Hello KH-Vids. Square-Enix has released a new trailer from Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix. The trailer focuses on Final Mix and its additional content. Only a month shy from the release of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix, have you pre-ordered your copy? There's still time!
Hello KH-Vids. Back in 2009, CGNET ran the Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep fandub production. For two straight years, members across KH-Vids and KH-Recharged dubbed scenes and trailers from the exclusive PSP title. One of the scenes that was dubbed from our cast was the "Wayfinder" scene. It's the third time that we re-dubbed the scene, providing the best voices, mic quality and sfx sounds. The fabulous Kiss_Sensei continues to provide her voice as Aqua. We would also like to introduce our new Terra, AnyProblems123. Ventus is also voiced by Mike (CGNET). Stay tuned for our upcoming future video with Terra, Aqua and Ventus.
Hello KH-Vids. To celebrate the future of the Kingdom Hearts series, the cast of CGNET (KHV & VAA members) have come together launching the first trailer for our production. Over six years we've worked together voicing scenes, trailers, promos and more from Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Birth By Sleep, Re:Coded, and 1.5 HD Remix. Now you can get a sneak peek at the fans who voice as the characters you love from the Kingdom Hearts series in the newly released trailer from CGNET Productions.
I did some thinking and realized that I shouldn't just leave because I'm not reporting as much as I think I should. I honestly love what I do and it's great to take part in the KH-Vids community. I figured if I can continue to get the community involved with projects such as the fandub production and even our Christmas project, that's better than nothing at all, right? I also apologize for giving such short notice. With the future of the series, I'm hoping to at least bring some good projects.
The future of the Kingdom Hearts series continues with the connection that Aqua, Sora and Ven share. Sora begins to telepathically talk to Aqua and Ven, telling them that he found this mysterious Keyblade that he thinks could help him with his upcoming journey. This video follows up from the recent E3 2013 teaser for Kingdom Hearts III. The future Kingdom Hearts videos focuses on a couple of characters that reveal information to each other based on what we know from start to end in the series. This gives a feel for how the character may interact with others if they were able to telepathically communicate. All information is accurate, however what makes theses videos interesting is how they're able to talk to each other even though they are not able to see each other in person. Voice talent has been provided by Mike (CGNET) as Ventus. Kissy_Sensei joins again as Aqua and Greater_bloo as Sora.
I was afraid of this day, but these things do happen sooner or later. I'm resigning my position as a reporter. I was hired in 2008 to maintain the updates on KH-Vids. At the time, former reporter (Xaldin) resigned his position at KH-Vids around 2007 before I joined staff. I would say that I was very lucky. I built a second family, no doubt. I entered KH-Vids and today I felt like I grew with a lot of you at the same time. Entering the KH-Vids community I was able to go through the experience of seeing Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance and now Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix. With all these titles, I was also able to build a close bound with members, especially those involved with the fandub production. Believe it or not, I've been reporting at fan based KH websites since 2005. I've had my share of reporting news. I began my Roxas fandubs around 2006 and from there I also opened my own website. The Roxas fandubs were videos from Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. From those videos, I met so many people (even Xaldin when he was working here). I've worked at a total of three fan-based websites, released over 100 fandubed videos, interviewed four voice actors, worked with an amazing team, communicated with talented members, joined the podcast, ran six fandub productions and maintained my own websites. I'm leaving KH-Vids because I felt I have failed. I've talked to the team since 2012 about leaving, but never actually left. I was scared of leaving, but since we started hiring more reporters, I just felt there wasn't a need for me to help out anymore. By the time I saw news, it was already posted. From 2008-2011 I reported everything myself. I was the only one who brought news and because of those three years, I felt that I was actually helping out and contributing. Today, I feel like I have barely reported on anything from the series. Kingdom Hearts III has finally been confirmed. This is an exciting time, however I don't want to be in the way and just keep a position when I'm not doing anything besides the fandub production. We've all been waiting for this announcement of Kingdom Hearts III. I know this is really an awkward time for me leaving (Kingdom Hearts III announcement and E3 coverage), however Krowley has been doing an amazing job reporting and I know KH-Vids will not suffer from me leaving. If I thought for whatever reason that KH-Vids would be affected, I would stay. I think everyone is in good hands with the staff we have right now. On a personal note, I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm not giving up on everything else. I still manage my two fan-based websites. From time to time, I'm sure I'll dub more videos. In the mean time I have been producing and acting in non-profit movies to help out others. I've interviewed Judy Shepard recently to erase hate. I made a new YouTube channel video-logging