Search Results

  1. Mike
    Not alcohol. So get your mind out of the gutter! It's Mountain Dew Voltage! It's the sexiest drink EVA!
    Thread by: Mike, Sep 7, 2012, 27 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Mike

    Hello KH-Vids. Last weekend I posted an audition thread in regards to the fandub production for the future Kingdom Hearts videos. As far as auditions (combined with VAA), I've only received five and they didn't start coming in until yesterday. The video was already made and some of the voices were chosen except for the ones I listed in the previous update.

    As a backup, I desperately searched for talent across KHV, YouTube and VAA personally asking people if they were interested in the project. People who I asked to audition for the video sent in their lines quickly and I had enough time to run over the script with them and also run through the auditions received from other members. This time around the auditions were quite small, but in all fairness I was quite impressed from what I've heard. As I've mentioned, if you auditioned right away from when I posted the update you had a better chance of claiming the role. Unlike the actual fandub production casting, this was very scattered and quick due to losing some of my old teammates and it was very important that I published the video as soon as possible.

    Now I've listened to all the auditions. I wasn't able to reply to all, but I did get the majority sent out as soon as possible. If you want a reply back resend your audition so I can answer any questions you have. As far as the video - it is complete. Above you can find the video. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions. I also want to congratulate our member "NemesisPrime" for claiming his role as Master Xehanort.

    I was also impressed with auditions from .:Tale_Wind, Blueserenity7 and chibiwings. Just a friendly shout out for these three.

    Video description: "Future Kingdom Hearts Series: The Story Continues..." is a new video based on the information that was provided in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance (2012). If you haven't played the new Kingdom Hearts title; beware of the spoilers that can be found throughout the video. The purpose of this video is to extend the storyline and enhance the character's information based on what they know from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. It's the final extension to the beginning of Kingdom Hearts III.
    Thread by: Mike, Sep 6, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Mike
    ...There's this bond that's found within one person to the next which is embraced by our presence. And with that bond there's all kinds of emotions. The most incredible part is how someone will remember you. Without the bonds and the impact we've created on ourselves and others; we wouldn't be who we are. It's like those are the pieces that help form who we are as an individual.
    Thread by: Mike, Sep 4, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Mike
    I don't know. Make up one....
    Thread by: Mike, Sep 4, 2012, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Mike
    Hello KH-Vids. As many of you know for the past four years I've been casting members from KH-Vids and VAA in our fandub production. Our Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance fandub production has came to an end, but that hasn't stopped production with other videos.

    In particular I've been working on a new video and it does indeed wrap up the future of the Kingdom Hearts series (fan videos) - at least until the next Kingdom Hearts title. These videos have been shown once in awhile on KH-Vids. The "Future of the Kingdom Hearts Series" are random videos where characters from the series are talking telepathically based on what they've observed or have found out.

    What if Roxas found out that Axel can wield the Keyblade? What if Aqua knew that Ven gave his heart to Sora?

    As I've mentioned I've been working on a new video. Upon this new video I'm looking for characters such as Axel, Xion, Kairi and Master Xehanort. What are the benefits if you are casted as these characters? You're voice will be heard on KH-Vids for this upcoming video, plus you may be re-casted as that character (the role will be put on hold) again in the future productions.

    Please note that I'm looking for members that sound somewhat like the original character. It doesn't have to be perfect, but at least carries somewhat of a similar tone. You can send you're audition to me at Please send in mp3 format. I cannot accept .rar files either. If you have to winzip the files I can accept that but I would prefer the files to just be sent as separate attachments Title you're lines as membername_character_line1.mp3. Yes, you may audition for multiple; if all characters. The faster the audition is sent, the better it is for you. A deadline for this production is Friday, September 7 2012. Please send in your lines ASAP. If I find a voice that I'm happy with the deadline will be terminated. This is a first come first serve situation.

    Name: Kairi
    Line 1: Thinking of you, wherever you are. We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend. Now I will step forward to realize this wish. And who knows: starting a new journey may not be so hard, or maybe it has already begun. There are many worlds, and they share the same sky - one sky, one destiny.

    Name: Xion
    Line 1: You''ll be better of now, Roxas.
    Line 2: Roxas. I need you to do me a favor.

    Name: Master Xehanort
    Line 1: At last, our moment is here! Out with the old and brittle vessel, and in with a younger, stronger, new one!
    Line 2: What do you make of Ventus?

    Name: Axel
    Line 1: All right. Fight, fight, fight. You really don't's know. Axel.
    Line 2: Talk about blank with a capital B.

    Watch our last "Future of the Kingdom Hearts Series" video to understand the production. Please beware of the SPOILER alert. If you have already auditioned for the past productions, give it another shot. If you haven't auditioned before please it a thought. Good luck!

    Thread by: Mike, Sep 2, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Mike


    Because I hate Kingdom Hearts and it's stupid boss
    in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Four hours on proud mode, I just can't do it! This is my Departure. =)
    Thread by: Mike, Sep 1, 2012, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Mike
    ...for the hottest male member poll, I've decided that I need a face transfer. Thank you KHV for boosting my ego.
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 30, 2012, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Mike

    Hello KH-Vids. We have a music update for you.

