Yeah it's been awhile. It's good to see you! How have you been?
God I love her. Sorry about ingorging your page. Anyways, when does school start for you?
I love her.
Through thick and thin we've been together. I had to take a lot of poundings to get her to love me. I didn't care if I got the snot beaten out of...
Anybody here dress in preppy clothes that look like doughnuts?
Depends on the occasion. I'm not gonna wear my pot head shirt to my Grandma's but I'm not wearing my sunday's best at a metal convention. Do I care about what others think of me wearing certain clothes? Hell no.
I wrote a 3 hour speech about her that I had to give to the public. It was a speech about myselfbut I had to include her in there because she's a...
Alright I probably should stop cootying up your page
I could go on and on and on and on and on about how much I love her!
I had to overcome so much to get her but now I have her! I have her! I love her!
I love her!
If you haven't figured out yet I'm a kiss ass to people I love. Seeing as my girlfriend I'm like her slave. I over love her. I have 5 T-shirts of...
Like you needed to know that xD
I'm not sure. Her and I are very simliar only she's a girl making her even more moody then I am. Let's just say periods aren't only a ***** to...
Good to hear. I'm mildly concerned. My girlfriend hasn't called in awhile.
Hi der how are ya?
Hush child soon enough. Jonathan Davis? I'm looking for a better pic because I can see how that could look creepy.
Smack dab in the middle of nowhere working on final decisions on our band. :] I'm most likely gonna be the guy in the backround.
Shweet thanks ;D What have you been up to?
Flipping too many people off again