about myself and who I am. I really enjoy making a difference and helping out. I don't think I would be where I am today if it wasn't for everything I have listed above with the community. I would say never lose passion of who you are. Everything happens for a reason. I don't have any regrets. I want to thank all of you. A lot of you (members) have helped me through hard times. I've made a lot of friends. I also want to thank the staff for hiring me and putting up with me. If I had to change anything, it would be the way I interacted on here. I wanted to communicate with the staff and members more, but I failed at times and mentioned that to the staff. I never picked myself up with that. I think that was due to my job, school, the websites, videos, etc. As for me leaving as a "reporter", this doesn't mean that I'm leaving as a member. From time to time I will be here to see how everyone is doing at KH-Vids. I want to leave you all with a video. This was a video Xaldin uploaded with hacked gameplay from Kingdom Hearts II. He asked me to voice as Roxas and shortly later I made my way to KH-Vids. This was the start of me reporting at KH-Vids. I'm truly thankful. The video means so much to me, because this was the start of meeting all of you.
Hello Kingdom Hearts fans! Yesterday was a great surprise when we heard the official announcement for Kingdom Hearts III, which will be available on both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Today Square-Enix has posted their press release regarding Kingdom Hearts III, revealing the plot that will unfold soon. Official Website: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/kingdom/kh3/ Source: KH13
I see everyone is glowing in their Kingdom Hearts forms. Everyone looks good tonight. Today makes history!
"1.5 HD Remix - Day 357 (Xion's End)" continues the fandub production for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix. Our team will be voicing selected scenes from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days up until the international release. Our second video from the production continues with a familiar scene. Remember the final scene between Xion and Roxas? Yes, it's not a "new" rendered scene from the title, however our team felt that it was worth recording due to the quality of the scene. Our plan is to release somewhere between 8-12 videos before the official English release. Have a scene in mind? Let us know in the comments section below.
"1.5 HD Remix - Day 150 (Roxas & Axel)" begins the fandub production for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix. Our team will be voicing selected scenes from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days up until the international release. 1.5 HD Remix - Day 150 (Roxas & Axel) is somewhat incomplete. The video was slightly longer, however translations were rough based on the previous dialogue in the DS version of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. Looking to bring the highest level of production, I decided to cut the video short due to extended dialogue, lip sync error, etc. For now, you can call this our "deleted scene" until we release a following video later this month. Our plan is to release somewhere between 8-12 videos before the official English release. Have a scene in mind? Let us know in the comments section below.
DisneyVideoGames has released the first Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix English trailer, which will be shown at PAX East 2013 (an event occurring March 22-24, 2013 in Boston, MA). Remember the trailer from the Jump Festa 2013 event? This is that same trailer, but dubbed in English from the official cast. Please note that the official trailer does not have English text in the following trailer.
If you've watched our fandub production videos and feel that you could lend your voice as Axel, make sure you keep reading. Since I started working at KH-Vids, I've brought my fandub production videos right here. In 2007 I started by dubbing scenes from Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. By the time I started to report at KH-VIds in 2008, I was already embarking in a community project where I would cast members from our own place. This at the time was Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. The production has continued with Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded, Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, the future videos of the Kingdom Hearts series and now Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix. Today the community productions have been scattered across other fansites such as KHU, KHN, and even KHInsider. It's fascinating to see how the community has come together and showcased their talented voices. Now that Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix has released, I'm looking to dub 5-8 scenes from the title. Depending on the exact release date for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix in North America and Europe, a video or two will be shown once a month until the release. Videos will feature Axel, Xion, Roxas, Saix and Xehanort. Newkidaye has been a part of the production since 2009 as Axel/Lea, however he is no longer contributing to the project. We are now looking for someone to play the role as Axel, so please audition for this role. A deadline to audition for Axel is MONDAY, April 1 2013. You must record in MP3 format. The following lines below are what you can send me if you're auditioning for Axel. Please be aware that it doesn't have to be these lines, but you have to at least send me three lines anyway. Send all lines to me at cgnetproductions@aol.com. Line 1: Roxas. All right. Fight, fight fight. Line 2: You really don't remember. Its me. You know. Axel. Line 3: Talk about blank with a capital B.
