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  1. *Hippie Jesus*
  2. *Hippie Jesus*
    Profile Post

    Boston? Florida?

    Boston? Florida?
    Profile Post by *Hippie Jesus* for Kannira the wolf, Aug 1, 2009
  3. *Hippie Jesus*
  4. *Hippie Jesus*
  5. *Hippie Jesus*
  6. *Hippie Jesus*
  7. *Hippie Jesus*
  8. *Hippie Jesus*
    Well I have a few major mental disorders but I'm able to control myself for the most part. Yes I do have those moments of insanity but that happens when I'm alone. So I have to fly to Germany to get myself checked out seeing as it's so rare and there's someone there who can really help me supposedly. I wasn't able to control it very well 5 months ago but now I got a good grip on it.

    I personally don't like using the words mental disorder, it's more of people who need help. Like how depression is a illness, I find that ridiculous that people call it that. So I guess emotions like happiness and love are illnesses too.

    People always look at the person with the 'mental disorder' as a freak which I think is just wrong. We're perfectly normal but we just have our share of issues like everyone else; we just handle it differently.

    They claim that I got mine through the emotional pounding I've went through my life which I guess is somewhat true. You look at a guy from the army come back and seen a lot of death and 2 of his friends died. I'm like that only with 138 deaths and a whole bunch of other disturbing things. I can still function like everyone else I just have these emotional slips once in a while.
    Post by: *Hippie Jesus*, Aug 1, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  9. *Hippie Jesus*
  10. *Hippie Jesus*
  11. *Hippie Jesus*
  12. *Hippie Jesus*
  13. *Hippie Jesus*
  14. *Hippie Jesus*
    Profile Post

    Brb brb brb

    Brb brb brb
    Status Update by *Hippie Jesus*, Jul 30, 2009
  15. *Hippie Jesus*
  16. *Hippie Jesus*
  17. *Hippie Jesus*
    Profile Post

    Up and down. You?

    Up and down. You?
    Profile Post by *Hippie Jesus* for Kannira the wolf, Jul 30, 2009
  18. *Hippie Jesus*
    Rammstein and Movits!
    German and Swedish bands!
    I could never get into Japanese music, I've tried.
    Post by: *Hippie Jesus*, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Music
  19. *Hippie Jesus*
  20. *Hippie Jesus*