It's okay to read for long periods of time but don't let it suck you in from the real world. It would probably be best if you didn't read all...
Dude book worms are cool! I read a lot too. I'm currently reading a biography on korn's bass player Feildy. Well I don't mean to brag but I've...
That's a shame. Try sticking to 1-2 places? The last time I let anybody read something of my work with this amount of effort they killed...
Are you one of those people who are too shy to call up their friends? You wouldn't believe how many times I've been told that xD At standard...
Hang with friends? I'm on page 4,693 in microsoft word in size 8 font :]
It'll be my third time going. 1st was for a kick ass vacation, 2nd time was to tour, and now third time for special therapy and see two bad ass...
Good to hear. We had to make a unexpected break quick for my mental health. I have to go to Germany for it but hey I'll catch some Rammstein and...
Who is it?
Locked and loaded. I'm working on it as we speak.
Hi der! How are ya?
I just like how this turned into a birthday thread. Don't worry I remember you, you're a pretty cool member that I never got to know very well. Why'd leave again though?
ohohoho date? have fun Have some sex for me M'kay ;D
Kinda catchy ;D I'm trying to cover all my friend's favorite songs and hopefully post it here. OMFG BRITTANY CALLED BACK OH **** OH ****!!!
I'm sorry the hamster in the wheel got tired and fat
Oh. . . der xD who's it by?
It's my 3rd time going. I toured the first year was just for vacation then the second year I toured there. I also get to see Rammstein backstage HAHA!
Wut ?
Good to hear. I've been up and down but not like way back when. I couldn't control my mental disorder at that point of time. I'm flying to Germany...
I think I start on the 4th or 5th. Not sure. Can you name a song you really like?