The future of the Kingdom Hearts series continues with the connection that Aqua and Ven shares as they wait for Sora's arrival. Ventus begins to telepathically talk to Aqua, where they start to remember their memories together. Little does Aqua know that she is in for a surprise finding that links together Sora, RIku, Kairi, her and Ven. The future Kingdom Hearts videos focuses on a couple of characters that reveal information to each other based on what we know from start to end in the series. This gives a feel for how the character may interact with others if they were able to telepathically communicate. All information is accurate, however what makes theses videos interesting is how they're able to talk to each other even though they are not able to see each other in person. Voice talent has been provided by Mike (CGNET) as Ventus. Kissy_Sensei joins us again as Aqua and Kairi. Greater_bloo also makes a slight cameo appearance as Sora, along with Hlmactiii as Riku.
Square-Enix (North America) and Square Enix (Europe) has confirmed that the release of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix will be releasing around Fall 2013. Fans can expect the same exact version that will be releasing in Japan on March 14. Yes that's right! This includes additional enemies, abilities, weapons, cutscenes and much more that were once part of Final Mix when it first released. The Kingdom Hearts (North America) portal has also been transformed. Take a look at the new portal and browse through all the games. http://www.kingdomhearts.com
Learning about the Laramie Project, I felt the need to learn more about Matthew Shepard. In Laramie Wyoming around October 1998, Matthew was brutally attacked and was left alone. When Matthew Shepard passed away (days later) many people spoke out from the hate crime. Since Matthew Shepard passed away, the Matthew Shepard Foundation was created by his parents who continue to share their story. As some of you may know, I've also made a thread on KH-Vids about myself and some struggles that I was facing. This year I interviewed Judy Shepard to continue her message of erasing hate and notify viewers about the major concern of gay bashing and acceptance through the younger and older generations. The interview will be seen on public access channels across the U.S on May 16 2013. Along with informing everyone about this interview, I was also curious about everyone's opinions about equality, same rights and erasing hate. In order to put an end to it, we must react...
Enough said...
This next video from CGNET is another future video for the Kingdom Hearts series that involves Roxas and Xion. Reconnect Xion & Roxas (Memories With Those In Our Heart) is a video that focuses on the friendship between two friends. The timing of the video is to be released a month shy from the HD installment of Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD in celebration of the fully rendered scenes from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. The future Kingdom Hearts videos focuses on a couple of characters that reveal information to each other based on what we know from start to end in the series. This gives a feel for how the character may interact with others if they were able to telepathically communicate. All information is accurate, however what makes theses videos interesting is how they're able to talk to each other even though they are not able to see each other in person. Voice talent has been provided by Mike (CGNET) as Roxas and Verso (who is our new Xion). Greater_bloo also makes a slight cameo appearance as Sora. Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix is set to release in Japan on March 14 2013. A release date has not been announced for North America or Europe as of this time.
The fandub production continues at KH-Vids and KH-Recharged with a new video from the Jump Festa trailer that released in December. The new trailer features content from Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, however the CGNET team has only voiced the 358/2 Days scenes. The fandub trailer was scheduled to release on January 1 2013, however it wasn't complete due to the team. Additionally a scene with Axel from the trailer has been removed from the fandub due to losing our original voice actor. If you're interested in voicing as Axel in our fandub production, feel free to let me know. Suggestions and comments are always appreciated. Vocal Team Namine: Voiced by SS-Chan Roxas: Voiced by Mike (CGNET) Namine: Voiced by SS-Chan Xemnas: Voiced by TheVader74 Xion: Voiced by SS-Chan