such as "sparkga, ballonra, slot edge, and prism windmill". I felt that ballonra was the only weak command, so I didn't even bother using it. Finally as I reached the end of the demo, I found myself in a quick boss battle. I believe the enemy is known as "Hockomonkey". The battle wasn't challenging, but was quite annoying. At one point you start the battle high up on a roof and then when he uses one of his commands, you'll find yourself at the bottom of the floor in district 4. Your not able to go back up on the roof until he returns. My problem was finding him. I wasn't sure if he was vanishing, but every time I turned around I couldn't find where he was. Once I got back up on my feet as Sora...I felt the battle wasn't too challenging. It was simple, yet annoying. Overall, I'm very excited for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Playing the demo was enjoyable and as a Kingdom Hearts fan, I enjoyed every second. The commands, flowmotion, music, graphics and what we're able to see in 3D is seriously breathtaking. If you're a Kingdom Hearts fans, you'll love this game regardless, but maybe this is one of the most anticipated games that we've been waiting for...except kingdom Hearts III. That's another story. Let's track Nomura down (laughs)!</blockquote>
Square-Enix (Europe) has released a new promotional video/trailer from the English version of Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. The last trailer released earlier this month gave us an overall look at the title as a whole (characters, worlds gameplay and etc). Now we're taking a look at the "flowmotion" that is offered in this new Kingdom Hearts title. The trailer is two minutes long and contains new gameplay material. Hold on to your magic carpets. It's going to be an epic ride though this new commercial.
<center></center> We're approaching the release date for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Can we expect any advertisement for this new title? Yes! Promotion/advertisement has started this month in North America if you haven't been aware. This particular advertisement is big enough to be seen through the store. Gives you the feeling of falling, aye? Take a look at the display that Beauller from KH13 was able to find above.
<center><img src="http://kh-recharged.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/012511.jpg" alt="" title="Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance (Original Soundtrack)" width="464" height="412" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-3937" /></center> Hello KH-Vids. The Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Original Soundtrack is now available to purchase on the Square-Enix Boutique. It's available for a price of 34.99. Free shipping for the next 48 hours. Link: http://www.square-enix-boutique.com/musiques-musiques-kingdom-hearts-3d-dream-drop-distance.html Source: Special thanks to our member "axel91".
This video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r_YYTfSCYY); I need it in gif form. Can anyone help? I need it in 902 x 260 size.
<center> </center> [video=youtube;vQgCe5o3Bhw]https://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=vQgCe5o3Bhw[/video] For more photos head over to https://www.facebook.com/KingdomHearts Hello KH-Vids. E3 Expo 2012 was live from June 5-7 2012 in California. As many of you know, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance was featured at the event from Nintendo. Today marks day three at the expo. The event officially wraps up later tonight, but in the mean time we'll be expecting more content within this week and the upcoming days. Above we've added more photos from the event that was added by the official Square-Enix (Kingdom Hearts) Facebook. Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance releases in Europe on July 20 2012 and in North America on July 31 2012. Brace the 3Dness!
REDO! Now the message is clear. Don't blame it on society, but don't blame it on yourself either. Don't let anyone change you for who you are. Love who you want. Dress the way you want to present yourself. Don't let the media influence you on what type of body you should have. Live a healthy life. The important thing is that we are not hurting each other and that we come together as a community to accept each other. [video=youtube;d3LAtuaagso]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LAtuaagso[/video]
[video=youtube;P6xnMwEhiSg]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6xnMwEhiSg[/video] Are you ready for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, KH-Vids! Square-Enix has uploaded a new promotional video from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. The trailer features new content such as English gameplay and cutscenes. It's titled as "Vignette #1". We'll be expecting more shortly, but in the mean time check out the video above. It has to be one of the greatest promotional videos of Kingdom Hearts that we've seen from Square-Enix Europe and North America. Brace the 3Dness!
Don't let society influence you for who you are. Just be yourself. That's what I have to say! =)