    Amazon has updated with the upcoming anniversary soundtrack "Kingdom Hearts 10th Anniversary Fan Selection - Melodies and Memories". If you take a look at the pre-order page the release date is slated for September 19 2012. The cover artwork has also been revealed in the pre-order page.

    Kingdom Hearts fans is this an item you'll be adding to your wish list?
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 30, 2012, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Mike
    I missed these days.

    Thread by: Mike, Aug 29, 2012, 32 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Mike

    Hello KH-Vids! Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance has been nominated for best handheld at the 2012 Golden Joystick Awards.

    Not sure if the title will take first place but you can vote today! Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance is up against Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7, Wipeout 2048 and Gravity Rush to name a few.

    For more information and to cast your vote, head over to

    Source: KH13 & our member Dr Wigglz for bringing it to my attention.
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 28, 2012, 13 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Mike


    Is it me or it's really quiet. No news. And I haven't heard from anyone in awhile. I feel so alone. =(
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 27, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Mike
    I miss you bro's. Where have you been?
    I thought it was the five of us. Unstoppable.
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 26, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Mike


    We have done this before, right? Let's follow each other. I need some more KH-Vids buddies.
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 25, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Mike


    I got these killer sunglasses and they're quite sexy. just saying...
    It's actually in my signature. Anyway, yea. How's everyone summer!? Can you believe it's over?
    That's right. Get over it people. =)
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 24, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Mike


    Coke or Pepsi? Make the right choice...
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 24, 2012, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Mike

    Oh My God...

    I miss everyone SO much. What's going on?
    And yes the forums is very SEXY.
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 20, 2012, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Mike
    So...I went to the wax museum in the city yesterday and I saw Britney and I was likeasdjwaodnwoafjwaofhnwqaofjhweaofj. "You'll watch me". Anyway, I just had to pose with her. =)

    Thread by: Mike, Aug 4, 2012, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Mike
    As a Kingdom Hearts fan I learned that I play the game in a unique way. I wanted to share my experience and then hear from the rest of you since it's interesting to hear. Being a Kingdom Hearts fan I learned that I'm very particular about playing new and old games from the series. Could it be an OCD?

    - When I play a NEW Kingdom Hearts game; I always play in proud mode. I feel I'm not a Kingdom Hearts fan if I can't claim beating the title in proud mode first. I like to go backwards from there.
    - Combat. As strange as it sounds I always play the games where I just attack and use commands that give a final blow to an enemy. I never use magic. Is that weird?
    - I enjoy leveling up and taking my time.
    - If I had to say what my deck would look like; cure, cure, hi-potion, potion and some attack commands.
    - I prefer not to use spirits or summons.
    - I have an obsession with using the action command and flowmotion.
    - My favorite enemies are the Heartless followed by the Nobodies. I find the unversed and dream eaters useless and confusing.
    - Playing Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance I enjoy playing the game in 2D. I use the 3D feature for the cutscenes.
    - I love Aerial Recovery.
    - Looking back I really never play the previous titles after completing them once. I spend a lot of time listening to the music and watching the cutscenes. I can recite everything though. I have replayed Kingdom Hearts I and Kingdom Hearts II, but I haven't replayed Re:Coded, Chain of Memories, Days or even Birth by Sleep.
    - Every time I pay a Kingdom Hearts title I became very involved and emotional. It's a feeling as if I was really apart of the story. How sad is that? For a week straight I was affected by Sora and kairi's separation at the end of Kingdom Hearts I.
    - If I could decided I would always want to play as Ven or Roxas in the series.
    - Bring back Kingdom Hearts Trinity please!
    Thread by: Mike, Aug 1, 2012, 6 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Mike

    Hello KH-Vids. Do you know what today is? That's right. Today (July 31 2012) is Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance least for North America. The game originally released in Japan on March 31 2012 and then following a release in Europe on July 20 2012. Today the game has officially released worldwide giving fans around the world a chance join Sora and Riku through a journey for the mark of mastery. It follows the story line after Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded (after Sora, RIku and Kari receive the letter from the king).

    KH-Vids attended the launch party event for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance and we were able to purchase our copy three days (July 28 2012) before the official release. While playing the game, I can say fans will not be disappointed. This title is clearly a MUST have if you are a hardcore Kingdom Hearts fan. So what are you waiting for? Dive into the new Kingdom Hearts. Brace yourself as you drop and go the distance. Who knows, your dreams may come true after all.

    On that note, this is our official "OH MY GOSH KINGDOM HEARTS DREAM DROP DISTANCE RELEASED TODAY" thread. Go bananas, but stay cool!
    Thread by: Mike, Jul 31, 2012, 26 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Mike

    Hello KH-Vids. As many of you know Misty, DPWolf and I headed to New York City yesterday for the launch party for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. We also planned to release recordings of fans where I asked them "Kingdom Hearts turns ten years old. What are your thoughts about the series?" There were a total of five or six videos but it turned out that no one could be heard due to the extreme noise in the background. For those that were looking for their video I apologize about not adding it to our website. I just wanted to mention that for those that come on here to look for it.

    On a lighter note, I just wanted to let everyone know that I did scream "" while we were on line during our two hour long wait.
    Thread by: Mike, Jul 29, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates